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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Whoo hoo! Eugen Harton ‏@eugenharton If everything goes allright experimental in the afternoon. Hopefuly a release candidate for this week stable. (its not 1st april ;))
  2. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    The "new environment" servers that were recently added are much more stable than the old ones. They appear to be on a two hour restart schedule and they frequently make it to the full two hours before restarting. They aren't perfect, but they are significantly better than the four to five minute restart intervals that the first 0.55 build had. Perhaps you were on an old, or a very high pop server? Also, the zeds have a new AI and they are much tougher. They will dish out some serious punishment if you try to melee with them. Better to either employ stealth tactics, or a ranged weapon (or both).
  3. BleedoutBill

    starvation and dehydration ridiculously unrealistic

    I've been playing this last (4th? build of) 0.55 exp, in 1st p, since it was first posted and while the loot has been sparse at times, I didn't have any problems until a couple of hours ago. Out of curiosity, I hopped onto a 3rd p server and there is loot everywhere. I had absolutely no problems getting a new character established. I'm sure nothing is "broken" they just need to reboot it, or stick a fresh battery in it, or something. I agree, it looks great and I have never had so much fun, until this latest build of 0.55 was launched. What a hoot!
  4. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    OK, I'm not so sure that the CE hasn't crashed and burned. I came in from the wilderness to stock up. I've been through two medium sized towns and I haven't found so much as a book. Nothing! Zeds and trucks are spawning, but no loot. EDIT: I just went over to third person and there is no problem with the loot spawning there.
  5. BleedoutBill

    starvation and dehydration ridiculously unrealistic

    Unrealistic, or not, the game does give you ample warning regarding your character's disposition. About persistent servers (specifically 0.55 exp) not respawning loot ... I decided to empty a few buildings and then I came back after a restart, to see if items would respawn. The reason I did it is because, I became convinced that there was a fixed amount of loot and after it was gone, that was it. It turns out that new items will spawn, but things sure do seem sparse at the moment.
  6. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    This is known as "Condition 1," one in the pipe, with the hammer cocked and the manual safety engaged. This is how a single action pistol is carried into harm's way. It is not unsafe, but it "looks bad" to uninformed jurors who may have to sit in judgement of a police shooting. Therefore, most police officers are now forced to carry "safe" double action pistols. Some older weapons had either no, or poorly implemented safety systems and if dropped, a unintentional discharge could occur. The original Colt Model 1873, Single Action Army (cowboy six-shooter), is a good example of this. Typically, only five rounds were loaded and the hammer allowed to rest on an empty chamber for safety reasons. If trouble were expected, only then would a sixth round be loaded. In a series of posts in the "Weapons and Reloading Issues Explained" section, Viktor expresses his intention of providing more realistic functionality as well as the appropriate supporting animations.
  7. BleedoutBill

    Death Falling off small ledge of steps?!?!

    It's a WIP. See: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/222824-gestures-while-moving-and-landing-animations-prototype/
  8. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Agreed, melee with the zeds is very risky ... especially two, or more at a time! I don't know what the deal is with the loot. The distribution is very strange and I've not been having the best of luck. I have 10-12 hours in on this build and I have only found one magnum, one 1911 and no 1911 mags. I found another CR75 mag though, but I still have no pistol to use them. :( Oh, well. I guess there's always 0.56 to look forward to. Still enjoying the zeds, though. I've been taking them out with a repeater without too much drama.
  9. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    That's a nice collection that you have there. Fortunately, it looks like you've missed a couple. I finally found a magnum and a 1911 tonight. By far, I'm still finding the P1 ten times more frequently, than all of the rest combined and as is usually the case, I can find everything, for which I do not have a magazine! I'm ready to pitch this CR75 mag into the woods!!!
  10. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I found a speed loader for a Blaze tonight. It had two rounds attached, but it didn't identify the caliber of the rounds. At the time, I didn't have a Blaze to try 'em in. It would have been interesting to see if they would chamber, since I still haven't seen any .308 rounds.
  11. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Correct, subsonic ammunition is not required. A suppressor will still have a beneficial effect, even on supersonic ammo. However, the suppressors that are commonly available today will not "silence" anything, especially when firing supersonic ammunition, but they do work amazingly well with subsonic ammo.
  12. BleedoutBill

    thinking getting new gpu

    The GTX970 is an awesome card for 1080p gaming. If you have a pre-built machine, just make sure that your power supply has the necessary power leads to support these GPUs, before you make your purchase. Most lower tier cards require two six-pin power leads. The higher tier cards may require two eight-pin leads.
  13. BleedoutBill

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    In their experiment, the aliens infected the sheep with a virus. They didn't realize what a boring place Chenarus is and that several of the local men were on intimate terms with the sheep. That is how the virus was transmitted to the human population. It's been nothing but chaos since! Damn aliens!!!
  14. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I've been carrying a CR75 magazine around for the past couple of days, but all I can find is the P1. Thanks for confirming that the CR75 is spawning. Oh, and sorry to hear about that zed incident.
  15. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    The firearms already have different dexterity values, but seat of the pants, there doesn't seem to be any big variation between them. Perhaps the new character controller will remedy this.
  16. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    It also encourages the use of binoculars and the LRS for reconnaissance.
  17. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    If I recall, Eugen said that they had to roll back to an earlier build to find something stable. Therefore, this was not the latest build of 0.55. It could be that the calibers were changed, because in the most recent build (not yet published) the .308 is spawning.
  18. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    This degree of granularity is probably unlikely, but wouldn't it be nice to have subsonic ammo for the suppressed weapons?
  19. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    You will die if the server sees you log out. If the server crashes before you log out, then you should go out and buy a lottery ticket!
  20. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    In addition to the Blaze, I've found quite a lot of pump shotguns, repeaters, SKSs, Derringers and P1 pistols. Strangely, I've found only a couple of Mosins and I don't think I've seen a single Makarov, magnum, or any other pistol. I'm also seeing quite a few PM73 magazines, for some reason.
  21. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    I personally haven't seen any .308, so I can't say with any confidence, whether it is spawning yet, or not.
  22. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    7.62x54 is the correct ammunition for the Mosin. The Blaze is now chambered for the .308. Initially, I think the devs believed that too many different calibers would confuse folks, who may not be very well acquainted with firearms. The Makarov being chambered in .380 ACP is another example of this simplification.
  23. BleedoutBill

    Let's talk performance.

    Valid points, but dude! I think that you need to throttle back on the caffeine a bit. Also, I suspect that there may be more than a handful of us that enjoy the game a lot more, when it runs at a wee bit more than 20fps, 'cause it gets kinda choppy when it's down there. To address the OP's question (hopefully) when we get to full release, I would expect that the game will be less demanding on the CPU, because the new engine, renderer and DX11/12 will allow to the devs to shift more of the workload onto the GPU. So, while some of us are getting away with six-year-old (or older) GPUs today, we may have to consider a bit of an upgrade if we want to see those high frame rates that we all love.
  24. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    There aren't any zeds at the tent base, but just over the hill in Myshkino, there are a couple who would definitely like to party with you!
  25. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    It has cost me two slots in my pack, because I now find it necessary to have a pair of binoculars, or failing that, a LRS, as I am no longer confident in my ability to identify objects at distance. I'm finding myself doing a lot more scouting and my movements are more deliberate. It has definitely slowed me down! This will make it more likely to accidentally blunder into a "situation" and it will also cause us to re-think the gear that we carry. Once gear weight and the stamina mechanisms are introduced, we'll have to re-think all of this, all over again.