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Everything posted by Thumper1999

  1. Thumper1999

    Issue In 0.58 Post Hotfix

    use the bug tracker to report that not the forums https://feedback.dayz.com/my_view_page.php
  2. zombies will be back in 0.59 update.
  3. Thumper1999


    the zombies will be back in 0.59 update.
  4. there will be more zombies when 0.59 stable arrives and cross your fingers for the loot to be fixed.
  5. Thumper1999

    Me And My Friend Banned For No Reason

    if you are just banned from a server report it here is the link https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/ . if you are global banned you need to got to battleye support. no one here can help you here is the link. http://www.battleye.com/support/
  6. Thumper1999


    what about taking car parts from wrecked vehicles all over the map.
  7. Thumper1999

    loot info

    move inland and eat many apples or grow crops to eat. The loot does not respawn this update but next update will fix this issue.
  8. Thumper1999

    Scavenging wire from vehicles

    I also think that this would be a good idea and also finding parts from vehicle wrecks for car parts like tires,spark plugs, batteries.
  9. Thumper1999


    next month is when the next stable update.
  10. Thumper1999

    DayZ Ban Problem

    please read this https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/203442-global-be-or-vac-bans/ no one here can help you
  11. Thumper1999

    DayZ Standalone 0.59 Update - What To Expect

    I think the 3 new vehicles will be the best thing I aim to use once 0.59 update will hit.
  12. Thumper1999

    How to report a server and admin?

    this link will help you https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  13. Thumper1999

    Looking at patch .58 In General, What has changed?!

    no new loot re spawns on a server restart
  14. Thumper1999

    Spawn location suggestion...

    what about spawning on the west coast near the prison island and the Balota airfield.
  15. Thumper1999

    finally,release 0.58 on Stable

    im just excited to see 0.58 tomorrow :)
  16. Thumper1999

    DayZ 0.58 Stabel Update (Spoof News Video)

    that was an awesome video there :beans:
  17. Thumper1999

    Status Report - 14 Aug 2015

    the new vehicles are really cool cant wait to drive one.
  18. Thumper1999

    Do you even like PVP?

    if only the devs added PVE for the players who don't like killing other players and will make the game more peaceful.
  19. Patience is a virtue you need to wait.
  20. Thumper1999

    ROOFTOP SNIPER - DayZ Standalone

    nice shot :D
  21. run across the map and you will make it there.
  22. Thumper1999

    No loot Spawning (Vilayer).

    must be a server side bug.
  23. Thumper1999

    Hunting Scope

    I found lots of weapon attachments in a deer stand
  24. Thumper1999

    Stable 0.57 Full Showcase

    0.57 is a better update than 0.55. why because C.L.E. is now working better then ever before. That was a cool intro to this update Septic Falcon Edit: spelling
  25. Thumper1999

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    This update was really good In a town I scavenged I found : IZH (double barrel shotgun) 3 cans of spaghetti 1 can of bacon 1 can of peaches 2 Cans of beans press vest 2.2 mag 1 backpacks crossbow 1 powered milk cleaver steak knife. Winchester rounds Im starting to like C.L.E. now since its more improved :) 0.57 FTW