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About Aimex

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    On the Coast
  1. Aimex

    Compass glitch or magnetic polar reversal?

    Happened to me also. I don't know landmarks so well yet so I rely on the compass to get me to where I want to go. It took me a bit to realize that I was heading southwest into cherno instead of the north western direction I wanted to go. I can only use the compass for pure east and west bearings since north/south is obviously bugged atm.
  2. To clarify I was referring to "boresighting" a long range scope to a rifle. This ensures your hitting what your crosshairs are aiming at. This can be done at any close distance once you initially attach the scope. I think some are confusing that with the incremental range settings or range "zeroing". Zeroing the scope up and down using page up/down works fine and shouldn't need any additional tools since the scope has already been boresighted. I just think that if you want to be effective at long range than simply attaching any long range scope to a rifle should require this extra step. My opinion of course. Some if not most wont agree, thats fine by me. Perhaps it does skirt that fun to realism line a bit. Someone mentioned the scopes condition as a modifier. Yeah that's actually a good idea. Found a worn out scope? Gonna have to sight it in to make it work.
  3. Keeping true to the realism factor here. We all know that one does not simply attach a scope to a weapon and PRESTO! Now off to sniper hill. Personally I would like to see less people sniping fresh spawns along the coastal cities. Requiring someone to spend rounds and risk of being heard would balance things a bit no? If this could be implemented in any way it would really add a sense of progression that the game sort of needs right now. Scopes should be a rare find and once you obtain one and head out to the boonies to fire off a few rounds to ensure its set right for accuracy. Maybe require a screwdriver or special tool for this.