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Everything posted by Grizox657

  1. Grizox657

    Battleye EULA problem, Help?

    The Battleeye EULA is also causing a problem for me. I try to launch DayZ and it asks me if I want to view the EULA. If I click YES it displays the EULA, but I can not see the whole EULA and can not scroll or move it in a way to see more of it, even when unlocking and moving my taskbar and am thus stuck with no way to interact with the EULA window. If I click no, DayZ launches, but when I try to join a particular server, the same thing happens. I am asked if I want to view the EULA and if I click YES, I am again stuck with no way to interact with the EULA window and if I click no, DayZ restarts and the same thing happens again. In the folder "C:\Users\Username\Documents\DayZ" there is a file called "Griz.DayZProfile" and when I edit that file, "battleyeLicense=1;" is already there.