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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    That was particularly well said!
  2. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    This should serve to crash the servers sooner, so that the devs can get more/better data. The servers seem to be a bit flaky, but when they are good, they're damn good!
  3. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    You're the guy!!!
  4. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Check post #1 for bug reporting procedure.
  5. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I'm not convinced that the server menu is getting updated properly ... certainly not in real time. I was able to log onto a server that showed full, while I was refused on servers that supposedly had open slots.
  6. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    You forget that Exp is there for the benefit of the devs so that they can test what they want to test, when they want to test and how they want to test it. Exp has nothing to do with playing the game, although that is sometimes possible. If you don't accept that, you should stick with stable. The devs go out of their way to ensure that stable is halfway playable (mostly crash free) so that the supporters/early adopters/crash test dummies can actually play the game.
  7. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    A.K.A. stress testing the servers, while watching for something to break.
  8. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Don't feel bad, I have NO sound!!!
  9. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I expect that the servers are still down for maintenance.
  10. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Hey Tatanko, get your camera ready!
  11. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Pinch me!
  12. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    If you've been following along and paying a modicum of attention, you'll know that none of the mechanics, of which you complain, will change in 0.60. The engine modules, which are currently being massaged will eventually allow for enhancements of the game mechanics (new player controller, better zed AI, etc.), but we aren't there yet. The devs could flip a switch today and give us a much better survival sim, buy cranking up the weather, dialing down the temperature and significantly decreasing the food and ammunition supplies and I would personally celebrate that. Unfortunately, every time they attempt that, the COD crowd squeals like stuck pigs. Regional loot control could eventually help with this and I, myself, have suggested that Balota be transformed back into a convenient armory for the COD guys. That way, they won't have to bother with traveling inland and all of us will be happy. If the devs provided an option for a Balota spawn, or a random spawn, that would be even better, still! Now, if only we could have regional weather control! It would be easier for a fresh spawn to get established, but provide a much more challenging experience as players venture inland. What I'm trying to say is that there is a very diverse population playing this game. The "one size fits all" approach of trying to convince the COD guys to get off of the coast and mix in with the rest of us, so that we can hold hands and sing songs together, is wrongheaded. They don't want to leave the coast and those of us who do, are largely not interested with interacting with the COD guys and their KOS approach to the game. Should we want that kind of excitement, we all know where to go, in order to find it. Full circle: There is no point in hyping 0.60, except in recognition that it is an important milestone, which brings us closer to the finished product. Better, more challenging game mechanics are reserved for 0.61 and beyond.
  13. BleedoutBill

    Status Report - 26 Apr 2016

    Don't wiz on the electric fence!!!
  14. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    You asked for it: http://twitter.com/Hicks_206/status/671637549106991104
  15. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Beans for your diag efforts! :beans: You need a little more toe on a 4X4, otherwise they'll wander all over the road. :) Seriously, what's next, chassis alignments?
  16. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I have a Phenom II X6 with a GTX470, 8GB RAM and a SSD, so I definitely won't make fun. With the addition of the SSD, it used to run DayZ pretty well, but it got to the point where I'd have a slide show with more than 20 people on a server. Approaching 30 people, the machine would start freezing. This was prior to the issue with large camps/loot stashes. I haven't used that machine for DayZ for several weeks. I'll try it again on the next build to see if the "dual core fix" has helped the AMD.
  17. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    When the -newui was first released, I used to get the blue sky. I think that was probably with a GTX470. Months later I tried -newui again and the game would constantly crash. I can't remember which GPU I was using at the time. I'm currently using a GTX780 and -newui works well for me and it even provides a 5-15fps performance boost. Sorry, I don't have any tips. It just works now, whereas it didn't before. It's still a work in progress, so I wouldn't be surprised if it stopped working again, between now and when it is finished. Honestly, I find it rather tedious to use in its current configuration. I understand that it's just a tech demo and that this isn't the final design. I'm sure that the final product will be more user friendly. It wouldn't hurt to submit a bug report to let 'em know that the blue sky is still a thing, with some PCs. If they receive enough bug reports, perhaps they'll more easily be able to spot the culprit that's causing the issue.
  18. BleedoutBill

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Option 5) While I find cargo pants desirable, they are not critical to my survival. Therefore, engaging in risky behaviour (AKA hand to hand combat) to obtain them, is not worth the risk of loosing everything and starting over on the beach, when I can easily find them through much less risky behavior (AKA looting). I honestly don't understand why variety is a bad thing. Our characters already have the same size, strength, speed, endurance, agility and etc. Do you honestly believe that if we all had the same pants, same jacket, same backpack and same gun that this would enhance the experience? It certainly won't stop griefing, because griefers aren't motivated by the gear. All they want to do is make their neighbor miserable. They may use the gear as an excuse to try and rationalize their actions, but they are being dishonest with us and themselves. I also disagree that there is no motivation for the inverse, not that I think that this should be necessary. If I am wet and freezing and I don't have the means to build a fire at hand, I am definitely going to take off my wet cargo pants and trade them for some dry jeans. Also, in a world where I loose hotbar slots if my gear becomes damaged, or ruined, swapping my damaged cargo pants for pristine jeans makes perfect sense to me.
  19. BleedoutBill

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    For the sake of argument, let's say that the gamma adjustment is completely removed from the game. Per Bautschi's original question, how do you keep people from adjusting the gamma in their GPU driver, or in their monitor? How do you enforce this? The answer is: you can't. Therefore, does it make sense to remove people from their ongoing tasks to "fix" a problem in the current engine, when the whole existing video rendering system will be thrown in the trash in a few months? How can this be considered a priority and how will it change anything, when players already have an alternative means to adjust gamma? I don't think so, as it won't make any meaningful difference. As Brian says, there are other, more pressing issues ... such as getting the new renderer in the game and tuning the damn thing. We don't even know what night time will look like in the game at v1.0, but Brian has said that he intends to enhance the night time experience to reduce the temptation to jack with the gamma adjustment. I think that we should wait to see what he has in mind, before we criticize something that we haven't yet seen.
  20. BleedoutBill

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Linux / Vulkan support for both the client and the server would be the bee's knees! If the ARMA3 experiment proves successful, is this something that would be considered in the future?
  21. BleedoutBill

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Some clothing is warm, some items are waterproof / water resistant, some have more pockets than others, some provide ballistic protection and some have a combination of these features. What other desirable attributes are we missing / need to have? Personally, I think that it would be pretty spiffy if we had cans of waterproofing spray that we could apply to our clothing. The protection could deteriorate over time, or with exposure to rain, but it could be reapplied. We already have a model for a spray can in-game, so all we need is a different label for the can. Currently, we can circumvent the effects of cold / wet weather by sprinting everywhere. Presumably, this will no longer be possible, once stamina is implemented. The introduction of a waterproof spray would provide more choice on a "wet server" than the usual raincoat, or Gorka BDU. We already compete for food, clothing, weapons and the temporary control of water sources. Please explain why having a motivation to trade up from jeans to cargo pants is a further incentive / excuse for griefing / KOS / PVP, beyond what already exists. I'd really like to understand this, but it sounds more like a rationalization for being a griefer to me, than anything else.
  22. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Guilty! I don't hop on every night, but when I do it's generally for several hours at a time. Overall, I like the accelerated time much better than a 1:1 lock at local time. Perhaps 6x, or 8x would be better than 12x, but I think that there are bigger fish to fry than this. Either way, this is something that the private server admins will eventually be able to control, themselves. IMHO, though, if they could figure a way to slow time down a bit at dust and dawn, that'd be tremendously cool! That way, Tatanko would have more time to "catch the light." :) Unless the devs have started a new experiment, all of the Exp servers are locked at the same time acceleration.
  23. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Actually, there was quite a lot of negative feedback, when the game time was linked to the local time of the servers' physical location. Folks would get home from work, hop into the game and it would be night and that's the way it would stay for their entire evening play time. People were playing in perpetual dark, unless they hopped onto a server on a different continent, with the ensuing high pings. As a result of this feedback (I assume), the devs enabled accelerated time on the Exp servers, as an ... er ... experiment, so that players could experience a complete day/night cycle (or two) during their evening play time, regardless of their server's location.
  24. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I'm not a game developer, nor do I play one on TV, but here's what I think is happening: This is a somewhat common experience with the Exp builds. When the game boots, it loads the map, various assets (buildings, trees, loot) as well as the textures for those items, into memory. The messages advise you that one, or more of the items, which are being called/loaded by the game, can not be found. This can be due to a bad hard drive, or corrupted game files, but most likely, the devs have temporarily removed that particular item, because they are working on same.
  25. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).
