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Noble Savage

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About Noble Savage

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Noble Savage

    DayZ and Dimmdrive

    too obvious troll, far too obvious, ignored.
  2. Noble Savage

    DayZ and Dimmdrive

    unfortunately for you I read your first unedited reply and therefore I can't take anything you say seriously, you have just joined your pal on my ignore list ; )
  3. Noble Savage

    DayZ and Dimmdrive

    I have 16GB of RAM but to be honest my performance is not terrible, although any boost would be welcome. I do agree with you that £23 seems a bit steep for what might be a marginal increase in performance and certain added inconvenience. Still be interested to hear from someone that has tried it and benchmarked the results even if that info would be subjective as PC specs can differ wildly.
  4. Noble Savage

    DayZ and Dimmdrive

    There's a utility currently climbing up the steam charts called Dimmdrive. the devs claims it will deliver substantial performance boosts to any game. Here's the storepage link http://store.steampowered.com/app/337070 Just wondering if anyone here has tried it with DayZ, one of the devs has said in a steam forum thread that the utility does indeed deliver a huge boost to Arma 3, of course he would say that : ) Really interested to know what others think of such programs, I'd especially like to hear from anyone that has tried it with DayZ.
  5. Noble Savage

    Least favorite game features

    indeed, an animation would be most welcome, i also agree about 3rd person to a point, at least we have 1pp only available to us, the way i see it 3pp servers attract most of the hackers/trolls/kids and other undesirables so in that sense I am a fan of it.
  6. Noble Savage

    Least favorite game features

    it has, I often die for my principles, it's the only thing worth dying for.
  7. Noble Savage

    Least favorite game features

    being able to access your backpack while sprinting with a gun in your hands, something i refuse to do out of principle.
  8. Noble Savage

    Why is Bohema so bad when it comes to AMD?

    I had a pretty decent AMD set up that coped well with most AAA games but just couldn't handle BIS games, as I love Arma 3 and DayZ i treated myself to an Intel based system and it too copes admirably with most AAA titles and I have to say handles Arma 3 and DayZ very well indeed. I get a steady 25 - 60 FPS depending on where I am, it dips in Cherno but everywhere else averages out at over 45 FPS with a mixture of High to Ultra settings. Nobody wants to rubbish another persons hardware however it is fair to observe that Intel makes superior CPU's and Nvidia makes better GPU's than AMD, AMD are slightly cheaper but you get what you pay for. Right now I would strongly suggest to anyone that loves playing this game but has AMD hardware that struggles with it, you should consider upgrading to Intel if you can, the improved performance is well worth the investment.
  9. Noble Savage

    Now that Rockets gone....

    I agree that any high powered weapons should be extremely rare, a gun like that with a thermal scope should be something most players never even see.
  10. Noble Savage

    Now that Rockets gone....

    To be honest I agree with everything the OP says, although his delivery could be better. I hope they don't put pooping etc in and as for mobile laboratories and viruses that need to be cured, Rocket didn't actually say that did he? can't see how that would fit this game at all. And a back story wouldn't hurt. Even the Anti materiel sniper rifle idea, why not make those in vehicles feel the same sense of vulnerability that us pedestrians are forced to endure? As for thermal scopes, could be a tad over powered but imagine knowing there were thermal scopes out there as you crept along a treeline, would certainly add to the sense of jeopardy that this game thrives on... they would need to be extremely rare but now we have the beginnings of a centralized loot economy why not? edit - and EVERYBODY calls them Zombies or Zeds, no matter what Rockets original intentions the community has overruled him on that one.
  11. I have had dayz for a couple of months and have played 68 hours, I love the game but I love life more.
  12. Noble Savage

    multiple accounts from one PC = GUID chaos

    Submitted a ticket, link here - http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=20374 will try what you suggest SmashT
  13. Noble Savage

    multiple accounts from one PC = GUID chaos

    cheers, will do. There's definitely something odd happening, i am currently unable to log into any of my whitelisted servers, also, I didn't edit my house mates IGN and when in game I show up as him on the player list. Anyway, I will submit a ticket now.
  14. I share use of a desktop pc with my 2 housemates, we all have Steam accounts and two of us own seperate copies of DayZ. Now, if my housemate has played DayZ since I last played wheni log in I get his character up on my screen and his character name, the same goes in reverse, if I finish up and log out of Steam when my friend logs into his steam account and boots up his Dayz game he gets my character and in game name. This is annoying but not game breaking however things have taken a stranger turn... It seeme we share a GUID, or at least Steam/dayz client is occasionally confusing our GUID's along with our characters and names. I know this because I submitted my GUID to a whitelisted server and my friend didn't. However, when logging from the desktop we can both play on that server, although if my friend plays dayz twice without me playing in between we can neither of us join the whitelisted server. This is not the case when we log into steam /dayz from our own laptops. It doesn't take much imagination to see the potential for serious problems, for example if one party hacked the other may get the ban not to mention trolling of friends etc, we are both too mature for either of those but i am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of other players in a similar situation who are unaware of this. Are the devs aware? and are there plans to address it?
  15. Noble Savage

    Fix 1st Person Head Torch Please.

    +1 This issue needs addressing and I imagine it wouldn't take too much work, the way the headtorch is now makes an otherwise awesome piece of kit pretty much unusable.