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Everything posted by Thumper1999

  1. Thumper1999

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    update just finished It is time to venture into the new dayz update now. :)
  2. Thumper1999

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Finally a new stable update is here. :) P.S how is the loot this update. ;)
  3. Thumper1999

    Awaiting .57

    at least 0.57 will have loot this time. ;)
  4. Thumper1999

    DayZ Battleye ban

    contact battle eye support. If only battle eye ban message it should tell you to contact support@battleeye.com if you are banned in the mod you are also banned from all battle eye games.
  5. Thumper1999

    Status Report - 09 Jun 2015

    At least there is more loot added to the game soon ;)
  6. Thumper1999

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    dont worry people the loot will be fixed next stable update. ;)
  7. Thumper1999

    Different celerities for zombies.

    add a clown zombie ;)
  8. Thumper1999

    [0.57] Showcase Showdown

    I like the video this brought some hype to dayz.
  9. I notice my FPS drop in a city.
  10. Thumper1999


    If your still having issues with the loot. Wait for 0.57 update it is coming soon.
  11. Thumper1999

    Status Report - 06 May 15

    I hope the loot is fixed
  12. Thumper1999

    alternate ways of starting fires

    I started this idea already http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/221801-a-new-way-to-start-a-fire/?hl=%2Bnew+%2Bway+%2Bto+%2Bstart+%2Bfires#entry2228059
  13. Thumper1999

    Night vision equipment

    Night vision goggles- This will help you see in night-time servers. You can wear them on your head. Night vision scopes- good for a Night time server K.O.S and hunting. so far I thought of 2 ideas
  14. Thumper1999


    the newest compass and damaged compasses are difficult to read
  15. Thumper1999

    Night vision equipment

    No one thought of night scope
  16. Thumper1999

    Night vision equipment

    I did not know
  17. Thumper1999

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    its a nice update but 2 things I don't like about the update Zombies are way too strong (Nerfed) seems to be no loot on any servers.
  18. Thumper1999

    A new way to start a fire

    what new ideas do you want to start a campfire in dayz? what other ideas do you want? Note this poll will be edited.
  19. Thumper1999

    A new way to start a fire

  20. Thumper1999

    Prison Island worth a visit?

    I have not been to the prison island yet. but im still on my way there.
  21. Thumper1999

    A new way to start a fire

    @ Dayz developers. what do you think about these ideas of new ways to start a fire?
  22. Thumper1999

    "Friendly" Players who KOS behind your back.

    The moral of the story don't trust anyone at all even if you are on a friendly server.
  23. Thumper1999

    My lucky day

    I went to loot a castle looking for a sword and found my first V3S in the castle. So I entered the V3S and it had a full tank of gas. I took the V3S for a joy ride all across the map running over zombies. until the V3S ran out of gas and the server disconnected. It was the best day ever. Here is the screenshot of the V3S I was driving.
  24. Thumper1999

    My lucky day

    If you wonder what castle I found the V3S it was black mountain.
  25. Thumper1999

    My lucky day

    I couldn't find a sword