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OB1 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by OB1 (DayZ)

  1. its kind of funny 2 read all those post "hackers on us 50 , hacker on fr10 , hackers on de 1045" and so on ... lol they are every were it seems like there are 50% hackers who still play dayZ :( the last 3 servers i joint with over 30 man on i got teleportet and killed in not longer then 5mins OMG ! .and all my good stuff gone once again :( ..this game just got 2 a big kiddy small coc* hacker party ! like i say sum 1 with good equip will get killed (teleportet) on a full server in not longer then 5mins ! ...its got totaly out of controll :( shame on u hackers u killed sutch a brilliant mod/game its so bad right now that u have no change 2 play anymore except on a empty server :( i got killed so often by hacker and lost everything i dont rlly care about it , and i cout allways ignore those kiddys ...but right now were in a stage that u arnt able 2 play anymore cuz out of 10 player on the server there will be 1 hacker who toys u and finlly killes u ! sad but true :(
  2. looks like the servers arnt sync with the hive anymore...maybe cuz of 10 beat patchs a day xD
  3. OB1 (DayZ)

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    same here !
  4. OB1 (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suit / Backpack (Bug)

    well, this is since a few versions like that. just drop your backpack befor u put on a ghillie or camo...
  5. after u build a tent ...save it (empty) w8 till server restart ....then u have ur empty tent, and you can start puting items in them with put loosing em. works for me like that...
  6. OB1 (DayZ)

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    i had same problem ...just rollback to v1.7.1.5 and play with me :D ...all my m8s on 1.7.2 and i cant join ...but i dont want 2 drive alone so,any1 here who using and want 2 play with me ? (im german,got ts3 server)
  7. suche ein mitspieler hab ein ts sever und ein grosses camp und ein auto! (alle meine clan m8s spielen auf v1.7.2 und da komm ich nicht drauf )keine lustm mehr alllein auf gefangen sein!
  8. OB1 (DayZ)

    jmd deutsches der spielt?

    lol, :D never thougth this topic could get that funny xD ...sry if i coursed problems^^
  9. just rollback to all works fine for me now (armax user) and i have may caracter back
  10. OB1 (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    i search for sum friendly players in v1.7.1.5 ...since all my m8s are playing the new version that i cant conect,im alone :( im friendly 2 most surviers got a ts server a big camp(with lots of stuff) a car and so on... im rly bored of driving alone through chernarus.. whould love 2 team up with a few players on v1.7.1.5 my english my not the best cuz im german...
  11. well i got armax and im stuck in loading screen every server every try! no matter what i do .... so now im wondering did i do sumthing wrong or is it sumthing i cant fix or is it for all armax users ? im rly want 2 play again , since 1.7.1 i wasnt rly able 2 play(only on old beta) :( thats 3 weeks now ...is there any hope for me as armax user? or do i have 2 buy the single version? cuz i dont wanna w8 a nother few weeks ...i would rather buy new version so it would be rly nice 2 tell us what we can expect when it gets fixed?
  12. OB1 (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    yes! i guess all we can do is w8 w8 and w8 again :(
  13. OB1 (DayZ)

    1.7.2 char gone?

    welll i finally found a ghillie suit and i had a m4a1 occ ,coyote backpack,night google,gps,a cz in backpack...meat,medic's and drinks .... now with 1.7.2 all is gone :( i have 2 respawn ...well this is not rly a problem (since i respawn a day like 10 times) but a few of my m8s kept all they got ... now im wondring is there a way 2 get my stuff back? or did i do sumthing wrong ? or i had sum item what was buged or got deletet?? thx for awnser ps:thx for the hard work on 1.7.2 i can finally play (most servers) again with my armaX <3
  14. OB1 (DayZ)

    armaX user can play now??

    vipeax could u maybe check my id if sumthing got corrupeted, or is it a problem we cant fix? would be very nice :) atm im reistaling the game and sixupdater once again :o 254210AX OB1 im now on blank version(no sixupdater no beta patch no dayz) what should i do IF there is a way 2 fix it?? (it worked with rolling back 2 beta 93965 with V and on V 1.7.1 it worked all like it should ...for me) but now is there any hope for me?? lol i got this game 5 weeks now, u dont wanna know how mutch time i spent 2 get it working since
  15. OB1 (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    well sumthing what would help me just 2 know ..... IS THERE ANY ARMA ANNIVERSARY EDITION WORKING? its feels like not! i dint see any armax where its working ! i dont want 2 try and try and try over and over if there is no fix for armax :) what a rym ^^
  16. OB1 (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    ? it still wont work for me ... 3 weeks ago it was said the armax problem will get fixed in the next few h 7h ago it was said the loadig problem (seems like its armax problem aswell) well be fixed i the next 5 h :o im rly confused now,what can i do? am im doing sumthig wrong? but i think i tryed everytihng !! and now after days trying 2 fix the armax problem on 1.7.1,5 and atleast 7h trying 2 fix the the problem with 1.7.2 im getting bored of it! pls pls help !
  17. OB1 (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    yap i tryed every< thing ....nothig works ,im arma x user aswell and im w8ting since weeks that i can play with my armax :( i guess armax owners just did a unlucky buy :( ....i dont think there is any armax user that cout play normaly in the last 3 weeks ...(only if u downgrate the betapatch, and now since 1.7.2 there are hardly no servers anymore with 1.7.1 beta 93965) im kind of angry aswell since i w8 3 weeks long ...2join my home servers and my clan m8s again :(
  18. OB1 (DayZ)

    Can't join servers since update

    it rly seems like its an armax problem again :(
  19. OB1 (DayZ)

    Can't join servers since update

    tryed and it dint work ....i reinstalled every thing atleast once
  20. OB1 (DayZ)

    "Waiting for Character to create" - Read this!

    same for me ...im arma x user aswell ...seems like we have 2 face the next big problem for arma x user :(
  21. OB1 (DayZ)

    Can't join servers since update

    nothing works :( im trying and trying allways stuck in black loading screen, somthing 2 do with batteleye?
  22. OB1 (DayZ)

    Can't join servers since update

    i pas that ....but i get stuck after in the famouse blackloading screen (with no loading bar, just black screen with loading in the middel of it)
  23. OB1 (DayZ)

    Can't join servers since update

    oh well im a armax user :( so no steam for me .... maybe this problem is only for armax users AGAIN ...hope not :(
  24. OB1 (DayZ)

    Can't join servers since update

    would be very stupid if not :o ...yes ofc we do (well i do) like i sayed befor i probebely got all bug that u ever could get so i think i know alot about all that stuff by dealing with all those bugs ...but i rly cant get it working :(
  25. OB1 (DayZ)

    Can't join servers since update

    no i dont get erros ....i just get stuck in loding screen every server !! if i update beta patch 94700 maulay and join with beta exe, (manually) i pass loding screen but get the erro the your running a incorret version of dayz ...blablaafter w8 and w8 for 1.7.2 (cuz im a armax user and wasent able 2 join most server) now this !! ahhhh why allway on me? ^^ what can i do ??? it seems alot of players can play ....and me once again cant :( ...pls helpedit: + i lost my char with 1.7.2 (i was able 2 join yesterday for maybe 30min all was fine,just time enouth 2 reconize that my very good equipt char was gone)