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Everything posted by McWendy

  1. McWendy

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Well in those centuries pollution was another matter. In modern Times people drink from Wells and Creeks yes, AFTER cooking/ boiling said water. Take a sip from the Ganges (India) and come back to us with your previous statement. Ive been sick once in 1000 hours. Its not the game. Its you. If you dont like boiling water go play pubg. Raw food is saver then unclean water. You Just need to know which parts you can eat.
  2. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    Why? We had Both and they both worked fine. If it ain't broke dont try to fix it. They did. We all know the results....
  3. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    Taking away or not bringing back items for survival makes that happen. Id rather have a bow then a handgun.
  4. McWendy

    Clothing should be divided up into pockets

    I agree. A skorpion maybe but the mp5 no.
  5. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    I said exactly this. Somehow the 1.06 gave chernarus no love regarding harshness. Its too easy to survive. The knifes are there mate. Keep looking. Dont forget Hunt towers they tend too spawn knives at Times. But yes dayZ has a tendency too not give you the loot you are really looking for. Its always been like that. Look for something else instead. You Will find a knife after that. DayZ logic 😁
  6. McWendy

    When will ragdolls be making a comeback?

    The impact it had on server performance will likely mean it will not come back. They removed doors and lootspawns for increase in performance. Added infected bodies and players to Stay longer which increases instabillity. So i agree with @green_mtn_grandbob somewhere in 2025
  7. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    I couldnt remember whilst typing 🙂
  8. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    Funny thing is they said mechanics would transfer to chernarus too but the fact is its still very easy to survive there. The fires never overheat unless you stand untop. Cooking on them works fine though. Sickness is a non issue only got sick one time because i didn't wash my hands. The weather is mostly just sunny. Some rain but hardly having a negative effect. This is on a vanilla chernarus server. With cargo pants, hunting jacket, ski maak and urghanda (of whatever you call that fluffy russian hat) im never freezing. Must be map related for sure.... Disappointing i have to buy in order to get a deadly environment
  9. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    Make one inside the designated fireplace inside a house. Even with feet against the logs it still goes up and down without change of position. I agree with your radius remark. Especially inside a house with closer doors. It should give effect more easily.
  10. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.05

    I was talking about and to the other Guy...... Sigh.
  11. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.05

    That is a small change indeed. But there was no word of any change to stable yet. Could be a few terrain tweaks. Nothing substantial at least.
  12. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.05

    Yeah i was gonna say Learn to read but didn't wanna start a new war again. 😁
  13. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    This is really badly executed indeed. Made a fireplace inside a house. I stood infront of the fireplace with a wool coat, balaclava and wool headgear and I still cooled off. Come on Devs.... Standing 15 minutes in the above situation would not get me out of light blue. This is just not right. Making a fire (with the risks that come with) should yield a higher reward warmth wise. Adding heated cooking pots and canned food helps but its a bit far fetched carrying a 200 degrees Celsius cooking pot in my pants pockets.... 🤣
  14. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.05

    Nothing yet. Only on experimental. The 1.06 exp update is out
  15. McWendy

    On the Road to Livonia!

    Agreed, not the 0 I hoped as promised but understandable. Its a fun map
  16. McWendy

    On the Road to Livonia!

    Well im An old idiot so appearently old idiots say those things. 🙂 but i Will get off your back. 👍
  17. McWendy

    On the Road to Livonia!

    Well you do end up in a lot of post battles with multiple people here on this forum,. So bruh.... Selfreflect some more. Your age is obviously showing.
  18. McWendy

    Smaller Shovel/Trowel?

    Even the animations of those big melee weapons could use a new one. Very annoying having a pickaxe cross your screen whilst running. A military shovel could be a Nice addition as military loot. The one i had in the military was foldable and had different edges; blade and Saw. Perfect tool if you ask me. 4 in one
  19. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    True, but finding back to back guns in houses next to eachother is a bit too much imo.
  20. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    Session of about 2,5 hours; Infected are way too easy now. Just trigger one and have it come straight at you. Then with a melee aim at head, one swing dead. This alone is a reall game killer because they carry food and drinks, survival nullified. Theres a red brick wall approx head high in berizino that is not climable. A grey wall with the top corner stones on it is higher and IS climable... Small Stones should be easier to find. Not Just the very small rails and hike trail chances. Few desync issues on doors, overall pretty responsive. Weather is nice tho i would like more cloud variation. The rain is good. Gun loot is too high Other then that quite Nice
  21. McWendy

    Experimental Update 1.06

    Im with you on this one. I too hope there is more to come. Bit disappointing really. In his defense tho a provisional changelog? Really? Whatever happend to the "testing" of experimental before the push to stable?And for that we need most if not all update info. They should go back to the reall difference between stable And exp. Make sure stable runs solid. And then use the exp branch to try out (new) items, animations, mechanics etc.
  22. McWendy

    Helicopters and No Smoke

    Yeah ive walked that loop a few times myself. 🤗 Never seen 3 fumes together tho. Let me just log in, do a quick loop, hop, loop back, log out and go about my business. Im kinda glad that's not really possible anymore.
  23. McWendy

    Forum activity and game progression

    Oké oké Livonia's content and update are not that bad. Chernarus is. Man wat a lag compared too the other map
  24. I must say the forum activity has seen a boost since the "1.06" Livonia update. I'm glad for that. As a long time player and forum lurker this is a good thing to see happen. Discussions again taking place. Everything offcourse has to do with the good work the Devs made in last quarter. I'm first to say; well McWendy you are always so negative, and yes I can be, and no not all the time. If you've been here around long enough you'd know my post history a bit and would know that I too was called a fanboi on many occasion. Dont forget dayz development has been a rollercoaster. And rollercoasters can make people happy and sick at the same time. As for now im glad to see the road the game has ahead of itself. I just hope survival won't be forgotten. It is what makes it stand out from a standard shooter. And yes , for those who could be firing some shots, I do still have some negative things this game has and bother me but that was falling from a ladder too and that didnt make me stop playing neither. Hell even my wife has a few quirks doesnt mean i would dump her ass. As long there is progress. Which now is on the up and up. Finally some reading material with my breakfast again. Tldr: I applaud increase in forum activity and this game isnt all that bad. 🙂
  25. McWendy

    What do you guys do as solo players?

    Well a weapon jamming could be a nice addition. We had that before in some builds ago. But that should be a press of a button, like in RL, to unchamber the faulty bullet, load a new one and continue. But thats obviously not what ricky is experiencing. Ive had a gun go click and nothing more but i always thought that was because of the damaged/worn state of guns and or bullets. So maybe thats still a factor? Or is everything pristine and it still does it? I'll go through some lengthy pew pew sessions tonight see if i can replicate.