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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I think that has already been discussed several times. You'll need to delete your config settings and allow the game to generate new default settings.
  2. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    For the umpteenth time, Experimental is not there for your entertainment / curiosity / amusement. It's there for an actual purpose and the devs decide how best to use that resource. When it says, "deadlocked669" on the front of the BI office building, then you can make those decisions about how the available resources are best used. Not before.
  3. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    The opposite of how you subscribed to Experimental - right click on the game/properties/beta and then select none.
  4. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Sorry you had to find out the hard way, but thanks for the tip.
  5. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    No, but the can jump over fences, so there's (practically) nowhere to hide now!
  6. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    It's advertising. What, they shouldn't advertise, until we hit 1.0? Should they buy billboards in LA, New York, London, Paris and Tokyo, instead? Do you think that would be more effective? This is a business arrangement, it's not a freebie for their friends.
  7. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    For the cost of one crummy server, the streamers give BI a huge amount of exposure, A.K.A. advertising, precisely in an area where BI's target audience is likely to see it. This deal is MUCH better than money for BI!
  8. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    The devs only give details on the stable releases. Exp is always a complete mystery, which is why everyone is anxious to explore.
  9. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Acid trip? Far Cry 4 did it ... or was that The Simpsons?
  10. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I don't even know why the devs put forth the effort, when we have so many experts lurking on this forum. Sigh! If they'd just post the source code to GitHub, I'm sure that we'd have a release build inside of a week!
  11. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    The servers are unstable! They crash! They go down! This is just further validation that the devs made the right decision not to roll this build out sooner. Once they get on top of the server reliability issues, who knows, perhaps they'll open this up to a wider audience. For now, they just need a handful of heavily stressed servers, in order to collect the diagnostic data that they need.
  12. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I don't think so. I thought Tatanko had about a 26" or a 28" 16x9 monitor, but I don't clearly remember the spec. I just remember that he got a new monitor about 8-9 months ago.
  13. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I think that SMoss said it best, in the first post: Please keep in mind that 0.60 contains the first iteration of the new renderer and as such you will encounter loads of bugs. In that regard; we highly value your feedback as always and even though our new tracker is not quite ready to go live yet, you can file all the bugs you come across in the following sub-forum and we'll make sure to sweep them up: (http://forums.dayz.com/forum/151-060-experimental-bugs/)
  14. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    1 - confirmed - Haven't tried to enable v-sync. Too busy basking in the high FPS. 2 - Most everyone stuck at 200%, although Tatanko reports being stuck at 150%. 3 - Affirmative, they can not be enabled.
  15. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Please reboot and advise if the problem is still resolved. I had the no sound/pop issue on game boot, but once I successfully logged onto a server, the problem went away. When I restarted the game, the problem came back. Logging onto a server "fixed" the problem again ... until I shut down.
  16. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I have no status icons, whatsoever, but I am getting messages that I want to eat and drink. When I bring up my inventory screen, I periodically have green bar indicating that I am energized, but that is the only icon/indicator that I've seen so far.
  17. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Totally! Several of us hopped onto TS last night and we were having a good time, while spamming the server menu. At one point, 3-4 of us were on the same server, at the same time, but we didn't have enough time to link up.
  18. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    It's the pics which are attached as a spoiler, that I'm having trouble with. The rest I can see.
  19. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Am I the only one who can't view attachments? I can see the *.jpg files, but I can not view them. Just wondering if it's my browser, or this forum.
  20. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Sorry, I don't get the joke. Would you prefer to limit the servers to 25 slots, so that they are not stressed and the bugs remain undiscovered and unresolved? 0.60 contains a great deal of new code and while the devs do some internal testing, it's not possible for them to simulate 1100 players simultaneously beating on the servers. I've met some damn good code jockeys, but I never met one who wrote perfect, divinely inspired code. Bugs are to be expected. Better that we find them in alpha so that they can be addressed, than wait until release (I'm lookin' at you Ubisoft!!!).
  21. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I saw quite a lot of thunder and lightning, but I didn't get rained on ... yet.
  22. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    From my experience last night and again early this morning, the servers have been very responsive, even with relatively high pings. Eventually, though severe rubber banding sets in. It's obvious that the server is in distress, because it becomes difficult to pick up objects, or open doors. In each case, a couple of minutes later, the server crashed. So, when the rubber banding sets in, I do my best to find a spawn point with which I will be comfortable.
  23. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Glad to hear you were able to get in. I read some other accounts of memory leak problems and I had a memory exception, when shutting down the game. Please elaborate on how you fixed your issue. It may help others.
  24. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Read post #1 for bug reporting instructions.
  25. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    You're in rare form today ... don't hold back, now!