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Everything posted by MentalCaseSpaz

  1. MentalCaseSpaz

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I'm a massive DayZ fan especially Arma2 DayZ mod. I have found this game to be frustrating at times (yes I know it is Alfa). I play DayZ standalone and DayZ experimental once a fortnight to see how and if it has progressed. Pros so far: More loot Character seems to be less needy (I want I want I want). Graphics are less glitchy. There are now Zombies/more Zombies. :thumbsup: I like the background noises as it helps with the immersion. Cons so far (and probably a little rant): Hit detection with melee weapons is shocking still. Zombies can apparently see through several building walls and chase me down as they are faster than my character. Vaulting over walls is hit and miss and sprinting up hills to out run zombies is impossible as you can not sprint up hills or run. Zombies can glitch through walls and glitch attack you out of nowhere. What I would like to see: The main enemy in this game to be fixed would be a good start. It seems that the zombies are fairly half arsed. From what I have been reading vehicles are a priority which is fine but I would like to see zombies with better AI and more boundaries in their detection; For an example, a zombie can see me in the prone position behind a building three buildings away. It is really frustrating especially when you just get started, you decide to loot a town and a zombie spots you, may as well call it game over.