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Everything posted by McWendy

  1. McWendy

    loot distribution improved in .52?

    Joined 5/6 servers in total last night. 1 persistance off (it was regularly filled) 3 specified persistance on (totally desert of loot, prigorodky/kamenka/dubky none) and 2/3 not specified servers which were decent in loot. Have not seen the loot explosions like last week. (I like it and hate it go figure)
  2. Yeah you can stumble upon the weirdest loot spawn locations now. Makes me "explore" more. Im loving it! :)
  3. McWendy

    Is it down?

    Thnx steak hope its better tonight.
  4. McWendy

    Is it down?

    Having similar problems. Not even seeing a 5th of the normal list.
  5. I normally find rope all over the place. Fishing hooks i mostly find in the crappy house with the stairs leadinh to a closed door. (Blueish house i believe)
  6. McWendy

    i THINK i MIGHT BE a bit daft...

    Finding makarov clips all over the place. Gun is fine imo. 1 shot for Zs en not that bad in pvp either. No problems here. Ofc the 9mm guns are a bit better but id rather fire 8 rounds of weaker caliber then 1 shot with the 1911 for which i cant seem to find clips. (Trade anyone? :) )
  7. McWendy

    Being chased by Borat

    Yeah it was a big surprise meeting them there. I guess you should have been there to appreciate the Borat voice. Hilarious. :) Stop i kill you! Thinking about it makes me laugh even now.
  8. McWendy

    Black Tactical Shirts?

    Because the OP wants a black tactical shirt to complete his all black clothes, but claims later that when he gets one he will run to his friend who has a broken leg so yeah those things dont relate. Read all before u react.
  9. McWendy

    Status Report - Week of 08 Dec 14

    Any news on compass bug fixes? As of now they kill navigating this way.
  10. I like survival bullshit, but i agree the level of horror needs to be taken up a few notches. As for the OP; doesnt this happen to every experience? Gaming and irl. Repeat things and it WILL get better/easier. I wish it didnt obv. ;)
  11. McWendy

    Magazine and canteen issues

    Sometimes i experience canteen difficulties. Re-equip the canteen in your hotbar (clear then drag again.) Take canteen in hands by using the corresponding number and if it doesnt say fill bottle scroll mousewheel up/down and it should say : fill/drink bottle again.
  12. McWendy

    How do you imagine DayZ?

    A combination of DayZ and I:ss with the survival from The Hunter and How to Survive. The amount of zombies from left 4 dead (i wish) on a global scale as big as a Planetside 2 planet. That'll do i guess. Oh.... and cheat free if at all possible (not)
  13. McWendy

    Pristine compasses

    Me and a m8 were planning a route with our compasses out and noticed that are "norths" were facing different ways. Couldnt find anything about it really so thought i should make a post about it. Thoughts?
  14. McWendy

    How to make a grass wrap for my mosin?

    I kinda liked the poor mans camo. Was easy to make and looked ok. Have not found any netting so far :(
  15. McWendy

    Pristine compasses

    haha :) Sorry used the search option nothing popped up. Even googled a bit, no luck. Its just we had 3 pristine compasses and they were all facing a different way. We even double checked by checking eachothers screen. After a while one of the compasses gave true north. The others still didnt.
  16. McWendy

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hey guys McWendy here, thought id introduce myself a bit. Age 30+ ;) Been playing DayZ for about a week now and LOVE IT. I came over from ISS (warZ) which you should NOT play btw. If you think this game has cheaters, play ISS for a bit. Im Dutch and can speak fluently english (writing is a different story:) ) and a bit german, so if you ever feel like hooking up ingame add me on steam. Hope I survive the game and this forum. Thnx McWendy (steam: skywarp_nl)
  17. McWendy

    Extremy Unlucky? or the norm?

    Came over from WarZ (ISS) to DayZ and I must say that yes its the norm, in both games. People tend to KoS even towards bambis, obviously there are exceptions. As for the loot galore/absence this is persistent or server time dependend. Example. If i look at server times and join a rather empty server (with 4h restart) at 15:30<time listed this server has been running probably since 12:00 so been online for 3,5 hours (obviously by this time the coast has been picked clean) So regarding the loot, pick servers wisely. Regarding the KoS deal with it, will never change people like to troll, how sad it is even. DCing? yeah that one sucks monkeyballs. Keep at it tho, it will get easier/better. -McWendy-