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Chaka (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Chaka (DayZ)

  1. Chaka (DayZ)

    Your fetish item

    Hi everyone, I always wanted to know if other survivors had something like an item which represent them. For example, I always have my Tactical Bacon cap so everyone knows (When I play in a group) that the one with a Tactical Bacon hat it's Chaka. My friend is the cowboy hat, I would like to know if other people do this kind of thing or I'm being crazy right here x)
  2. Chaka (DayZ)

    Low FPS with a good computer.

    Hey everyone, I have a weird bug, I have a 2000$ computer and I still have very bad performance on DayZ. (Build link at the end) First of all the loading time is very long, all of my friends can load the game very more fast then me. When I enter a server it can say "Please wait " or "wait for host" for barely 1 to 2 minutes. Sometimes it kills me because my player is logged in the game but the loading take too long before I can play. It's not my internet connection because even when opening the game before getting "I understand" button it takes 1 or 2 minutes. Second, I can't play higher then Normal or maybe sometimes low because if so I will get 15 FPS in city or when combat a zombie. I mean, if I would have a crappy computer I would understand why I get bad FPS but with a 2000$ rig it should be very higher then this. Third, Sometime I get this weird bug, my screen freeze but games still play, and then it unfreeze but I have something like 2-5 fps and I can't play. If someone have some kind of fix for these because I start to be pissed off a little bit. Complete build : http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/JsJv23
  3. Chaka (DayZ)

    What should I keep and what should I drop/trade?

    You should drop the SKS. The SKS is a good weapon but if you have an ak, I would take it over an sks.
  4. Chaka (DayZ)

    are duping and hack issues fixed ?

    At least I got recognition.
  5. Chaka (DayZ)

    are duping and hack issues fixed ?

    There's people glitching but never heard of any kind of hacking since the game is developed in the same way of a MMO like WoW the game is very hard to hack near impossible.
  6. Chaka (DayZ)

    My first bandit experience

    I really like to hear other people DayZ story please more. :rolleyes:
  7. Chaka (DayZ)

    Haven't played in a while

    Sometimes it's not non detection hit bugs and all that stuff but only the player not having a good precision. I was always blaming everything when I started to play "Why is that zombie so laggy", "Why my hit never touch him?", "Why does it take an hundred machete hit to make this zombie die. I was complaining on how the servers was laggy and all that stuff. I learned some tricks to have a better precision and kill him faster, like always hit the head and some other movement tricks. I don't want to say your bad at aiming to hit zombies but maybe that's the problem in some kind of way :p
  8. Chaka (DayZ)

    SinglePlayer or Lan.

    I know that this thread have already been made but it was back in jan/feb 2014 so I thought it would be cool to talk about it. You never thought that playing singleplayer or in lan mode on DayZ SA would be something fun to try. I really know that one of the core of the game is the bandit hero and meetup but I always wanted to play singleplayer. Sometimes I don't have internet connection for some reason and singleplayer would be a great way to still play even though there's no more connection. Then you could still have to survive, you wouldn't be bored after 2 minutes because you don't know what to do, you still have to find ressources to survive. Back in Feb 2014 there was a poll and there's a majority who voted yes to the idea : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/174916-server-hosting-without-paying-or-singleplayerlan/?mode=show Multiplayer and singleplayer (or lan) would be separate character so it wouldn't interfere in any way with the multiplayer, there would not be some player highly geared because they was looting singleplayer and then they come multiplayer kill people. I think it would just add something more to the game, it wouldn't make people stop playing online. Sometime I just feel more playing alone then with other people.
  9. Chaka (DayZ)

    Your fetish item

    Well at first I thought that I was the only one doing this kind of things but with the number of replies, I'm not alone doing this.
  10. Chaka (DayZ)

    Your fetish item

    That's not the kind of fetish item I meant.
  11. Chaka (DayZ)

    SinglePlayer or Lan.

    I totally agree, people who want it, would be happy with it and people who don't want it just ignore. Yeah, the devs are working on a lot of other things at the moment and I find it cool. I really want to see cars before SP but it would be a great thing having it tough.
  12. Chaka (DayZ)

    Your fetish item

    It must be hard find those specific items everytime.
  13. Chaka (DayZ)

    Your fetish item

  14. Chaka (DayZ)

    Your fetish item

    Last died with 4 in my rucksack, it takes priority over food, water and ammunition. Why I have nicknamed it the Red Rooster: If anyone finds one from here on out, I demand it be called a Red Rooster. Steak. Oh my god. I feel like I have to call this helmet Red Rooster now. What have you done.
  15. There's some server called "Character reset server" a good tricks is to mainly look at the name.
  16. Chaka (DayZ)

    Low FPS with a good computer.

    Yeah, that's what I thought at first but there was maybe some kind of fix for it because it's very bad having to play like this while the patch come..