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Everything posted by therandomredstone

  1. therandomredstone

    magnum=worst gun to use on zombies?

    Well, its the conventional way to rid of zombies. Shoot em' in the face. /solved
  2. therandomredstone

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Unless a glitch removes your tent, or another player finds it, then it will stay. :)
  3. therandomredstone

    Has anyone managed to get a disease yet?

    It's a waste. If you find a water container, empty it (empty vessel). Then if you fill it up from a well, you won't get sick. But if you fill it up from a pond or creek then you want to add in a purification tablet. hoo-rah.
  4. therandomredstone

    Love the new update

    Today was the first day I played with the new update and I have to say, it is definitely hard but I LOVE IT! Before, I had to just loot items and that was it, now, I am truly afraid of those zeds. There are side missions, too. I had to loot for my friend because he was on the brink of death. I spent 30 minutes in a small town and it felt like I was "trapped" in this town even though it is an open world game. AMAZING! and I came across countless players who wanted to team up to survive because they were desperate. This update is changing the game. (no pun intended) Update: This is the DayZ I've been waiting for. Take walking dead's last few episodes for example. They were barely making it. always hungry, barley scraping by. In game, this is me. The zombies are my #1 fear because I can handle any player I come across. Amazing. Imagine walking on a lonesome road in the woods with a gun out that has limited ammo. Imagine being hungry for days on end while you go through ghost town after ghost town that all seem to have NOTHING. THIS.IS.WHAT.WE.NEEDED! This IS DayZ
  5. therandomredstone

    Love the new update

    I've seen many players leave because of the game being "Complete Bulls**t" and I say "Byee, more for us!" ;) In about a week, things will spawn in the coastal towns. Just you wait.
  6. therandomredstone

    Love the new update

    Ha. Funny.
  7. therandomredstone

    Military Grade weps .55

    Loot is central. That means you can basically find any item, anywhere. Want a Military Grade M4? Check your grandmas house.
  8. therandomredstone

    Love the new update

    You need tablets for Ponds ONLY. Wells are safe.
  9. therandomredstone

    Mini gun

    AMAZING SUGGESTION! I was gonna suggest this, along with fighter jets and the Iron Man suit! CAN'T WAIT BROO!
  10. therandomredstone

    Love the new update

    Update: This is the DayZ I've been waiting for. Take walking dead's last few episodes for example. They were barely making it. always hungry, barley scraping by. In game, this is me. The zombies are my #1 fear because I can handle any player I come across. Amazing. Imagine walking on a lonesome road in the woods with a gun out that has limited ammo. Imagine being hungry for days on end while you go through ghost town after ghost town that all seem to have NOTHING. THIS.IS.WHAT.WE.NEEDED! This IS DayZ
  11. therandomredstone

    craftable persistent crate

    Persistence is permanent on all servers. If you place a bag in the woods, unless someone finds it, it will stay there virtually forever. (or at least until maintenance) ;)
  12. therandomredstone

    craftable persistent crate

    OR you could just hide a Drybag in the woods..
  13. therandomredstone

    Love the new update

    BUT it's more realistic. Any new player that played the current version of DayZ would have to take the game seriously. they would have to think "ok, its a zombie apocalypse so cans of food would be one of the rarest things to find" and they would have to resort to berries and meat like you would do in a real zombie apocalypse. In real life you wouldn't know what to do till you've been doing "it" for awhile. So they would have to quickly realize that their method of "survival" is wrong (if they are trying to loot buildings). they would have to learn to survive without canned food. Like in a real apocalypse.
  14. therandomredstone

    Hello, please I need some advice.

    If you want the zombie apocalypse, buy DayZ Standalone All the way.
  15. therandomredstone

    Replace Vicinity with Drop

    Vicinity is just a placeholder so we don't have a bunch of winey babies complaining about not being able to pick up that CR75 that they have no mag for.
  16. therandomredstone

    Movement very clunky

    The game's feel will not change for some time. But things should feel more weighty and free later on in development.
  17. therandomredstone

    Your favorites OSTs / songs while playing DayZ

    That is if someone in the server was kind enough to take a hike to the radio tower and get it running.. small side quests for fun like this should be added. I'll make a suggestion later. ;)
  18. therandomredstone

    Excited for the Upcoming Disease & Cold System

    hehe.. but my dear child.. it already has.
  19. therandomredstone

    Excited for the Upcoming Disease & Cold System

    We're finnaly reaching the point where players have to actually survive. Not just find food and survive player encounters. Exciting. Enticing. Lustful. Superb. #swagmoney420blaze. /point proven.
  20. therandomredstone

    I die . . . A LOT

    It's all about trail and error. But I shouldn't be the one to tell you that.. I play with a controller.. 0.0
  21. therandomredstone

    Item Rotation & Access Speed

    The current inventory is just a placeholder. Soon, thinking about where to place your items will be the difference between life or death. I am just sick of the fact that a 20 round STANAG magazine takes two slots, and binoculars and canteens take the same when two (maybe three) mags are just as big.. and I'm pretty sure 30 pens will not fill up an entire Hunting Backpack.. So, agreed. :) (and the new engine and AI is gonna change this game forreals..) It'll handle it.. ;)
  22. therandomredstone

    new pistol

    There are always those players that go for looks over quality. This gun looks appealing so hell.. why not?
  23. therandomredstone

    Make Coasts more viable for survival!

    hm.. I'd like to see things like this implemented. +1 from me.
  24. therandomredstone

    When will deerstands spawn loot again

    I'm just waiting for more wilderness activities. The day half of the server will be roaming in the woods is the day I will sell my left nut on EBay.
  25. therandomredstone

    Your favorites OSTs / songs while playing DayZ

    I personally do not listen to music while playing. The only time DayZ and music should meet, is when I make videos. ;) Besides, I prefer the heavy breathing of my Triathlete, and the stressing bambi yelling "friendly". ahh.. Good ol' DayZ. :)