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Everything posted by McWendy

  1. McWendy

    So let's talk clothes!

    There are more important fish to be fried and things that need to be done. What you want doesnt fit in that category. So why comment on something that will never happen because stuff that was promised wont even happen. I like your vision but you wasted energy with this. It will never happen. Dayz has been forfeited
  2. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.04.151915

    I respect that. Didnt mean to go at you.
  3. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.04.151915

    Yes Its hard to wait for implementation of things. A whole month? Wow can you imagine if that would be 5-6 years?! Ow wait..... @ImpulZ finally some good work in this patch. When can we expect the bow back in? Unlike a lock the bow has to be in for a base game. Locks, and gates are pvp oriented.
  4. McWendy

    DayZ is launching on PlayStation 4!

    Dude little secret, they all are russian named places. For the rest of your thread; i have a friend Who also had trouble looting, crafting, fighting and traversing the map. Dying before we got to him or him to us. We spend most time getting him back up and running. He needs help with a lot of mechanics in a lot of games. Truth be told, he is not a very good gamer. Hint
  5. McWendy

    Bad experiences so far

    Dayz 101 Dont get attached to your loot, you WILL loose it. If your looking for something specific you wont find it untill you stopped looking then you'll find it everywhere. Ps. Burlap sack + rope is small sack Burlap sack+ rope +sticks is courier bag
  6. Amen, enough with the catering to the fortnite crowd. Get back to the original vision of DayZ and make it a survival game again. Stop wasting any of the bare resources and focus on recreating what we had. Hell, even stranded is a better survival game.... Just saying
  7. McWendy

    News regarding the 2019 roadmap

    I hope overpoch doesnt come back tho. 🤔
  8. I just came up with some possible counters. I say scrap them all together, but hey pvp is appearently what matters. I just want my bow back
  9. You should be able to "blind" the nvgoggles wearing person. Obviously a chemlight wouldnt be strong enough, but a flare, laser, flashlight or even aan strobe would do the trick.
  10. Lets work on apps instead of a bow and/or throwing mechanics...... my daughter does some backwards thinking, but shes only 7 😂
  11. Im with guy on this one.. This is an empty shell of what it used to be. And there is no core base game. Its just a bunch of pvp mechanics. And they arent even executed properly Misleading and false advertising 101
  12. Ty ty finally..... 🙂 best memories of a game for me. Content, community, durability.
  13. Its the 360noScopeYolo generation probably. Time to waste 4-8 hours a Day on a game. Thinking is not their best feature. Every normal thinking person can understand that a heli is bad in so many ways with a game of this genre/type
  14. Not dayz related BUT, my wife woke me up a few years back because she got scared. I was wispering in my sleep; oh no the infiltrators are coming through the backdoor. Get to the Gen!! (Beans to the ones that guess the game)
  15. A heli shouldnt even exist in these kind of games. Imo
  16. McWendy

    Nespesney just quit DayZ...

    Maybe because New People need to get hired and they always want to re-invent the wheel? Maybe time is lost filling in the New guy? Maybe a lead designer is not just a guy? I could go on but you see where im going with this. Dont forgot 0.62 was playable this version is no where near. People want fixes, clarity, vision. What do we get? People jumping ship, well at least it looks like it. Again.
  17. I have not died in a long time. But thats only because i refuse to play without the old crafting posibilities. I needs me bow
  18. McWendy

    Entitlement collection topic

    He is playing nice by making a venting thread. Much easier for moderators to clean one thread of spewed crap. Trolling will happen anyway you know that. (No i dont see this as normal, just a by product of the internet)
  19. McWendy

    Why i would prefer bikes over cars

    Appearently i stand corrected.... or something 🙂
  20. McWendy

    Why i would prefer bikes over cars

    Where are they now? Where is all content that was working, now? And in what version did that bike work? The mod? Im sorry pilgrim, i love your posts and input but show me the good working bike within this standalone.
  21. McWendy

    Why i would prefer bikes over cars

    I didnt get that point from your OP. But yes on that i agree. Resources could be spend better
  22. McWendy

    Future DayZ

    Its been a downward spiral ever since 0.62. Before that it was (some what) a game. (Yes i know it all had to be recreated/replaced within the New engine) I still (and obviously a lot still) would want to see the vision of dayz become reality. But as a gamer with a lot of years under his belt, Its easy to see the future of this game, unless......... A miracle happens
  23. McWendy

    Why i would prefer bikes over cars

    So yeah we agree. The idea is good. Implementation will suck.
  24. McWendy

    Why i would prefer bikes over cars

    Thats True. But we all know what bi says and in fact does Fact is they say a lot but never deliver (good products) Look at the cars. Then imagine a helicopter....... exactly