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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. If the game crashes when you click play, then you need to submit a crash report. This link explains the process: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/how-to-user.html Then go here, sign up for an account and then submit your report. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php
  2. BleedoutBill

    Mosquito/Nat/Fly Sounds. - TAKE THEM OUT.

    I think that you are on to something. Any time that they build a ghillie, there should be at least a 20% chance that they unintentionally stick a sprig of poison ivy in their suit.
  3. BleedoutBill

    Mosquito/Nat/Fly Sounds. - TAKE THEM OUT.

    I think we need some snakes to keep the snipers warm.
  4. Unless both of your PCs have public IP addresses, then the server sees the same IP (your router, or cable/DSL modem's public address) for both computers on your network. Your router does NAT (network address translation) so that multiple machines can share a single public address. With this in mind, it's easy to see why the server would be confused that an IP that is already logged in, is sending additional requests to log in (again). Only your router knows what is going on inside of your LAN and that there are actually two sepertate PCs. With the introduction of IPV6, it is envisioned that there will be enough addresses available, so that every device will be able to have it's own, unique public address. This will make Band-Aids like NAT unneccessary, unless you are tryig to obfiscutate what is going on , inside of your own, private LAN.
  5. BleedoutBill

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    Well argued and illustrated. Personally, I like this idea. I suspect that I may be in the minority, though. I also liked the holster ideas. We need more options for holsters and, perhaps, 3-point slings. It also wouldn't hurt my feelings to be able to stash a huning knife in a boot. These issues have been mentioned time and time again, sorry! I'm surprised that no one mentioned that a pen, paper, fish hook and can opener all take a full slot., but I expect that's the price you pay for the current inventory system.
  6. BleedoutBill

    Hot Keys only for items NOT in your packpack

    I don't mind the hot keys at all. Without them, things would be unnecessarily tedious. However, if you are going to pull something out of your pack, via the hotkeys, there should be a time penalty, You shouldn't be able to produce a magnum instantaneously and blow everyone's head off, before they know what happened.
  7. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Yes, by all means. Rant and rave about how the game has ruined your life and that you are going to uninstall. It takes a lot less time than filling out a bug report and god knows that the end results are superior!
  8. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    If I had flipped a big truck, I think I would have ruined my pants, too! :D
  9. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Yeah, it seems to be a bug, affecting people selectively. I logged on last night and I was bright green. Time went by and I was still bright green. I thought this was odd, so I ate a box of cereal, several cans of peaches, beans, spaghetti, several sodas, fruit, potatos, etc., etc. Never once did I get a "Stuffed" message ... and I tried.
  10. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Agreed. It's annoying, but it's not that big of a deal in whole scheme of things. It's certainly no reason for people to stamp their feet and throw their toys out of their stroller.
  11. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    I can't imagine that this would work. My menu was missing due to the -no pause and -skipintro switches. I deleted all of my config files, while trying to diag this problem. As soon as I figured it out, I hopped onto a server and crashed three times in as many hours.
  12. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Sign yourself up for an account and then attach them to a bug report. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php
  13. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    It's a bug in the code. The devs are working on it.
  14. BleedoutBill

    Best tactic in dealing with zombies?

    Correct, they can not currently climb ladders. They don't tend to have any trouble with stairs, though. It's no problem killing then, but you will want to leave the area before they respawn. Also, you'll want to kill them quietly, lest you attract the attention of others.
  15. BleedoutBill

    0.54 Issues

    I received feedback on my crash dumps this morning. The good news is that the devs understand the problem and they are working on a hot fix. I guess I shouldn't be surprised about all of the whining and moaning, but seriously! When all of you complained about poor frame rates, poor visuals, poor lighting effects, wacky character movement, derpy AI, etc., etc., and the devs responded by making a commitment to bring the game engine into the 21st century, did you really expect that there would be no problems/setbacks/disruptions? The reality is, that as all of the new tech, that has been in the pipeline for the past several months, is gradually merged into the stable branch, there are going to be a lot of issues. The road is going to get much bumpier, before it gets smoother. You definitely need to come to grips with that, or you need to take a break for the next few months.
  16. BleedoutBill

    make walking more attractive

    I walk quite a bit and when the stealth mechanic is finaly added, walking will become even more attaractive.
  17. BleedoutBill

    Need help or a refund :/

    A long time ago (AKA six days ago) you posted: Posted 20 February 2015 - 01:18 PM Hello, I got a new computer upgraded from my laptop ever since I got my new computer every game works BUT Dayz and Arma II. I download Dayz hit play and nothing happens tell my friends I started playing dayz but then just goes to me back to nothing while I see nothing happens ill just still be at my desktop doesn't even show dayz has tried to load for me. I would like to play as ill finally get more then 20 FPS but guess that probably not gonna happen...... I'm sorry, but I can't make heads, nor tails out of what is, or isn't happening with your game. The post that you made here, is even less informative. If all you want to do is whine, then mission accomplished. If you actually want some assistance, then you may want to consider providing some useful information, in a coherent and organized manner. Alternatively, you may wish to submit a help ticket to the devs. Either way, if English is not your first language, then I would suggest that you first seek help with getting the specifics of your concern documented, on paper.
  18. BleedoutBill

    Hey dudes. First time playing DayZ

    Yeah, that's pretty much what happens when you leave the porch and play with the big dogs!
  19. BleedoutBill

    Do tents still spawn at Myshkino?

    I found one there the night before last, on 0.54 exp.
  20. BleedoutBill

    Map Changes in 0.54.126628

    I spawned here last night. Thanks for the great pics. You are really developing an eye for this!
  21. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I hopped onto two favorite servers (not many experimental first person servers to choose from) and my character has definitely gone Tango Uniform. Not long after respawning, my new character went into a house, walked up stairs and was seized with the dreaded "Broken Leg & Ruined Pants/Gear/Shoes" bug. What's next, right? Well I pressed on and on a more positive note, my new character found a stake body V3S, with a full tank of fuel. I terrorized quite a few towns, before I ended up wedging it between two trees. What a hoot! I'll have to find my controller, to see if that makes it any easier to steer. I'm all thumbs, when to comes to steering with the keyboard. Afterwards, I looted the Myshkino military camp. Not only didn't I get killed, but no one even fired a shot at me! Truth be told, there isn't a lot going on there any way. I was looking for a vest and some ammo and I scored both, so mission accomplished. All in all everything evened out at the end. The devs giveth and the devs taketh away.
  22. Yes, as I recollect, IBM was right proud of those AT and XT machines when they first launched!
  23. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    UPDATE: Adding the -oldui switch gave me the old style menu and I was able to launch the game. However, I had no character preview on the front page of the menu, nor could I configure a default character in the menu. When I joined a server, my character had been deleted and I was a fresh spawn on the beach. See this link for screenshots of what my UI looked like: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/174863-character-screen-gone-when-i-log-in/?hl=%20can#39;t%20%20set%20%20default%20%20character So, it appears that the -skipintro launch parameter interferes with the launching of the new UI. Do yourself a favor and delete this switch from your launch config, before your character gets deleted. Cheers!
  24. BleedoutBill

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    F.Y.I. Maybe it's just me, but ... I was tinkering with my config and launch parameters. I launched the game and all I got was a light blue pulsing screen and ambient noises. I had no menu, whatsoever. I went back over my work and I could find no errors. I validated the local files and everything checked out. I renamed my config files and allowed the game to generate new, default config files. Still, I had no menu when I launched the game. Then I remembered a recent tweet from Eugen and added -oldui to my launch parameters. This did the trick. It's the old menu system, but at least I now have a menu. I hope this saves someone some time and aggravation.
  25. BleedoutBill

    DirectX 12

    Here is a follow-up DX12 article. This time, they fire up a couple of AMD APUs to see if/how multi-threaded performance improves under DX12 with these processors. http://anandtech.com/show/8968/star-swarm-directx-12-amd-apu-performance