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Everything posted by BleedoutBill

  1. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Misery loves company, eh? I also have a speedy, quick Intel machine that periodically suffers significant FPS drops with DayZ. But, that's to be expected, with the game in its current state. My Intel machine is apart at the moment for some mods and it really has been painful trying to readjust to the performance of the AMD CPU. It's just not up to the task. Low FPS due to client performance will come as no revelation to anyone here, but what I was experiencing last night was clearly tied to server performance. I'm sure that both problems will be addressed in due time.
  2. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    This machine has a AMD CPU and Nvidia GPU. I can get 30-35FPS in the countryside, but with heavy server load, it frequently freezes for two to five seconds at a time. With less than twenty people on the server, it only freezes once in a while. Up until a couple of builds ago, the FPS would "only" drop into the single digits. Now it freezes dead in its tracks.
  3. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    My character was on the 1PP servers, so I started a fresh 3PP tonight. I can't do big towns on my AMD machine, but I've been to every out of the way outhouse, dog house and chicken coop. I spawned on the West side of Elektro and I made it almost to Severograd before I found my first gun! I called it a night when I got to Kamensk and I was still rockin' a child's brief case. Apart from apples and berries, I found a grand total of one can of tuna and two cans of soda. I'll be trying a different server tomorrow. Only saw two zeds. Both were wandering around Vyshnoye. Oh and speaking of servers, the server performance was hideous with anything more than 25-30 players. 40 players was virtually unplayable.
  4. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Oh joy! Can we sacrifice a virgin?!?!?!
  5. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    As long as it's in the name of science ...
  6. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I think you're going to have a long wait. Oh and forget about the chickens coming home to roost. They're obviously engaged elsewhere.
  7. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Well, they say that the servers are configured differently ... About 30sec after I spawned, some jackwagon ran up to me and tried to punch my lights out. When I dodged him and ran, he kept yelling, "Cut me up and eat me." I ran quite a ways. When I got to Pusta, two apples got rid of my hunger and thirst and two more made my hunger and thirst dark green!!! It must be said, though that the tree was pretty stingy and it took a loooong time to get four crummy apples. There were 14 people on the server when I logged on and everything was pretty responsive. After a while, it took quite a while to eat an apple and get a status message. I checked at that point and there were 42 people on the server. The lag must have pissed everyone off, because about 5 minutes later, there were 17 people logged on. That worked out great for me, because the server was once again pretty responsive. So far, nothing but scheduled restarts and a little less slide show than the other night. Things are definitely going in the right direction.
  8. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Not much. I expect that there are still quite a few spawn locations that still need to be configured.
  9. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    You'll almost certainly need to supplement what you find with apples and berries, until you are in a position to farm, fish, or loot the lesser traveled areas. Animals don't seem to be spawning at the moment, so hunting won't be too helpful.
  10. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I would have been much happier, if they had fired up the 1PP servers for the weekend.
  11. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Best to remap your "hold breath" key. With standard bindings, by the time you locate your target, you are breathing again.
  12. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    IIRC, the WOBO vid on the hunting scope suggested 825m as an effective range for long arms fitted with this scope.
  13. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Found binoculars last night ... in a deer stand IIRC. Haven't had a chance to play today.
  14. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I wonder if this is an unintentional bug, or if stacking stones will be necessary for a future feature. Inquiring minds want to know!
  15. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Two stones in your hand at the same time? I need to try that, myself!
  16. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I say to go with what works for you. 90% of the time a single stone will generally work for me. Yes, there is a small potential for failure, but it almost always works ... for me.
  17. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Log cabin clothing-gasm. Yep, been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Seen lots of coats, dresses, jeans, track suits, etc. ... even tents. But, I haven't seen a M65 for nearly a week. Anecdotally, it seems that most barrels have been found at police car spawns.
  18. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Life lesson: Never keep your morphine, or your splints in your pants.
  19. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yes, there is definitely something that you can do. You can submit a bug report, so that the devs have the necessary information to address the problem. Crash reports seem to have priority over all other types of bug reports.
  20. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    His contract expired, so he's off to establish his own game studio. He's still as prolific as ever on Twitter.
  21. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    The repeater definitely deserves more respect! I'm not complaining about the hunting jacket, but I haven't seen a M65 for several days. Where did you find it?
  22. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    OM F'ing G! https://trello.com/c/Yzq5pNSS/53-weapon-related-art
  23. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    This will work, but there is no guarantee that it will be waiting for you at the bottom of the ladder.
  24. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    No crashes this time around, but I was treated to several slide shows. I heard very few inappropriate background noises (chewing, drinking, etc.). I found adequate gear, but nothing fancy yet. I did find someone's camp and tent. I haven't decided whether to raid the tent, steal the tent, or relocate the tent a few meters, just to mess with the owner's mind. I only had a couple of incidents where I couldn't pick something up. One was a hunting jacket, that I HAD to have. It took several attempts, including leaving the house and coming back 3x, but I finally snagged it. I like the day / night cycle, but I'm not so impressed with the way that the ambient lighting works. As it is, moon light illuminates the building interiors so that you can see the loot. This obviously should not be the case and it really bugs me. I have played on night time servers when there was no moon and it can get pitch black! This is the way building interiors should always be, unless moonlight is shining through an adjacent door, or window ... not shining through the roof of the building! And yes, it will make looting very difficult, if as a fresh spawn, the first thing that you did was to toss your flashlight. Realistically, the flashlight should be a treasured tool. Perhaps once the new renderer is in place, the devs will revisit some of the lighting quirks. Let's hope so. EDIT: By the way, building interiors should be more dim in the day time, too, unless of course, there is a nearby door, or window.
  25. BleedoutBill

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I filed a bug report about garden plots being wiped, when plants are actively growing. I received a response that they recognize that this is an issue and it will eventually be addressed.