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Everything posted by therandomredstone

  1. therandomredstone

    Any News on REAL Snipers?

    I am a sniper in DayZ, I cause a lot of havoc from a far distance. Anyways I simply LOVE the Mosin, but is there any news on when REAL snipers are going to be added in? I heard that there was a "SVD" magazine added into the game without the actual SVD (which is a sniper) anyone have any news on the snipers? Not just for me, but for whoever googles and pulls up this Topic.
  2. therandomredstone

    My First DayZ Standalone video

    This video I can see was just a 'get started' video. and it had no real purpose. If you want to truly advance with videos, have them contain something with a plot.
  3. therandomredstone

    Ballistic Helmet vs Gorka Helmet?

    They are bot h military grade helmets, so they will protect you. But if you are running through a field and someone shoots you in the head with a mosin, you are going to want to be wearing a ballistic helmet. Because if its pristine you will go unconscious, and wake up later.
  4. therandomredstone

    New ways to start a fire

    I could see lighters being added in the game but, why not just use matches?
  5. therandomredstone

    Weird Growling..

  6. therandomredstone

    I Surrender!

    Having to put handcuffs or (in the future) rope or duct tape to search another players inventory is completely unnecessary. You should be able to search other players if their hands are up. Maybe not every single clothing item, but at the least be able to look through their backpack. Thoughts?
  7. therandomredstone

    Melee option with guns

  8. therandomredstone

    Cooking Pots

    So, lets cut to the chase. Cooking pots= storage maybe in the future items could overheat. prolonged time in the cooking pot=overheating items. good think lighter fluid isn't in the game. = Thoughts? (about the storage part)
  9. therandomredstone

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    *sigh That is a global sound. so if a server is being abit laggy and stuff, if someone opens soda at electro, you might be able to hear it from berizino, and so on. And the growls are just an environmental sound. Like the fences rattling and birds flying when you walk past.
  10. therandomredstone

    Fishing for critique 2

    *4 more actually ;) You don't stop, progress, get better and BETTER!
  11. therandomredstone

    Fishing for critique 2

    Damn!! It would've been sooo good if you didn't die! KEEP IT UP! I LOVED IT!!! Matter of fact... you just got yourself another sub!
  12. therandomredstone

    Was thinking about voice communication...

    This would be a good idea, but Mos1ey is right. Things like this, there will be youtub tutorials on how to bypass. And whileyou have those actually GOOD players that don't want to break the rules, you will have this group of 14 year olds that are chatting over teamspeak, having an unfair advantage over you. Maybe when mods come out, someone would do something like this. But the chances are almost none. I'd be all for it.. buut
  13. therandomredstone

    Don't Just Bleed!

    Before I begin, I know that the current zombies are placeholders and have much more work to be done. But I believe that when the developers change the zombie-survival aspect of the game to actually a 'zombie' aspect and not just survival and pvp, they will have to change the zombies in one of 'atleast' two ways. The first way is hordes; sounds simple enough, one zombie is fine, 20 of them.. not so much. The second way; making zombies a living hell; they inflict more damage, are faster if they gain speed. (are easy to lose to counter the last feature) ((but stealth will have to be implemented) but I think, why make them just scarier and inflict more damage? sure they will make you bleed and hurt your stuff, but.. why not more? now for the suggestion: I believe that if hitten by a future death seeking zombie, they should not just hurt you and make you bleed. There should be after affects that would make the player truly be scared of the dead. These after effects may or may not include: Blurry vision- here and there your vision gets blurry but goes back in a few seconds. ringing in the ear- your ear can ring easily. for example a player hits you in the head an hour after getting hit by a zombie; your ears start to uncontrollably ring for 2-4 seconds then diminishes while if you were not attacked by a zombie then that wouldn't of happened. (ONE OF MY FAVORITES) *some may frown upon* Have you ever played white noise or slender? you know how when you see him how you hear the loud DUN! then other disrupting, twitchy noises? Every. Single. time. after a getting hit by a zombie for lets say, the next 20 zombies, you will here a DUN and a fearful noise that will make you panic. But lets say you are on your 18th zombie after getting hit by one, and this zombie hits YOU. then your character screams. And the '20 zombie count' is reset. Something like this will make players want to avoid zombies COMPLETLEY. like you are out at night, and a zombie is there that you didn't really see and it goes DUN! You would jump in your seat! Now keep in mind that these were just suggestions I came up with from the top of my head; other ideas that are 'after effects' could and SHOULD be added in to make players avoid zombies more, somewhere along the 2015 roadmap after the new zombie AI and engine is added in the game. Thoughts? Disagreements? Opinions?
  14. Check out my first serious DayZ Standalone video, to have a place to build off of. If you like watching people play the game, then this is for you!
  15. therandomredstone

    The best way to play Dayz is...

    This post has so much unusualness that it is useful because it reminds me of how unuseful things can be.
  16. therandomredstone

    Voice Volume

    wow. I had actually suggested this awhile back, but nothing this complex. Something like this should be implemented. It would make those who want to be found, found. and those who don't, won't. +1 from me!
  17. therandomredstone

    I just started making DayZ SA vids. Hope you enjoy.

    Put a to the left of the URL and a to the right of the url. No spaces.
  18. therandomredstone

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    hmm.. you're right! i always treated Chernarus like any other ol' place when it comes to guns.
  19. therandomredstone

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    well, atleast the potential.
  20. therandomredstone

    Cant pick items(SOLUTION)

    Wow. really helpful! thanks! I thought it was going to say something like "right click the item then pu tin inventory" but no! You helped me, and I am going to refer this topic to others. Thanks!
  21. therandomredstone

    4-slot protector cases

    I run around with a protector case full of green raincoats that I give to fresh spawns. I'm nice. I have a million or so.
  22. therandomredstone

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    Haha, what most people don't understand about this game is that when its done it will be one of the best games of the century (survival game at the least) because before it is released, everything you could practically imagine will be in the game. First of all when the game is out, 80% of banditry will be done with melee weapons because guns will be so uncommon to come across. Melee along with guns and literally every single other mechanics in this game will be improved over time. So just sit back, play the game, and let time pass. Before you know it this game will have it's trailers on ESPN and will be on the shelves of every game store in the country(s) (world). (that is if it is not sold out).
  23. therandomredstone

    Zombie Kids

    You're in luck, friend. After the new Engine, AI, mechanics and such are added in the game halfway through the 2015 roadmap, it will truly make standalone a game that 'stands alone' from the mod. Right now the game uses the mod's engine and such, which limits features that could make this game increasingly better. The devs have already stated along the lines of "after the game has its own engine and improved AI, we will begin to polish any and all features and sounds and graphics, but after the rest of the features are added in the game." So this game is not finished with its looks, right now the player looks, building looks, sounds, etc. are ALL placeholders. This game will go through some drastic changes this year.
  24. therandomredstone

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    If you insist. Xpadder is the program. This is all you need. http://xpadder.com/ http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/648814842611263272/ http://artalogic.com/compendium/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/XpadderDayZ3.jpg It will take awhile to get used to. If you are having any trouble with the program or copying the scheme please let me know.
  25. therandomredstone

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Black tactical shirt, b lack high capacity vest, black cargo pants, black combat boots with a knife, a skull balaclava, black aviators, a ghillie suit, and a Mosin and 1911.