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Everything posted by ChrisHD

  1. ChrisHD

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Currently at Novaya Petrovka.
  2. ChrisHD

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Made my first Woodland Ghillie suit today. Spring hunter clothing, Smersh vest with backpack, Winchester Model 70 with Hunting scope and improvised suppressor, Black Military boots with Combat knife, 6 Cans of food, 2 Bottles of water , Medicals, Ammo, Sewing kits and a spare suppressor!
  3. ChrisHD

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    This fresh spawn thought he was dead. Nope! We gave him a rain coat, hi-cap vest, food, drink and a back pack! Have a nice adventure my friend.
  4. ChrisHD

    ROOFTOP SNIPER - DayZ Standalone

    Hello everyone! After been shot at by a sniper while i was looting Cherno i decided to get a higher position to try and spot him. After 1hr and 30mins of watching him try to snipe everyone he saw in Cherno i really wanted this guy dead! I was hoping he would show himself properly so i could get a clear shot but unfortunately he didn't and my patience run out so i did the best i could with the tiny part of his body i could see! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuyPY70QBkM Hope you enjoy and thank you for watching!
  5. ChrisHD

    ROOFTOP SNIPER - DayZ Standalone

    Thank you dude! :)
  6. ChrisHD

    ROOFTOP SNIPER - DayZ Standalone

    Haha, Thank you dude. Much appreciated.
  7. ChrisHD

    Berezino Bandits - DayZ Standalone

    Hello! Myself, TheCGKgamer and our good friend slaughter decide to venture into berezino to see who's around. After taking a sniper shot we see 2 guys running towards us so we back off to take position.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8weXLpHpWY Hope you enjoy the video! Thank you for watching. Chris.
  8. Hey guys. Here's a few cinematic clips of Veresnik military base, AKA Vybor military. Hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbg5glzvWOo Chris.
  9. ChrisHD

    Language Barrier - DayZ Standalone

    Hello! Here's my latest video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psrjAuTlI1w Hope you enjoy and thank you for watching Chris.
  10. ChrisHD

    Language Barrier - DayZ Standalone

    Thank you. The kind words mean a lot and are much appreciated.
  11. ChrisHD

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Here's a few more images of the White hunter clothing and SVD!
  12. ChrisHD

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Here's my current player.
  13. While waiting for the next patch i thought i would try something a little different. A cinematic video, Looking around the Prison Island! Hope you guys like it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-Efj8vxzbU
  14. ChrisHD

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Relaxing by the camp fire after a spot of fishing!
  15. ChrisHD

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Not my usual military style but really enjoying using both of these characters with minimal gear.
  16. ChrisHD

    Day Z Videos

    After taking a break from Standalone, I'm back playing the Overpoch Mod. You may need to turn your volume up quite a bit. The low volume has been fixed for future videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNd3NmtVSRM
  17. ChrisHD

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    PM73 RAK and an AK Bayonet i gave to a couple of friends after finding them at a Russian heli crash site in Zelenogorsk.
  18. Hey Guys! Here's my latest video. Vybor Military Ambush! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0tHyFy4u5I Hope you enjoy.