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Everything posted by therandomredstone

  1. therandomredstone

    Character resets

    There was DDOS attack that occurred almost the entire day yesterday and ended around 8pm US Central Time. I didn't play at all till the DDOS attack ended (I watched movies from 11am to 8pm at night so I could play). Anyways if you were playing around noon yesterday, then that might be your problem, or idk. You also have to play on correct servers. ANY "Multiplay:" or "gameservers.com" are always super safe servers. If you play on servers that are called "the chicken burrito" or just something random, those servers are the least bit safe. Or it might just be bad luck. (FWI they have a scheduled character wipe for EVERYONE 3-6 weeks from now for the 2015 year after they add in the 0.53 update that fixes loot spawning and such.) just thought you should know.
  2. You and your friend don't deserve to help with the development of this alpha game, first of all, not everyone lost their gear yesterday. There was a DDOS attack and every time I'm about to play DayZ I am always on these forums for 20 or so minutes. That's how I found out that there was a DDOS attack, then I started the most popular topic where everyone was sharing tweets, thoughts, questions, answers and such about the issue. I was going to play DayZ 11 o'clock in the morning, but wasn't able to till 8pm at night. I, along with a lot of others have EVERY.SINGLE.BIT. of my gear because we are contributing to the development of this game. I post suggestions, help people out with their questions, ask questions myself, even though the game isn't what it will soon be in the future I'm fine with that. By the way there is the FIRST scheduled character wipe in 3-6 weeks. They want everyone to 'start fresh' for year 2015 when they add in 0.53 which tinkers with loot and such, and guess what? me, and ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE are perfectly fine with that! because everyone will be reset, everyone will pretty much be at the same level (player/gear wise). This game is alpha, you spent your own 30$ to play this game and before you bought it you read the agreement, "WARNING: THIS GAME IS EARLY ACCESS ALPHA. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME AND ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE WITH SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF GAME FUNCTIONING.". Right now you are deciding to go against this agreement and you are thinking that because this is a game, it should be perfect. But since its in alpha, the regular standards for finished games don't apply, and your problem is that you think they do! Just don't play DayZ till its completely finished then.
  3. therandomredstone

    Several suggestions improving DayZ experience

    there already is a key to toggle running. I can run through a 1000 meter field without touching my keyboard.
  4. therandomredstone

    Specs of Servers

    There are servers that I really enjoy playing on, but on their name it doesn't say if the server is persistent, and 24/7 day and what not. They should add in a feature, that makes it to where you can see if the server's specs. Lets say you find a server called "A DayZ Server". Lets say this server always has a fair amount of players and you really enjoy playing on it, but lets say you enter a situation where its crucial to drop your backpack and gun in a bush somewhere before confronting a group of potential bandits but you know the server is going to restart soon and you don't know if the server is persistent. In the "filter" button when searching for servers, there should be a box for "24/7 day" a box for "full day/night cycle" and a box for "persistent" and hell.. maybe even a box for hardcore or regular mode. Anyways I think if I actually knew which of my favorite servers (and I think I speak for everyone when I say this) are persistent, day/night, and whatnot. So just add in a few new things in the filter button. It would put a LOT of us at ease. (edit) I am aware that some servers say in the title if they are persistent or not. I'm talking about the servers that do NOT say if they're persistent or not in the title.
  5. therandomredstone

    Graphic Issue

    Config>Video>user interface>resolution, then set to your desired resolution (most people's resolution is 1920x1080x32)
  6. therandomredstone

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    there was a DDOS attack going on yesterday. there is going to be a scheduled swipe within the next 3-6 weeks. They want everyone to 'start fresh' for 2015 which isn't really a bad thing.
  7. therandomredstone

    Puking After Eating/Sprinting

    +1 from me. anyone else?
  8. almost all day yesterday there was a DDOS attack going on, it ended at about 8pm central American time. Anyways if you were playing during this attack then there were a bunch of things wrong with the servers and game and stuff. (you're lucky your character didn't reset)
  9. therandomredstone

    Specs of Servers

    I am aware of that. But im talking about the servers that do not say if they're persistent or not.
  10. therandomredstone


    I would like to share a story that had happened to me and a friend in DayZ just 10 minutes ago. So me and a friend had just met up for the first time in two days, it was really fun. We met in Electro and looted, walked around. We decided that we were going to greet other players, and trade with them maybe even if they didn't want to (we took things they wanted to keep and gave them things in return for their cooperation). Anyways we were in some trees east of electro past that one warehouse with the sign, we waited for about 10 minutes, no signs of life. So we decided to head back into electro and immediately after doing so things were different. I had that feeling I never had besides once. We were jogging through with our guns out, focused, ready to greet anyone we encountered (friend or foe). We had jogged past the jail, I decided to close the door and if it was opened when I went to see it we would know that there was player activity. At this point we are at the church, doors closed and all. "Odd.." I thought to myself, churches never have closed doors.. We went in and the bible was gone and there was a .357 speed loader on the ground and I said "whoa now, this DOES NOT belong here." and sure enough in a corner my friend had found an improvised courier bag that was empty. We assumed it was a stash point and we exited the church. When we exited and were standing there planning our next move on tracking the crafter of the fairly made backpack, we heard gunshots. Well.. at least my friend did and that was normal. So I made the next decision, to cut through the small courtyard to the right of the church. We did so and we were on a road with 4 or 5 three story buildings, in front of one of them was a leather sewing kit and a burlap sack. Those did NOT spawn there, (more strange activity). So I didn't think there was anything inside of the building, but when I was surveying the surrounding area and thinking of our next move, my friend went in and said "hey, there's an ak101" in a casual tone. I FLIPPED OUT like crazy and ran in to follow him, there was a full med kit, two guns, a SPOSN Tortilla Backpack with one 357 bullet and a rag. Things were REALLY suspicious now, there was a closed door. Almost every DayZ players worst nightmare.. We opened the door expecting shots to be fired but instead.. a fully geared corpse with a fresh spawns corpse in the corner. I closed the door and we looked in the body, there was a 1911, and I FLIPPED OUT because I've been looking everywhere for one! and to make things even better, there was a small protector case and inside... a MAGNUM! I flipped out like crazy because I've always wanted a 1911 AND a Magnum for weird reasons. I took the 1911 and the small protector case housing the magnum. And I heard a zombie, I was going to go kill it but the doors were closed so I said "naa" and the door opened... I FREAKED OUT and I told my friend the door opened, he was having gun complications, he dropped his to pick up another and it was taking awhile for some weird reason so I aimed my fully loaded ak101 at the door.. telling myself that someone will open it.. and that someone will die.. A fresh spawn opened the door and right before doing so he said "you gonna use your hacker stuff to hack me again?" And I knew he wasn't talking about us... So he opened the door and I put exactly 16 rounds into him. Then I reloaded and waited for more sounds. My friend walked out and picked up another ak101 and got mags for it. He didn't know what to do because he was in panic so he went into the small room. I heard gun reloading, splitting ammo, stuff like that and thought it was my partner, and he asked me "is that you reloading?".. my heart sank and my prediction was right.. There was another player right above us.. My friend got into the room and said "i have to log out." feeling that I have to protect him (which I do) I followed him, locked the door and left the game with him. I spawned in another server, locked the door and organized my inventory. This was the EXACT message I had sent to my friend: Do you have an amazing story to share? Do so in the comment section below!
  11. therandomredstone

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    On these forums it says "Please be advised: We are taking the service down. The central architecture is under DDOS attack, please be patient, we are trying to resolve it as fast as possible." is this for the forums or the actuall dayz game? is dayz safe to play right now??
  12. therandomredstone

    Was Your Player Swiped?

    It was tweeted that the servers were back up and all, but those who have just played, was your character swiped? Was it not swiped? I know that the more time goes by, the servers get more and more on their feet but still, are there any problems? No loot, lag, player swiped. Any aftermath effects that will take 10-30 minutes to pass?
  13. therandomredstone

    Was Your Player Swiped?

    Tomato Tomato.
  14. therandomredstone

    Was Your Player Swiped?

    if it was after he announced the servers were up, then I'm sorry, but if it was before then you still might have your character, I didn't play ATALL today because I'm always on the forums before actually playing DayZ, and when it said how they were being attacked I got all the info I could, on a bunch of posts about the topic and following what Brian Hicks had to say on twitter. I knew almost immediately whenever the servers were *starting* to come back on. And I had a blast after my friend and I started playing.
  15. therandomredstone

    Was Your Player Swiped?

    Don't worry if you didn't play at all today you have your character. I waited 30 minutes after Brian told us that they were juust working again. I still had my character and I had a blast with a friend. We were on a full pop 30 people hardcore server and we met some people on the south east coast, headed up north along the coast, went through berizino then the lumber mill and went up to this SUPER AWESOME shed that is on the cliffs juust maybe 50 meters north of rify. We logged out there and went to a full server of 40 people on hardcore, we went to the east fields of the lumber mill (north east of berizino) and we headed into the lumber mill after spotting a light. We thought it was in the building that was lit up, but it was in the house across the street. it was a flashlight that wasn't turned off! My friend said not to turn it off, because we would alert anyone nearby, but I thought he said to turn it off. So we RAN out of the pub and went to the coast where the server restarted and our DayZ day had came to a halt because my friend got off.. To think, me and thousands of others wouldn't of been able to play tonight, if it want for the men fixing the game when it was 2 in the morning for them.. Simply amazing.
  16. therandomredstone

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    It means that the more time that passes, the more servers that are connected to the central hive, which means having your character back. You can risk joining a server but if the central hive hasn't connected to it when you joined it, and when you are in the server, it connects.. your character gets overwritten.. I'm waiting for the next tweet that will say something along the lines of "everything is pretty much in order, have fun!" or something like that.
  17. therandomredstone

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    So is everyone's character who is trying to play, swiped?
  18. therandomredstone

    craftable spears

    throwing isn't exactly perfect in dayz's current state, once throwing is absolutely flawless. You will be able to just pick up a pitchfork and throw it I guess.
  19. therandomredstone

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    The servers will be up 2-13 minutes from when this post is posted. Those guys are brilliant, sitting in their offices, tired out of their minds trying to get the game working for us. Fucking brilliant If I do say so myself.. RAISE THOSE MEN'S PAYROLL!!
  20. therandomredstone

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    your good, the servers aren't connected to the central hive. just log out and when this is resolved your player will be back. if you are playing dayz while it reconnects to the central hive your geared character will be overwritten with the fresh spawn one that was originally created because the server could find your geared character because it wasn't connected to the central hive. So don't play dayz till its up and running again.
  21. therandomredstone

    Black Tactical Shirts?

    I'm just kind of curious, I've been through many barracks and airfields and stuff and I have yet to find a black tactical shirt, My character is going "black primary with maybe a little green". I have: -Black Combat Boots -Black Cargo Pants -Black Baseball Cap -Black Bandana Facemask (with a small white design) -Grey Tactical Shirt (because I have yet to find black) -UK Tactical Assault Vest Khaki (I would prefer black but whatevs) and an akm with food, blah blah blah. I died an hour ago, but if I find a black tactical shirt, I can head down south and help out a friend who has broken legs. Any places that might have a Black Tactical Shirt if you could let me know in the comments I would appreciate it, tactical shirts are pretty common but the black ones are pretty rare, can they be found in barns, fire stations, railroad stations?
  22. therandomredstone

    DayZ Shotgun Suicide Animation

    Well put whip cream in my ass and call me Santa. So can openers are tools of sustenance AND death. How interesting..
  23. therandomredstone

    DayZ Shotgun Suicide Animation

    This is EVERYTHING you can do with the suicide animation: -You can commit suicide with ALL handguns -You can commit suicide with ALL shotguns -You can commit suicide with ALL assault rifles -You can commit suicide with ALL rifles -You can commit suicide with grenades (duh) -You can commit suicide with ALL submachine-guns -You can commit suicide with ALL generic blades/knifes. (machete, kitchen knife, hunting knife, bayonet, etc.) anything that you could slit or cut open your throat with. -You can pretend to commit suicide with your hand. (called a faux suicide) where your character pretends his hand is a gun and 'pretends to shoot himself'. Any questions? And NO you cant commit suicide with can openers, teddy bears, hoes, wrenches, hammers, a can of beans, etc.
  24. therandomredstone

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    could you share a link to this "breaking news" thing you speak of? till this is fixed im going to watch the law abiding citizen! :D