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Everything posted by McWendy

  1. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Are these new things anything mechanics new or just items? Dont feel like installing if it's only thingamabobs and shiny new weapons and/or basebuilding things. I want to roam the woodlands and feel like a hobo damnit!! Serious question tho. 😎
  2. McWendy

    Newbie needs help

    Dont forgot you can also make a FireDrill kit for lighting fires. That way you can save your flare
  3. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Sorry nick didnt saw your post yet. You allready said what I said again. Well my name is nick too so it was logic your post reflected mine 😎
  4. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.05

    To be honest, you can boost someone in RL aswell. Another perk of not playing solo. Not saying it should be intendid. Dont forgot there are a lot of games where this is a valid and much used tactic.
  5. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Still nothing to cater a hermit playstyle. If 1.06 lands and bows and or fishing is still not in or spoken of, I'm out. Disappointed again.....
  6. They use morphine in hospitals dont they? Even in australia i persume. Because of a broken nose i had a fortunate last week regarding the morphine, it was beautifull..... Would you like some more morphine mr.? Me; yes please 😆
  7. McWendy

    You died!

    Ok ok Let my try this; Be more aware of your surroundings.😉 Thats dayz unfortunately, cant tell how many times i got the you are dead screen without having a clue whatsoever about my attacker(s)
  8. McWendy

    DayZ 1.05 Update

    Wow nothing was said in that text..... way to keep it up 👏
  9. Because of ingame marihuana? Sun is too hot in australia thats for sure.....
  10. It probably wasnt a silent round. So many times shots were not heard but you died anyway. Yes kos is what most do after experiencing what you experienced yourself. The wiggle doesnt mean shit. Never has never will. Sure there are some good/fair players. Most People are just dicks tho and don't care about your time invested only about the wannahave instinct. Best advise is to play on whitelisted private servers. Good luck out there.
  11. McWendy

    My DayZ Experience

    No. We dont.
  12. You do know how the original mod started dont you?
  13. Im 38. I dont care how old you are. But with your first post you come across as a entitled Child. And the rest of your posts agree with my statement. Now please go hold your GIVE ME A KEY Hands somewhere else. You are starting insults.... says enough
  14. If you were such a BIG fan then yours forum account would have been older then a few hours. You know, an account that contributed in Its development
  15. Because you send 5 letters (do people still send letters?! 😂) Your application got to the bottom of the pile for being greedy. 10k people is not a lot globally....... take a chill pill spoiled wannahave
  16. McWendy

    Teleporting after server change

    Might be wise to read up first on all that changed, you know patch notes etc. That way you know what you are "testing", as you put it. They changed a lot depending on how long you were away.
  17. I can remember reading a book in the light of my lit chimney while winds and Rain and the growling of infected surrounded my house. Thats immersion. Helikopters and bases are not immersive. Bit OT but idc. 😎
  18. I agree with the persistence issues. Not reliable enough to put in the effort to get and keep a car. But Its the cause of the problems that should be fixed. Dont fix it by making it easier. Fix the problems.
  19. I dont agree. Cars should be difficult to fix/repair. It should be a luxury not a normal thing. If you want to save time you have to put in the time. Now a bicycle that could be ready to go as found. Cars..... no.
  20. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.04.152166

    (. Removed this because of the source part) You might be good at predicting and file reading. But Bohemia is good at screwing up. So we might get what we want (im talking almost everybody's wishes) or none of it all. Time will tell. Bohemia is good at letting time tell. Back to the On-topic: Bohemia please get back at development of the main game. There are better suited companies out there dealing with the Battle Royale itch. Get back to what made you great again.
  21. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.04.152166

    Refreshing reaction i must say. Usually Its an all out "let me get back at ya" fest. We will not see eye to eye on the development of the game and how Its delivered, but i will respect your open mind. Btw what is an old player? Im 38 and find that old. Playing dayz since the mod so maybe thats getting old? Never to old to play a game thats for sure. But as far as dayz is concerned, well...... maybe im just getting to old for this shit 😎
  22. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.04.152166

    On what planet do you live? Things have always been in/into/out of the game files. Guess you're rather New to dayz development and their communication. Hey if they ever get it done, i will eat my hat. Fact is they have been trying/or say they are trying to get it done for the last 5-6 years. Your predictions dont mean shit. Im sorry thats Just the way it is, no hard feelings.
  23. McWendy

    Parity with 0.62 and DayZ Mod

    I stopped playing when they removed the bow. I like the hermit style of playing these games. Which in Its current form is unrewarding
  24. McWendy

    Status Report - July 2019

    You make it sound as if the old player base is crazy for not wanting New content over old content..... We want no promised features first, we want the old survival mechanics back in place. You know things we had and what made the game. (For us then) You have no idea of the bs road BI took. And how fan players slowly turned into sceptic players. Yeah...... Welcome to the forums x)
  25. McWendy

    Status Report - July 2019

    They were there when I bought it. Like a lot of us had. Just because you joined the party only recently doesnt mean it wasnt there. So please dont make stupid comments like that.