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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Setup tried to give some lessons, but I think he gave up on us pathetic English speakers. Is anyone else patient/brave enough to undertake this task?
  2. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Some have complained that there are not different difficulty levels ... A.K.A. an easy mode. Little do they suspect, they will have it now!
  3. BleedoutBill

    DirectX 12

    In light of Marek Spanel's recent comment on DirectX 12, I spent a few minutes reading a DX12 preview on the AnandTech site. While still in early alpha, this API shows a lot of promise. The Microsoft marketing guys will almost certainly tout this APIs new rendering features and lower overhead and rightfully so. The most exciting thing, especially as it relates to some of our favorite Bohemia Interactive games, however, is that DX12 offers to effectively leverage the multiple cores that most of our CPUs already contain. If implemented, frame rates could increase dramatically and AMD CPUs could become relevant again. Just a F.Y.I. The article shows many comparisons of DX12 to DX11. We don't even enjoy DX11 yet. The devs have been slaving away to get us up to this level. The differences between DX12 and where we are now would be truly massive. See: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/219440-marek-spanel-on-directx-12/?hl=%2Bdirectx+%2B12 and http://anandtech.com/show/8962/the-directx-12-performance-preview-amd-nvidia-star-swarm Enjoy!
  4. BleedoutBill

    DirectX 12

    Here is a quick comparison of the API overhead of DX11 vs. DX12. To no one's surprise, DX12 supports a dramatically higher number of draw calls per second.
  5. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Some of the hacks take advantage of vulnerabilities in he game engine. As these vulnerabilities are revealed, the devs are patching them.
  6. BleedoutBill

    Um... I'm not sure what to say... i'm afraid.

    Hey, maxotaur! Hey man, wake up! Wake up, you're having a bad dream!!!
  7. BleedoutBill

    Giving people, (mainly Fresh spawns) an incentive to...survive.

    Convenient excuse, perhaps, but not a valid reason.
  8. BleedoutBill

    Giving people, (mainly Fresh spawns) an incentive to...survive.

    Disagree - No food on coasts encourages moving to the inland villages.
  9. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    To no one's surprise, well placed shots are very effective against the zeds. But, we don't always have a suppressor handy and we don't always want to draw attention to ourselves. Therefore, let's talk melee for a moment. Part 1 - Weapons A few folks have reported that the ax is no longer king of the jungle. Others have reported that the cattle prod is surprisingly effective. Personally, I've had good luck with the sledge, I wonder if anyone has any other anecdotes about how they were surprised that a specific weapon was more, or less effective than they expected. Also, I wonder about battery life and fresh battery supply for the cattle prod. In previous builds, the battery life was rather poor, so I didn't consider the cattle prod viable (for me at least). Have there been some buffs applied to this weapon? Part 2 - Strategy I have found that standing at the top of a stairway and allowing the zed to come to me was a very effective strategy. The zed doesn't seem to be able to unleash it's full furry and I have a nice, stationary target. One, or two shots to the noggin and it was all over with very little drama. Out in the open, most of my encounters have devolved into a brawl. The old strategies just don't provide the desired results any longer. If you are going to stand toe to toe, you have to get your licks in quickly, or pay the price. This "strategy" is definitely not recommended for multiple zeds at the same time. Obviously you can run away and sometimes that is necessary, but if you want that MP5 that's in the police car and three zeds are circling the car, how do you approach the problem, without resorting to firearms, or the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch? Does anyone feel like they have developed a winning strategy yet?
  10. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    All previous 0.55 builds were a best case of 130ms ping and very unstable for me. They frequently went in excess of 500ms and re-started every four to five minutes. These servers were absolutely miserable to play on. Actually, it wasn't like play at all, it was more like work! I found a server yesterday with the new numbering scheme (new hardware environment, if the rumour is correct) with a stable ~30ms ping. I didn't time it, but it was routinely going well over an hour and closer to two hours between re-starts. It was very responsive, with little lag, very intermittent and modest rubber-banding (mostly just after a spawn, or just before a re-start) and very good FPS. Now it must be said that this is a 1st person server and I don't think that I saw more than six people on it at any given time. More players, obviously, may have caused more instability and more frequent re-starts. The loot distribution was crap on this server, but it was an absolute joy to play on. I just couldn't stop. I would have happily settled for throwing stones at the zeds, in order to enjoy this kind of performance, compared to what we had last week. The progress made, over only a weeks time is like night and day. My body is feeling moist!
  11. BleedoutBill

    The Most Awkward Fire Fight Ever!?

    "Holy shit!" "Well, that did not go as planned!" Those words say it all, really. The amazing thing is that you lived to say them!
  12. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I didn't die today either, but I did have one close call. I had a zed sneak up from behind and scare the hell out of me. They really need to fix these zeds, they're too damn quiet! I sprinted a couple of meters and turned to meet my new friend when I caught sight of a second zed out of the corner of my eye. I took the second one out with two swats of my trusty sledge, but the first one was too fast for me. I just couldn't touch him. There for a while, I think he was actually doing the Ali shuffle! After everything went black and white, I decided to break it off and teach him a lesson another day. Same here, I never saw another soul. I looked for a shotgun, but I never did find one, neither the pump, nor the double barrel. I've been carrying a repeater all day and it has given good service. Someone said that .357 was nerfed, but I've been reliably putting zeds down with two rounds to center mass. I found a couple examples of the Blaze, but no cartridges. I haven't seen any other long guns all day. EDIT: Now that I think of it, apart from one Makarov, I don't think that I've seen any pistols today, either. I've seen about two dozen zeds today, but I've mostly been playing the stealth game, trying to avoid them. I've only killed about a half dozen. Half of them with the sledge and the others with the repeater. I wasn't even looking for choppers, but I stumbled on a Mi-8 completely by accident. I found a military tent, AK101 mags, binoculars and a few other odds and ends. The one thing that I am the most proud of is the pristine can opener that I found! Every time that I opened a can, I was routinely dropping 70-80% on the ground. I was near starvation for the first few hours, until I found my new, best friend!!! Apart from some intermittent rubber-banding and the quiet zeds, this build is a blast! I didn't get any of my chores done today, but I am completely exhausted. It's time to build a fire and curl up in my sleeping bag.
  13. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I am blown away by the interactions that I've had today. One in particular stands out. I was wandering through SW Novi Sobor when I spotted a zed about 20m away. No sooner did I spot her, then she looked right at me. I was already crouching, so I froze. She began to slowly walk towards me. As she approached, I slowly backed away, trying to maintain the gap. She stopped to have a closer look and I froze once again. She started walking towards me again and I managed to slip behind a wrecked UAZ. Although crouching, I could see her over the hood of UAZ. Now about 10m away, she stopped again and stared at the UAZ. As she approached the UAZ, I managed to slowly back away and move around to the back side of a barn, careful to move only when she moved and stop when she stopped. I entered the barn, climbed the stairs and prepared to be rushed. Strangely, she never entered the barn. After a few minutes it became obvious that she was not coming into the barn to eat me, so I walked outside. There was no sign of her. Not only could she not see me crouched, only 20m away, but she could not see me behind the UAZ, nor through the walls of the barn! Although very suspicious, she apparently walked right past and kept going!
  14. BleedoutBill

    About my pc configuration

    Yes, no question. AMD processors are great ... unless you are trying to run DayZ. Until we get some optimizations, Intel CPUs are really the only tool for the job. I would recommend the most powerful i5 CPU available (currently the 4670 or 4670K), or if budget permits, an i7. You're going to be disappointed with the performance of anything less.
  15. BleedoutBill

    About my pc configuration

    That AMD CPU is holding you back.
  16. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I found another Camp Krusty, South of Novy Sobor @ 071-084. Unless I am completely lost, it looks like this replaces a barn and a couple of houses that used to be there. None of the buildings are spawning any loot yet.
  17. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Honestly, unless I look for the hula hoop, I don't see it ... unlike that fooking dot! That said, I agree that there should be a toggle to get rid of it. We wouldn't want to ruin any of tatanko's purdy pictures with it!
  18. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    This is working on 0.54 stable, too ... for the time being.
  19. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    That looks painful! Do you need a medic???
  20. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    It was scheduled to be reduced once vehicles were introduced. I haven't noticed any difference yet, but thanks for mentioning it. I'll have a closer look.
  21. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I agree, the circle is less distracting than the dot.
  22. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Food tins must now be made out of stainless steel. I've used an ax, sickle, hunting knife and a screwdriver on cans, but the most that I can get out of them is ~ 37%. It's no surpise with the ax, but the other tools used to be rather effective. Perhaps the devs, in their twisted sense of humor, thought it would be more fun for us to starve, even though we can find plenty of food, rather than have us find no food at all?
  23. ... and the safe! It would be nice to have a suppressed pistol and some ammo stashed in a few strategic locations.
  24. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I'm sorry, but that's pretty funny! :lol:
  25. BleedoutBill

    Would this be a good upgrade?

    Yes, that CPU will make a dramatic difference! If you can swing it I would recommend that you consider a SSD.