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About elaintahra

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  1. elaintahra

    Serverhoping new location shit

    thanks thanks
  2. elaintahra

    Serverhoping new location shit

    Maybe you can name one or two?
  3. elaintahra

    Anti Ghosting/Server Hopping Measures

    I heard if you stay on the same server you wont get teleported away. If you server hop you will, so it's your own choice? Also if there is someone close to spawn point, you should not spawn there (I saw a developer write).
  4. elaintahra

    Serverhoping new location shit

    Why Official servers are not the place to be? All the Community servers have strange shit modding on them like MORE GUNS!|ALL CARS!|TON OF LOOTS!|.RU
  5. elaintahra

    Wosrst server hopping solution ever

    Much better than the previous solution which was to allow server hopping
  6. elaintahra

    One character per server, please devs!!!

    Ghosting into bases: There was already a solution in H1Z1, if there is a base in the spot you are spawning, you spawn a bit farther out -> problem solved
  7. Dude 🙂 That would't help in this case at all
  8. elaintahra

    Experimental Update 1.0150625

    I'll report you for using windows 7 man
  9. Hah wtf. Next you're proposing they add a third gender
  10. elaintahra

    SKS Spawn

    Have found many in military tents and barracks. I mean many. Some barracks can have 2-3 in the same building. This was in Village Community server
  11. elaintahra


    They're having fun https://imgur.com/a/ttV3IIg
  12. elaintahra

    Visit to Chernarus in real life

    Wait, I thought Serpentine Fashion ain't the thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szcviFDt9xM
  13. hi, I'm going to Czech in october for a week and I've rented a car. I am planning to visit Usti nad Labem - Decin and the land between them. Has anyone (maybe locals?) done any driving around there and can anyone recommend any good route or DayZ landmarks to visit? thanks