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Everything posted by McWendy

  1. McWendy

    New player

    How about no mods and do what you said in the first post. Learn the basics? Also what message. Im pretty sure its not; we're not letting you in... If you want help on this "Dying" forum you need to be more specific then that. Otherwise you Will get cynical responses from old forum dudes like me 🤣😂
  2. McWendy

    1.12 Experimental Release

    Yeah indeed. Best addition ever. Like you couldnt eat a tomato without peeling it. 😄
  3. McWendy

    One punch kill?

    Well a sledgehammer to the face is pretty lethal. I recently almost got killed by someone with fists, took me 4 hits with my split axe to be the Victor..... I mean like wtf...
  4. McWendy

    One punch kill?

    Have you seen the posted vids recently? No more interesting adventures. Only look at me pew pew from 3rd person and camping spots. There's a lot of players playing this like Just An ordinary Shooter. Guess bringing people back to the coast is where they get their kicks. So yeah most humans are assholes by nature.
  5. McWendy

    DayZ in EpicGames

    Why is steam shit? Its Just like epic. A platform.
  6. McWendy

    DayZ in EpicGames

    ?? So you want it to be free, is that the question? Not all epic games are free. Not all steam games are paid. And if its a game of a fucking company, then why play it? You got banned didn't you 😉
  7. McWendy

    Will the common cold kill me?

    Dont know on what server (mods) you play but what helps are vitamin pills and indeed staying by a fire. If you're wet, like drgullen, said wring out your clothes but also take them all off and lay Them next to (not into) the fire. They Will be dry in no time.
  8. McWendy

    Spielausschluss *GlobalBan #499601

    It doesn't state that you were permanently banned. Contact Bohemia and battleye again. What was Windows insider version and why did you change versions? That's at least a Red flag right there.
  9. McWendy

    Spielausschluss *GlobalBan #499601

    Ffs use Google translate nobody is gonna take the time to do it for you. Especially since its about a ban.
  10. McWendy

    DayZ in 2021

    Never probably. They make big bucks from all banned rebuy players
  11. Since my small group finally found a server we enjoy its now time for the next step. Making a place home. Dont get me wrong we dont want a Castle to build. 🙂 Just to enclose a barn or industrial building. could someone give me some do's and dont's and perhaps needed materials? Thanks in advance
  12. McWendy

    Base building needed materials

    Agreed @Tonyeh that's why we switched to regular. Its Just about right. Having to start fires is one thing, having to do it every five minutes is Just a damn chore.
  13. McWendy

    Base building needed materials

    We went modded and something fresh, well at least for us. So we decided om Namalsk by spaggie. We tried hardcore first, but that meant fires every five minutes or so. Landed on Regular 4. Enough PVP ( but also alot of fires and cooking. And dealing with the cold and snowstorms) We like it, for now 😉
  14. McWendy

    Dayz death

    Im not mad... You're Just greatly misinformed. And dont act all cool when you quote and attack here on the forum. You personally attack and blame a person for whats wrong with the gaming industry. Your behaviour is whats wrong with this world...
  15. McWendy

    Dayz death

    I hardly agree often with ZBA but have YOU ever heard about sarcasm?! ZBA is very anti state of the game as it is now. Read up before you spew oncontributing one-liners
  16. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.11

    Ofcourse i do, i feel you. Been here the whole ride.. 😉 @'AZAZEL'yes mate you are right. Namalsk on spaggie put life back in it for me. Now if only i had my bow and snare some traps life would be beautifull. 🤗
  17. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.11

    Yeah I even called Them out in a post. Had a decent suggestion aswell. Nothing. Only thing saving this game is mods but not the person kind.
  18. You too mate and good luck with solving the issues.
  19. That i agree and Read in your posts. There was a Guy earlier who kept on rebuying accounts on steam and DayZ and reinstalling of his pc but got banned left and right regardless of what he tried to do. So there could indeed be smth seriously wrong with battleye. On a more Friendlier and helpfull note, try to use DMs for devs and contact Bohemia and battleye itself. Posting here has no use but some exposure under players. Mods and devs left this building long ago. (In a response matter that is)
  20. Im not being a Smart ass. You yourself said you tried to be cheap and downloaded some sketchy software. That's 2 red flags right there. Which led to your ban. Also when your not open to replies of any sort then just dont come to an open forum. Also 2; you are one in a few dozen that come here with beautifull stories of weird stuff leading to a ban. The main point is: not doing weird things doesn't lead to bans. Bottom Line ; you yourself took some form of Risk which didn't pan out. Dont blame me for pointing it out to you.
  21. I stopped reading after sketchy. Dont take short cuts in life when it Comes to things you Just have to buy or follow rules, procedures. You tried to play the system. You lost.
  22. McWendy

    Stable Update 1.11

    Console crowd is for the majority kids and teenagers, what do you expect? Ofc there are adults on console but the ratio compared to pc is very very small. And Lets face it, that player categorie doesn't think about the "others" yet. Not saying pc is the best, but to start decent pc gaming you need bigger pockets and more knowledge. Edit; and yes pc suffers from Duping and abuse too, Just to a lesser ratio extend because the bigger available choices
  23. McWendy

    Reporting racist and abusive players

    Get their steam profile and contact steam for breach of the code of conduct. Recent players is a good place to start
  24. McWendy

    I am open to item offers

    Please Just put this in the trade section. We dont need that here. Besides nobody does this anymore (well oke almost not anymore) Also with your post count..... Lol
  25. McWendy

    Dayz death

    See a lot of good ideas to surpass the possible wipes. Some more executable then others. Devs should really look into this more instead of Just saying we'll Just wipe everything every quarter. Makes no justifyable sense but that they dont have a clue what to do. Also the announcement of An update should always include whether or not they will wipe everything. Saves a lot of investment for those who dont have 4-6 hours in a day to play/build/collect.