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Everything posted by McWendy

  1. McWendy

    Advanced Character customization!

    I agree on that. But -full- customization will generate alot of lagg/fps loss. In such a big map/game its hardly possible.
  2. McWendy

    Advanced Character customization!

    This aint no apb. You want less fps even?Im all for suggestions but come on. You havent thought this through
  3. McWendy

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Oh no not the VSS. Although they did pay for my private server. :)
  4. When killed they should spawn in the forest or something. And then Roam back to where they came from. Other setups will be to taxing for the engine. Zeds not respawning is not an option. Because then servers would be as empty of zeds as they are now. Zs in that other "sergey" game were better managed. But yes those too had weird things
  5. McWendy

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    The crosshair even exists in 1p?? Yeah i dont like that... Too arcadey for me.
  6. McWendy

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Whats with the circle in my screen? Other then that i like the new items! :)
  7. McWendy

    Making real friends in Dayz

    You guys do know that steam has a function called: recently played with??? It will show all the people who were in the server you was in. So if you know his ingame name you can usually find him/her there. Hope this helps for future reconnects after deaths/crashes and whatnot
  8. McWendy

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    Man! what a bad advice.... i dont know what it does but it wont hurt so yeah upgrade..... right.... My wife; honey 50% discount on hats! Me: do you need a hat?! Wife: no but it says discount we will save money. Me: not buying something u dont need saves money. (People with forum team names should think twice before advising, your words will be seen as THE answer.) So OP you dont neeeed more RAM to run. It will most likely reduce loading times, but only a little. It will not do anything ingame so getting 8gb+RAM for more frames will not work.
  9. Public is public so yes you can take stuff from persistence off to persistence on servers.
  10. McWendy

    zombies do what?

    Stone knife, no need to look for melee. No idee why its so easy to make. But the no1 tool in dayZ at the moment.
  11. Then please go and play H1Z1 more arcadey then dayZ. Survival IS what this game needs. Its why you got it in the first place. The fact that most here play this game to death means the survival is no longer there. Its just to easy. Therefore they resort to pvp because well what else is there to do. There needs to be more content. So cant blame them. But good pvp?? please its not in this game.
  12. McWendy

    Burlap Sacks

    Find something to cut it with??? Look at your feet. Search for stones. Voila. The number 1 knife in game. But yes stacking without cutting would be nice.
  13. McWendy

    What do you want to see in .54

    Trujuice... yes your way not flexy's way. Flexy's way will lead to abuse and exploit of the mechanic. Ex: fighting 2vs2 and suddenly its 2vs8... wait wut.... Ghosting in is allready bad. Being able to spawn on a friendly/clanmember is top tier Ghosting.
  14. McWendy

    Story Of A Bambi

    You have an interesting voice. Other then that meh. At least you didnt kos. ;)
  15. McWendy

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    That is mmm kinda cool but also not. ;)
  16. So you can live with all the bugs as long as they add stuff? Makes sense.... You sir should go into politics.
  17. McWendy

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Thats just it. I dont want to. :) Been in the military too long to just follow the roads. Almost against my nature. Maybe i need to upgrade my machine so i can follow the clouds and sun/stars ;)
  18. McWendy

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Im sorry but not a word about the compass bug? Which still exists. I would think such a feature needs fixing more then an Y axis handscope. I like the patch but really disappointed for not having fixed the compass.
  19. McWendy

    DayZ / Steam Shuts-Down Simultaneously

    Thats just f'd up man. :(
  20. McWendy

    Field of view

    Nobody is making me hack. Doesnt mean i should have the option. Advantages by settings is bs. Advantages by hardware i can live with. Gamma usage is also a thing but the again also open for discussion. Tough topic
  21. McWendy

    DayZ / Steam Shuts-Down Simultaneously

    Been playing without problems for quite some time now and the above started 3 days ago. CTDs, dayz has stopped working etc Not I, nor windows, nor nvidia, made changes to.my pc. So something happend but not from my side. Now it is: spawn run 30 yards and ctd. Restart dayz, spawn run 30 yards aaaaand bam ctd. This will go on for 5/6 times after which i can play normally. So yeah weird.
  22. McWendy

    I am cold, Shaking, can't aim etc..

    Be carefull next update should bring greater light visability for fires. I wish we could still make fires indoors. But hey fire safety and all ;)
  23. McWendy

    I am cold, Shaking, can't aim etc..

    Or carry a thermometer. :) But yeah when your body temp is 35 celcius or less you need to do what OP does.
  24. McWendy

    0/30 Players, WAIT FOR HOST

    Have you guys actually read my post? Geez... Server times!! Look at the times. If its a round number like 0800 its in restart/down. 08.05 is generally oke to join. Still id advise to join servers with at least 2/3 playing so you know its running normally. (But yes you may actually run into that ONE other person on the map who ruins what you came to do ;) no innuendos ;) If waiting for host stays longer then 20-30 seconds its usually no good.
  25. McWendy

    some weird things with the compass

    I thought it was east to west?!