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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Friday ... maybe.
  2. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Whoo hoo! Eugen Harton ‏@eugenharton Still working , short maitenance today. Looking forward to releasing the experimental soonish.
  3. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    No wipe: http://twitter.com/dayzdevteam/status/595525407417475073 As wipes are no longer routine, I would expect a warning first. Speaking for myself, I'm going to have to get a hobby, or a friend, or a part time job, or something, if we don't get an experimental build soon! I'm getting desperate!!!
  4. BleedoutBill

    Changing from a laptop to a Gaming desktop?

    I would also strongly suggest that you consider building your own machine. The only difficult part is choosing the components. Why is that difficult? Because every day something new and cool hits the market and every day the prices change. Here is a great vid showing the assembly process: It's so easy a five year old can do it: There are many, many sites that will provide recommended build combinations, as well as /r/buildapc sub reddit. Here is a handy reference that is regularly updated: http://www.logicalincrements.com
  5. BleedoutBill

    Changing from a laptop to a Gaming desktop?

    It looks like they exclusively use AMD processors. That's not going to get you where you want to go.
  6. BleedoutBill


    There are some good vids on sickness on the WOBO you tube channel.
  7. BleedoutBill


    Only if they are hydrogen filled. Please remind me, what was the range of that flare gun?
  8. BleedoutBill

    Laptop specs and dayz , and YOU !

    Well, 99% of laptops won't have an i7 desktop CPU under the hood, so there will be very few machines that could touch this one. Agreed, all of the Digital Storm builds that I have seen, have been VERY serious.
  9. BleedoutBill

    Laptop specs and dayz , and YOU !

    I don't know anything about Origin's reputation, or reliability, but judging by the specs, that machine is an absolute beast! How the hell do they keep it cool, I wonder? If it doesn't run DayZ, no other laptop will! My laptops are strictly for work, no games, as they are fitted with Intel integrated graphics.
  10. BleedoutBill

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Yes, but what's better, a plethora of loot, or a cornucopia? Inquiring minds want to know.
  11. BleedoutBill

    Server Performance

    Rocket discusses scripting, desync, lag and some other aspects of server performance, over on /r/dayz. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/34hsjh/will_this_game_ever_feature_client_prediction/
  12. BleedoutBill

    Lunch Parameters

    He made me hungry and alas, my cupboard was bare. Apart from some tuna, my options were pretty slim. I'm off to the grocery store tomorrow to get some of those aforementioned lunch meats and cheeses.
  13. It's not so much a hive thing, but the physical server hardware that is hosting your game (and possibly several other games). It may help to imagine that an instance of the game is running on a server and a second instance of the game is running on your PC. The server version is the master and what it says goes. Your PC version is subservient, but it is free to make intelligent estimates, based on your inputs & actions. A constant stream of communication keeps the two games in synch. The problem occurs when the two briefly loose communication and the two games go out of synch. This typically happens when the server becomes busy and, therefore, momentarily unresponsive. Once the server "catches up" with what you have been doing for the past couple of seconds, a reconciliation needs to happen. The reconciliation will happen on the PC side and it often takes the form of rubber banding and other strange behavior. Coincidentally, Rocket spoke about some of these issues just a few hours ago: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/34hsjh/will_this_game_ever_feature_client_prediction/
  14. The server is overloaded. Even if there were only a few players on your server, each physical server may be running many instances of this game, or other games, or other virtual machines.
  15. BleedoutBill

    Lunch Parameters

    Yeah, just about all of the lunch - AKA launch parameters have been deprecated and they cause more problems than they solve. I'm parameter free and I'm loving it!!! Now, back to tuna ...
  16. BleedoutBill

    Lunch Parameters

    He accomplished one thing ... I'm really hungry now!
  17. BleedoutBill

    Lunch Parameters

    Do you prefer the tuna packed in oil, or water? Personally, I like chunk white, or solid white in water. The tuna in oil tastes a little too "fishy" to me, for some reason.
  18. BleedoutBill

    AMD Rises from he Dead!

    It looks like AMD has had enough of the trash talk about how poorly their CPUs perform on DayZ. They are going to be releasing a limited edition ZED processor, just for us: http://www.overclock3d.net/articles/cpu_mainboard/amd_zen_quad_core_block_diagram_released/1 Oops, sorry, that's a Zen processor. I got excited there for a minute. My mistake.
  19. BleedoutBill

    AMD Rises from he Dead!

    I said that they built good hardware. By the way, they also provide decent driver support for alternate operating systems. I didn't say anything about their business practices, or the personal karma level of their CEO. I bought an Intel i286 machine into which I installed an AMD math coprocessor. I also had an Intel i486 machine. Until very recently, all of the rest of my machines have had AMD CPUs. Their CPUs have been great, right up until Bulldozer. This CPU is OK for servers but as a enthusiast desktop CPU it was a huge disappointment. In many benchmarks, it couldn't keep up with My Phenom II X6. To suggest that I am an Intel fanboy is a huge mischaracterization. Please don't words into my mouth. I have enough trouble trying not to choke on my own words.
  20. Correct it is there to help you interact with the environment. If you play Far Cry 3 with Ziggy's mod installed, you'll see just how difficult it is (in something that is borderline an arcade game) to do something as simply as looting a body.
  21. Why would you assume that firing from the hip should be inherently accurate? Unless I was using a shotgun, I don't think that I could hit a damn thing that was more than 10m away, unless I aimed down the sights. The devs may not be trying to model real life in minute detail, but they certainly are not building an arcade game.
  22. BleedoutBill

    AMD Rises from he Dead!

    Intel pretty consistently makes good hardware and they're damn proud of it. If there is no competition, they can charge whatever they like and there's not a damn thing that can be done about it, because there will be no alternative. Is Intel overpriced? I can't answer that. I don't know what their margin is. I do know that the nature of their business requires that they spend literally billions of dollars on R&D. You can't sustain that by giving your products away at below cost. Meanwhile, AMD is loosing money on many of their product lines, because no one wants them. It's a shame because they make OK hardware (although much of it is in need of a refresh). They just don't make premium level, enthusiast grade hardware any more. Hopefully they will be able to get some traction with their Zen CPU, the R9 3XX GPU, or their ARM Opteron CPU. They desperately need a halo product so that they can wave the flag and tell the story.
  23. What other early access game have you played, where right in the middle of development the devs decided to rewrite the game engine, renderer, netcode, character controller, AI, and other key software, while at the same time making a concerted effort to maintain a somewhat playable game for those of us who supported the game though the early access program? In my experience, the public do not get access to a project (closed, open, alpha, beta, or otherwise), until all of these key assets (and more) are nailed down. It's only due to the success of the early access program that the devs now have the funding to address fundamental flaws / constraints, that we otherwise would have had to put up with. Sure development will take longer and the new code will undoubtedly be buggy when it is first introduced, but the quality of the finished game will be dramatically better, than if the devs had been forced to stick with the original engine. I would encourage you to take a step back and look at the big picture.
  24. BleedoutBill

    upgrading pc

    When it comes to DayZ, there is no such thing as too much processor. Buy the biggest, most powerful Intel processor that your budget will allow. In contrast, DayZ's GPU requirements are not particularly demanding. I would recommend that you look at a GTX750ti as a minimum, so that you'll be able to play other games and have a decent experience when DayZ makes the transition to DX11. If you can find a good deal, a GTX960 would be an even better choice. Speaking of deals, the AMD counterparts to these GPUs are typically far less expensive. I'm not an AMD expert, but it seems to me that a R9 280 would provide good service and it is priced roughly in between the other two cards that I mentioned. By all means, those of you on Team Red, please chime in and give us an opinion.
  25. BleedoutBill

    Couple Of Protective Suits Id Like To See In Game

    Someone recently posted some pics of some Russian biological hazmat suits. They looked particularly cool (sorry, can't put my finger on the post). While they would not be of any use to a survivor (except perhaps for role playing), who by definition is immune to the virus, these suits would look great on some of the zeds.