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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. Have the game output the desired resolution, so that the GPU does not have to do scaling, in addition to rendering.
  2. BleedoutBill

    Had a little vacation but back for some action

    Eugen recently made a couple of posts in the experimental forum that explain some of the current issues with server/game performance: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/222231-exp-update-055126884-discussion/?p=2232648 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/222231-exp-update-055126884-discussion/?p=2232667 Basically, we are at a critical transition phase between the old tech and the new tech. Until everything can be ported over to the new tech, it's going to be a bit of a bumpy road.
  3. BleedoutBill

    Logging out idea from Reign of Kings

    I like this idea quite a lot, but it is difficult to envision how it could be implemented in DayZ. Thinking out loud, I suppose that this could be a thing, if it is used in conjunction with the re-log timer that has already been proposed by the devs. To clarify my thought: I want to log off, so I need to find a safe place to do so. I initiate the log out sequence, which includes climbing into a sleeping bag and going to sleep. For the next ten minutes (I just pulled a number out of the air for the purpose of discussion), I will be asleep and vulnerable on that server. After the timer counts down the ten minutes, I am then free to log back into the original server or any other available server on that hive. There would be no countdown penalty going from the public hive, to a private hive, or vice versa, however my character remains vulnerable for the full countdown period. I think that this mechanic could significantly add to immersion. IRL, a lot of thought and planing would go into selecting a location to camp for the night, because it is at this time when you would be the most vulnerable. I suspect that the level or paranoia would also necessarily increase (in case you didn't have enough already :D ). Additionally, while server hopping would still be a thing (let's face it, a ten minute timer is not going to dissuade any one from this practice), I suspect that this would tend to reduce combat logging and ghosting because this behavior would expose the practitioner to significant risk. The downside is the ten minute timer. The question is, do the benefits outweigh the penalty?
  4. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    Thanks for testing and reporting back!
  5. BleedoutBill

    Problems with current state

    Leaving the coast without gear is definitely a bad idea. However, staying on the coast, after it has been picked over by others is an even worse idea, not to mention the higher concentrations of zeds and KOS fourteen-year-olds who hang out there. There are lots of small towns just beyond the coast and the looting will be more profitable. Give it a try.
  6. BleedoutBill

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    I would like to express my appreciation to Tatanko for going to all of the trouble of pulling this party together for us. I was creeping around on the Musty servers, collecting supplies for the party (under an assumed name) and over the course of several nights I saw him there for hours at a time, organizing and finalizing preparations. I know that he put a lot of effort into this and I can tell that he feels a little disappointed that it ended the way that it did. I call bullshit on that. Personally, I have no regrets and I say that we chalk this up as a learning experience and fall back and regroup. The next effort will be that much better, due to the lessons learned Saturday night. Thanks, Tatanko, I enjoyed my supply mission and if I had not died prematurely, I would have been able to flank those pricks and pop up in their rear area with a couple of flashbangs and some 7.62x39mm Valentines ... next time bitches!!!
  7. BleedoutBill

    Incapacitation/ Kinectic knockdown discussion

    As in real life, you shoot until the threat goes away. I am not going to continue to waste precious ammo on a target that is no longer a threat, nor do I want to draw any more attention to myself, or my location, that I absolutely need to. My adversary may ultimately die from his wounds, but I'm not going to administer a coup de grâce, unless he did something above and beyond to piss me off. Better to leave him for zed fodder and perhaps distract the zeds while I make my egress.
  8. BleedoutBill

    Computer Problems, MoBo or Powersupply?

    Once in a while a power supply will just die. Those are easy to diagnose. In my experience, they linger and cause exactly the types of issues that you describe. There are PSU testers commonly available, but if you have a decent DVOM, you can make some checks, yourself. Google "pc power supply troubleshooting" for guidelines on what voltages to expect. The key is to ensure that the expected voltages are maintained, even when the system is under load. The GPU is probably the most power hungry component in your system, so download a tool (MSI Kombustor, or similar) that will keep the GPU busy, while you make your tests. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, recognize that a PSU can be deadly, even when not plugged into a wall socket. If you are not absolutely confident in your abilities, give this problem to someone experienced in this area.
  9. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    If you can wait, submit a help ticket and the devs will rescue you.
  10. BleedoutBill

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    Well thought out. It looks like we have a candidate for security chief.
  11. BleedoutBill

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    How about starting the party at dusk the next time? Everyone will be able to see their destination and then by the time they have had a Kvass, or two it will be dark enough to shoot off some flares. I was on the far NW side of the map and I got as far as ROG castle last night. When I started out tonight, I should have stayed on the trail, but I was concerned that bandits would set up check points along the roads near the island. So, I set off through the woods, with my handy compass. I came out just North of the island, at the top of the rocky outcrop / cliff. I was making my way East along the top of the cliff, when I heard shots from the direction of Kamyshovo. Between the adrenaline and the darkness, I managed to slip on the rocks and break my bloody neck! I re-spawned in the NE, hopped onto the European server and started making my way back to Otmel. By the time I got there, it was daylight on the US server and all traces of the party had vanished. I'm sorry to hear that everyone got blown up. If I was destined to die tonight, I would have rather done it defending against the pricks that crashed the party. Let's do it again real soon and perhaps scout out a new location that is a little more defensible.
  12. BleedoutBill

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    I wasn't saying that I didn't believe you. I was (trying to) saying that those temps are more appropriate for a GPU and beyond my comfort zone for a CPU. Sorry if I did not make myself clear.
  13. BleedoutBill

    DayZ why you gotta memory leak?

    Submit a help ticket and attach your crash logs.
  14. BleedoutBill

    Incapacitation/ Kinectic knockdown discussion

    Going back to the OP, I think what he is saying is that there should be more potential stages between full capacity and unconsciousness/death. As it stands, even a mortally wounded character can still run at 30kph and swing a 9kg sledgehammer with full power. Once he has bled sufficiently, he falls down dead, as if someone flipped off his power switch. This is just ridiculous. In terms of diminished capacity, as far as we know, only a limp animation is currently planned, but it remains to be seen if this will be merely a cosmetic element, or if it will actually hinder a character's mobility. What we need is a time line, of sorts, beginning with full capacity, followed by degrees of diminished capacity, followed by incapacitation, before ultimately reaching unconsciousness and death. The type and severity of the injury would dictate the character's start position on the time line as well as the prognosis for recovery. According to the latest Status Report, it looks like a more in-depth health and medical system is finally going to be a reality. Finally, the “magic rags” will be supplemented with a variety of different treatments. Hopefully this new system will include interim degrees of health and their effect on character mobility. If so, the devs could easily dovetail into this system to portray the results of combat-related trauma, as well. Could this be the reason that the limp animation was leaked ages ago, but has still not been implemented? Limping as well as the effects of more traumatic injuries (as in the OP videos) would seem to be the logical next step, once the medical foundation has been implemented. At the very least, I think that we can all agree that this is a very exciting stage of development.
  15. BleedoutBill

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    Those sound more like GPU temps, instead of CPU temps. Just to give you a reference point, laptops typically run warm, it's the nature of the beast. My Lenovo i5 Thinkpad (which I'm using right now) runs at about 45C when browsing the Internet. It may go to 55C when watching videos, but I've never seen it (CPU temp) go over 60C. This is comparing apples to oranges, obviously, but a PC with much better airflow potential should run significantly cooler than this. If you are curious, no, I don't run DayZ on this machine. I can barely run Limbo on it (Intel HD 3000 Graphics - LOL!!!) Show us some pics of you case, too.
  16. BleedoutBill

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    Just make sure that they know that it's for a CPU in a PC and that you do not want the stuff that will permanently bond the heatsink to your CPU. Paste has a service life and must be renewed periodically.
  17. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    Do not under estimate the value of a can opener in the apocalypse, nor to the lengths a determined individual will go, to secure same!
  18. BleedoutBill

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    Assuming lack of dust, fans working properly, no airflow restrictions, etc.: If it's a newer machine, I would be concerned if the heat sink/cooler was fitted properly. If it's an older machine, your thermal paste may be past its freshness date.
  19. BleedoutBill

    New RAM ordered

    At 4GB, Windows tends to hit the virtual memory too much, slowing things down. If you run multiple programs simultanously, you'll find Windows to be more responsive. However, since DayZ is the only thing running, while you are gaming (right?), you'll likely not see any difference in game performance.
  20. BleedoutBill

    Maxim M1910

    A couple of these would make a great defensive weapon for a base. Especially, if we could use the shovel to fill burlap sacks (sand bags) to build a little nest for it. I'm in, but only if it spawns in pieces, must be disassembled in order to move it and is a crew served weapon.
  21. BleedoutBill

    Plate Carrier

    The plate carriers that I have found, as well as the attachments, were all hiding in tents.
  22. BleedoutBill

    Plate Carrier

    Yes, there are both holster and storage pouches. I found one holster (very small and hard to spot) and two pouches in experimental. I haven't found any attachments in stable.
  23. BleedoutBill

    Plate Carrier

    If I remember from the WOBO vid, the plate carrier provides the same level of protection as the other protective vests. The big attraction is the 5x2 storage ... if you can find the pouches.
  24. BleedoutBill

    Which i5 Should i get?

    Agreed. AMD makes great server CPUs (for the money) and the FX CPUs also work well in this application, or in any situation where you are running multi threaded programs ... rendering is a good example, Intel does make capable server CPUs, but they are rediculously expensive. Most games as well as DX11, make poor (if any) use of multiple CPU cores. Games require very strong single core performance, which is where Intel hardware excels.
  25. BleedoutBill

    Dayz Doesn't start

    If I recall, others have reported problems with Razer Synapse.