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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. BleedoutBill

    Mountain Asylum

    If you go up there and have a look around, you will find that the roads have already been paved and the building areas have been cleared and concrete foundations poured. It looks like it will be a considerable facility, perhaps on par with the base outside of Pavlovo.
  2. BleedoutBill

    Will the Cooler Master Hyper 212 fit on my Motherboard?

    From the top of the CPU to the top of the cooler is 162mm. Make sure that your case is wide enough to accept this.
  3. BleedoutBill

    Will the Cooler Master Hyper 212 fit on my Motherboard?

    I have a spare 212 Evo. It measures 162mm tall, 115mm wide and 52mm thick (without the fan). The fan is 120mm in diameter and 25mm thick. It can be mounted to either side of the cooler.
  4. BleedoutBill

    5-15 FPS? Is my computer good enough?

    I have a Phenom X6 and 8GB of RAM and I get 5-15FPS in the big towns and 35-45FPS out in the woods. I've had both a GTX470 and a GTX780 in this box and the FPS is roughly the same.
  5. Detailed recommendations don't make a lot of sense at this stage, because the game changes with every build. For general recommendations, both the devs and the forum admins have linked to this guide on several occasions: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216291078
  6. BleedoutBill

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Run - yes. Playable - probably not. Of course, everyone has their own idea about what is playable and I am sure that several folks will chime in and say that they've played on less capable hardware, but the bottom line is that this game's performance is disappointing on purpose-built gaming machines. Personally, I would recommend that you wait until some optimizations are implemented.
  7. BleedoutBill

    Direct X 11

    Correct, when we have the full release of W10, MS will be offering free upgrades for select customers.
  8. BleedoutBill

    Direct X 11

    You can download the ISO here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/preview-iso If I recall, for the time being, it will only install on a machine with UEFI. This is beta code, so do not use it on a production machine. The full release will be towards the end of the year.
  9. BleedoutBill

    Memory leak?

    -nosplash and -nopause have been depricated. If you experience a crash on launch, -winxp is a common cause. Since the OP does not provide any hardware details, the other recommendations may not be compatible with his rig.
  10. BleedoutBill

    Direct X 11

    According to the Quarterly Report, they have decided to skip DX9 and go straight to DX11 ... with DX12 support implemented at a later date. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223250-quarterly-status-report-quarter-1-2015/
  11. Eugen has already provided quite a lot of information about the CLE, but sadly, many players would rather complain, than inform themselves. Below, I have compiled and gently edited his comments, so that they are all in one place for easy reference. (The) Central Loot Economy is a system which controls the quantity of items in the game, per server. The old spawn system was hard to configure and even harder to control. And, with survival gameplay being core to DayZ, we had to move away from it sooner, or later. Item settings can now be changed in real time through our front-end, or directly in the database. Each item class is tagged as crafted, or not crafted and it carries a nominal/minimal/maximum amount. The nominal value directly controls the quantity of items the server is aiming to deliver at initial start up. After that, the system is controlled by a combination of the Clean-up and the Real-time Respawn mechanisms. When an item class reaches (nominal - minimal) it will start restocking. The maximum amount of an item class on a server is (nominal + maximum). There is also a setting that dictates maximum quantity of all items on a server. In the current iteration each server oscillates between 19k-25k items, with the total maximum set to 45k. The Respawn tick happens every 5 seconds as does Clean-up. Each class has nominal/minimal/maximum values defined. When a item's class gets to a minimal value (usually about 50% of nominal) it will start respawning based on priorities. Each item in persistence also carries a lifetime value, AKA the time in seconds it can stay on the ground before expiring. Tents, backpacks and cases have the value greatly increased (on the order of several days), while other items diminish in a matter of hours. Thus only tents, backpacks and cases should be used as loot caches. While the system cleans these expired items, it quickly starts restocking the original spawn points (memory points on buildings). Items in tents, backpacks and player inventories are not part of this calculation. The configuration of the system is still in progress as are the features. Bugs : Items can disappear in vicinity of player. Also, there was a misconfiguration yesterday (April 01), which caused items to disappear instantly. Rarity items except guns have not been configured yet so their spawn points are illogical. And a lot more. Future : We will continue to fine tune the system over the next couple months. New features, such as logical distribution, timing and item class logic (that evenly distributes items over all regions of the map) will be added. You can expect some fine-tuning of item numbers over the next week and a lot more configuration changes when 0.56 hits. In the meantime enjoy the hardcore survival, and try to stay safe. EDIT : Since the question was asked more than couple of times, items have tags, as well as buildings and there is a heat map that coordinates the distribution to proper area/place. Only guns and police stations are configured now. *** I explained in the original post, that with the exception of guns, every other item is not configured to proper building/area. This change requires a client update so it is scheduled for 0.56. *** 9-12 days without any activity, will cause the camp (tent) to disappear. This value may be adjusted in the future. *** As vehicles are endgame (once they are built / repaired) they will only be deleted and respawn, once they are damaged beyond repair. *** Server restart has NO EFFECT on the respawning of loot! *** ... (the 5 second tick rate is) a performance saver, if it would tick every 5 minutes it would probably cause a server freeze. The oscillation graph for total items goes up and down in cycles as do the items. The longer the respawn tick rate the higher the differences get. *** (If I eat an apple, or just pick it up and put it down, will it immediately respawn, or immediately clean up?) No in both cases. *** Heli crash respawn is not tied to server restart but is on separate (long) clock. *** A whole city probably takes about 52 minutes to replenish. *** There are currently 1,737,859 possible loot spawn locations on the map.
  12. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Per Eugen: ... every item except guns is not configured to proper building/area. This change requires a client update so its scheduled to 0.56
  13. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Document badmin issues in a bug report, just like everything else.
  14. BleedoutBill


    It looks like choppers will not spawn expected loot until 0.56 at the earliest. Per Eugen: I explained that in original post, every item except guns is not configured to proper building/area. This change requires a client update so its scheduled to 0.56
  15. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    It looks like a fix is in the works for the disappearing items: Eugen Harton ‏@eugenharton Were fixing the clean up of items in real time, please be patient the sync takes about 30 minutes. Report any mishaps in the afternoon.
  16. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I'm with you, I'm finding loot everywhere. Not only that, I haven't found any invisible loot! As a matter of fact, I'm finding loot in places that I've never found it before. I suspect that this is at the root of many of the complaints. Loot is no longer spawning where it used to. At the moment, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme, or reason as to the spawns, either. The bottom line is that you can no longer go to "location B," gear up with "weapons F, G and H" and then go the Cherno to PVP. Personally, I like the variety, it keeps the game interesting. When the dev team get to work on the loot tables, though I don't think that everything should be 100% random. For example, the fire station should primarily spawn fire fighter clothes, a defib box, fire axes, wellies, first aid gear, dry bags, chain saws and a variety of other non-military gear. Military bases should primarily spawn military weapons, clothing and gear, but there is no reason why other things can't spawn there, as well. I don't mean to imply that none of this stuff should spawn in a residential setting. There is no reason why we can't "happen on someone's stash" in a residential house/building, that consists of some of the aforementioned gear.
  17. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well, even if it's not on the map, yet, I'm still excited to hear that we have some more variety on the way.
  18. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    It's in the change log that you just provided the link to. I haven't found it, but if anyone knows where it is, I figured it'd be you. The change log has a hot link, to it, but there is no pic ... just a blank page.
  19. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Have you found the General Store yet? Do they sell John Deere tractors there?
  20. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Tents still disappear after only a few minutes. Before he went home for the day, Eugen acknowledged that this was a known issue and that he would address it. It looks like that won't happen until tomorrow, though. Brian was asked that question, but he declined to answer. I guess next Wednesday will be the ultimate test of whether persistence actually works, or not.
  21. BleedoutBill

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- April 2015

    That was my thought. With adequate lookouts, I think it will be easy to vector early responders, in order to repel an attack. Spawning in will be their only option to do serious harm. We may need a squad to address snipers on the mainland, though.
  22. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    You brought back some memories and I was agreeing with you. :thumbsup:
  23. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times that I died due to exposure as a fresh spawn, back then. Brrr!
  24. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I've played stealthy, since even before it was necessary. The zeds saw right through it, or course, but I've surprised many players. To answer your question, yes, your character will still sound like he has asthma, even when crouching and moving slow.
  25. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    The zeds in 0.55 exp were super harder and even more glitchy. The zeds in 0.55 stable, while not perfect, have had several rough edges smoothed, already.