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About dddreck

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    On the Coast

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  1. dddreck

    Tie up infected

    Isn't it possible to knock them out with a charged stun batton?
  2. dddreck

    Vomit Mechanics

    Vomiting already has this effect:
  3. dddreck

    Vomit Mechanics

    It happed now a few times that my character has eaten the wrong food, or accidentily drunk some gasoline. So in order to get the dangerous stuff out of my stomach, I had to throw up. At the current state of the game, I guess the only way to do so, is to drink/eat until your character can't keep his/hers stomach contants. So I would recommend an option to simply stick your finger into your throat and force yourself to vomit. It's easy, it's realistic, everybody would do it. Also there should be a mechanic to force other players to throw up (like force feed).
  4. dddreck

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    By Walking Dead like zombies I didn't mean to increse the number of them, what I would really like to see are zombies who can't sprint (jogging is ok though), and can only killed by headshots. Bodyhits should only cripple them. I know that BI has a different approch by calling them infected, but for me and I guess many others, the classic conception of a zombie, would be much more tempting. The number of appearence of the infected looks pretty nice for what I've seen in 0.61. btw: What next title of BI are you refering to, or was it just speculation?
  5. dddreck

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    A decent melee system A more userfriendly player controller (e.g. Compass Hotkey) The Walking Dead like zombies (but I think custom server mods will fix this)
  6. dddreck

    Mini Karma System

    Hi there, I was recently thinking about a way to connect DayZ with a kind of Karma Sytem, that doesn't effect the game in a drastic way. As far as I know in hindu belives, you will be reborn as a lower kind of living when your present lifestyle is not the way of light. Soooo what about that: If you get into a gunfight, take the first shot and kill your opposite, after you will die, you will respawn in prisoners clothes. As long as you wear them others will see that you played in a "bandit-way" with you previous character, and avoid/attack/rob you. What do you think. s it too esoteric, too stupid, too unimportant? Or do you think it will change the playstyle just a little bit that you think twice before distant-KOS and stuff? PS: I don't think that real prisoners are lower kind of living, it just would be fun in the game I think.