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Everything posted by therandomredstone

  1. therandomredstone

    Layered Clothing

    In Russia, its really cold at night. Easily in the deep negatives. Even with these layered clothing items on, you would still be cold. But having layers on would be crucial to not die from hypothermia in 20 minutes. Right now at night you could run around with nothing on and be perfectly fine. When they fix the temperatures and hopefully make nighttime wayyyy colder, if you were running around naked you would be passed out in 20 or so minutes.
  2. therandomredstone

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    What if their parents bought them a computer that didn't run the game at a good consistent rate? And these kids have a mindset of "yeah I have a ps4 I'm so cool" not "yeah I have a computer I'm so cool". That separates console gamers from pc gamers (for the most part). We don't play PC to look cool, a good amount of console players think otherwise. even though their mindset may not be that strong.
  3. therandomredstone

    Least favorite game features

    I noticed that too when trying to find out which direction to go while in the woods. when I finally found a compass I noticed that the sun was all wack. This is how it is in real life, too.
  4. therandomredstone

    Corpse wound identification.

    the farther back the shot came from before hitting the person, the more blood would be splattered, the bullet would be an inch or so from coming out of the back of the entry point if not all the way through. If you put the gun up to someone's head before shooting, it will come to a vigorous and painful halt if it hits bone or tougher tissue, because when the bullet is 'exploded' it doesn't have that much time to build up kinetic energy before it hit the target, in other words momentum. So the more bloody, messy, deep the shot is, the farther back the shot came from. This is not the case in all situations, but it's a good but broad explanation of what happens if you decide to overlook how powerful the gun used was, or the round used. I haven't necessarily studied this, but its just something I know; like how you know a cow goes moo, I know what it looks like if you get shot from a distance.
  5. therandomredstone

    Corpse wound identification.

    This is a pretty good idea. +1. Lets say you find a dead body that is warm to the touch, you dig out the bullet, and find out that the deceased person was killed with a .357 round. You then later come across a player who is carrying a repeater on his back; immediate suspect.
  6. therandomredstone

    THE HUNT ...Kind of.

    He obviously is new to DayZ. Carrying an sks, and pulling a gun out, when another player (you) confronts him with your gun drawn. You should've been like "next time don't pull out your gun, now I'm taking all of your stuff." he would've learned from that.
  7. therandomredstone

    Looking for a home

    For a place to call home? Listen. You only have 100 hours in dayz. That is not a lot. Just play the game, run around and eventually you will find others to play with. Play.The.Game. Or look in the recruitment section for others to play with.
  8. therandomredstone

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Obviously there are kids on the pc and the ps4, same with adults. But I don't think you can understand, that 90% of the kids that play on the pc are 20x more mature and less ignorant than the ones that had their parents by them a console. The kids with pcs, some of them have to take a lot of time out of their days to learn about computers, get the right specs and stuff for curtain games (DayZ) and they have to learn about servers and how games like these run. Sure you are going to rarely see the little immature squeaker running around in electro, but they are not nearly as common as a kid who plays the game like its supposed to be played, and is mature in situations and stuff like that. With the PS4, all they have to do is buy the dumb thing, go and buy DayZ from the shelf in their GameStop, and play it. And do whatever they want on it, without actually stressing over getting the game to work. I am not good at explaining things like this. The bottom line is that consoles are home to vigorous racist little squeakers, but that doesn't mean that there aren't some good, genuine players on consoles too.
  9. therandomredstone

    [Screenshot] We Almost Beat the Game!

    did you hear the clear blank words in my post? "H.A.C.K.E.R" its easy to mess with the spawning and stuff (from a hackers perspective)
  10. therandomredstone

    [Screenshot] We Almost Beat the Game!

    Pretty good. I had joined the game of this hacker, there were nearly 100 V3S''s and 20 or so helicopter crash sites, all perfectly aligned while this hacker was looting each one taking his sweet time. I killed him, took like 20 Smersh vests (stacked them inside each other) and skull balaclavas and all of this ammo and stuff and left the game, joined a separate one with friends and we had a pretty good new years party. ;)
  11. therandomredstone

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Let's face it guys, there are going to be people that will play this game, that shouldn't. Let me explain: The PS4 is so convenient, its a plug and play type deal. Once this game is finished, and it goes out for those little squeakers to get their hands on. The game will be full of them. Literally. Out of every 10 people you come across, around 2 or 3 of them, if you are lucky are children. This is not a children's game, we had to take time out of our day to buy this alpha game, we had to get the right computer and withstand any glitches and bugs while these mayor clans and groups and play styles are all being added into the game. Once this goes viral on the ps4. It will be total disaster. You spawn, you gear, you have food and water, and before you can leave the city a group of squeakers try to sound spec ops and devise a plan to hunt you down. You just laugh, but you underestimate the squeakers power. They find you and kill you, when you go back to where you died, you find them eating you. Then the little terds kill you again with the M4s that they got from some dumb hack and they think they're cool, and if it wasn't form a hack it would be from the time they have on their hands, because they don't have to worry about bills. Well.. good thing that we will never see them on the PC, like they will be on the PS4. Before I ever even got DayZ standalone, I was praying to god for it to be released on the Xbox One. To be honest now I don't even care! This one game has slowly drawn me away from the incompetence of the consoles. and into the wisdom.. of the Central Processing Unit..
  12. therandomredstone

    I was rolling but then

    I have glitched off of Rify, and glitched off of the giant red tower in the lumber mill (just south of Rify). I lost some pretty good stuff that day.
  13. therandomredstone

    Why is Bohema so bad when it comes to AMD?

    I feel you. But if you really want to play DayZ and you say that "its such a shame" if you truly feel that way and you think that because of "how good their games are" then just buy a new computer.
  14. therandomredstone

    Portable Gas Heaters

    So currently in this unforgiving apocalyptic wasteland we have a few dandy machines (if I do say so myself) that help us out a bit. This machines include: Gas Stove: With this baby you can cook meat and other food items without the crazy bright light of a campfire! But you need a pot and fuel. Gas Lamp: With this sucker you can light up the area when you are running, or when you and your two friends set up camp, you can pop on a few of these babies in the dark, and it'll be a bit more cozy in the abandoned blood-spewn house you and your friends are currently held up in. DRUMROLL PLEASE... Gas Heater: This divine contraption has not yet been added into the game, but it should! This is how I came up with this idea: I was helping my moms boyfriend move out of his house, he has a bunch of boxes in his garage and it was really cold, like.. REALLY cold. So my moms boyfriend pulled out a heater and put a propane tank in it, and it looked identical to the one in dayz. Then it hit me.. There should be heaters added into the game. That are powered by propane (the in-game gas) Most heaters are generally big, but I believe that one could be designed that was small enough to only take up 2x2 or even 1x2 slots in a players inventory. Thoughts?
  15. therandomredstone

    I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?

    I see that this topic was your first post, did you read the bold letters before you bought this game? WARNING: THIS GAME IS EARLY ACCESS ALPHA. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME AND ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE WITH SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF GAME This game does have some issues, but if you actually get a solid 50 hours in the Standalone version then you will know for the most part, how to deal and bypass these issues you speak of. I have 900+ hours in the standalone version, I haven't pulled my brains out because of glitches since my first 40 or so, and that makes since, because that was earlier in development than it is know. If you had came on these forums to just say how "the mod is better", then at least take the time to post it in the Mod version section. Thanks.
  16. therandomredstone

    Spawning naked?

    I've had this spawn point a total of three times, all in the same week. The reason that this spawn even EXISTS is because the devs wanted to get as close as possible to the NW airfield for some field tests or something like that, and I guess when they were done using this spawn, they didn't remove it from the game entirely. This spawn is really good in my opinion, you spawn naked, gear up from absolutely nothing and wallah! an amazing story! and even better, you spawn a mile away from a flipping military base! (that is really active and should not be gone to on populated servers due to the garentee of getting killed and the fact that it was already swiped clean) and on low-pop servers you have to deal with server hoppers. I was on a server with 4 other people in the whole map, and one of them was trying to shoot me through the barracks glass (which is un-penetrable). If you don't know where the Vybor military base is, then listen closely (only follow these steps on a low-pop server! log out and into one if you have to!): When you spawn under the bridge, travel through the first town, heading West on the main road. After going through the first town (recommended that you get decently geared) you will encounter a second town along the main road, go through this town, and follow the main road that curves to the left of the church on the very west side of the town, after around 4-500 meters on the main road, you will see a small dirt road to the right, with a tree line heading towards a small bundle of trees surrounded by a field. (bundle of trees is about 3-400 meters in diameter) this bundle of trees houses the Vybor military base, the reason its called Vybor military base, is because Vybor is the small town with the church that you have to go through before getting to the military base. If my explanation wasn't good enough, just google it.. or whatever.. I guess.
  17. therandomredstone

    Question: How do you loot bodies?

    This will answer your question. So whenever you are playing on a server, that server could be a bit laggy. Not laggy as in you cant play the game smoothly, but laggy as in you cant do curtain things, like drink water from a well, or eat your canned beans. The server you were on could've just been having a moment, or the ping could've been high. Your concern ill bet is if this is permanent. And the answer is no. Don't worry, time has pasted, the server probably fixed itself and so forth. So if this happens again, then just leave and join a different server.
  18. therandomredstone


    Long story short, when people start fires, break chemilights, light flares, turn on gas lamps, they should be able to be seen from a much much MUCH further distance away, 1000 meters or so. Because if you were hunting someone who was cooking and eating others in the forest, you would look for the light for his campfire, if there were no bushes and stuff in the way, realistically you could see the fire from around 1000 meters away, if not clearly, then barely. And road flares.. what's the point if you cant see them from a far distance? road flares in real life are commonly used as distress signals, how in the world are you going to be able to see the location of your friend who has enemies trying to get up to him? you have a friends with you and they are in a V3S awaiting your go, you have a Mosin with a LRS but you cant pinpoint your friend's location from the xxx meters away you are away from him!
  19. therandomredstone

    Gun Magazines

    In a real life zombie apocalypse, or any sort of pandemic, if there was a gun that was fed through a magazine, chances are, the magazine would be inside of the gun. I understand the concern players have. They want the ability to operate and kill others with guns, to be extremely difficult. People think that if magazines spawn in guns then you would notice how significantly easy it is to obtain an operational gun. I, along with others, agree that if there is a gun that requires a magazine to fire, then there should be a chance that you can find the gun WITH a mag already inside of it, and the magazine doesn't have to be full, it could have for example 6 rounds out of the 30. In the future they are going to make guns and anything associated with guns EXTREMLEY, EXTREMLEY RARE. Because currently, you can find a million crossbow holosights and pistol flashlights around Chernarus. Crossbow HOLOSIGHTS none the less is not a common thing. Sure it goes to a not so powerful gun, but just because it goes to a weak contraption (not a gun) doesn't mean that they should spawn everywhere. Let's Cut To The Chase.. Since they are going to make guns as rare as they are going to make them, then why not give the player an opportunity to be lucky and find a magazine already inside of a gun? Because sooner or later after people are robbing others while wielding and threating them with nothing more than an axe and are putting arrows in each others skull, instead of having One Extremely Rare Item+ Another Extremely Rare Item = a working gun, they could have an Extremely Rare Item+ a 38% chance to have this item already combined with the first variable = a working gun. Let The Debates.. BEGIN!
  20. therandomredstone

    "Get Em' Outta Here"

    Let's say you got killed by blasted bandits. You spawn close to where you die so you go back to where you died and oh noo! they hid your body.. well, naw I think they JUST USED THEIR WIZARD POWERS TO SEND MY BODY TO A PARRELEL UNIVERSE! If you kill someone you know how their body goes into 'ragdoll mode', right? Well when someone dies we should be able to drag their body and hide it in a bush somewhere. We already have in the ragdoll effect, all we have to do is add the ability for a player to move a dead corpse! Because its totally unrealistic; your friend bled out and died in the middle of the Balota airstrip, you go to his corpse, and some little kid is looting it! you confront him and he lies and says "its my friends body". You kill the little squeaker and guard your friends body till he comes to get his stuff in the MIDDLE OF A DEATHZONE! If you could drag the body, you would've took advantage of it and drug your friends corpse up in the trees a good 1200 meters north east. But instead you got your booty shot off in the middle of a stinkin airstrip.. Thoughts?
  21. therandomredstone

    Under 100 hours in, looking for people to play with.

    Hey! We are both from Austin! Aha
  22. therandomredstone

    A Good Tactic?

    So I like loot, plain and simple, if I see loot I like, I'll go crazy, but I HATE server hoppers and I would never do it. I would like to go to the military base near Vybor and wait in a bush and kill people who go to loot (they might be server hoppers) so I can get there loot. Opinions?
  23. therandomredstone


    So currently there is the pre-apocalypse manufactured crossbow in the game, then there is the improvised bow. I believe that they should add in Pre-apocalypse manufactured bows. Of course these bows would be extremely rare to come across, they would be extremely accurate and deadly to anything below 250 meters. Opinions? And manufactured, compound bows are not made out of wood, The central riser of a compound bow is usually made of aluminum or magnesium, and many are made of the aircraft-grade 6061 aluminum alloy.
  24. It's because these are the guns that they use. Mosins are snipers, M4s are for end of game players, shotguns are for if you are weird or haven't found an m4 yet. It goes on and on and on.
  25. therandomredstone


    throwing knifes?