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Everything posted by hammy55

  1. hammy55

    do I have any chance?

    Alright man, I already figured out an easy way to do a soundboard with custom voice macros. If you are interested, PM and I'll do what I can to help you out
  2. hammy55

    do I have any chance?

    You may want to consider setting up a custom soundboard for yourself with pre-recorded phrases such as: 1)I'm friendly, don't shoot! 2)DROP YOUR WEAPON 3)GET ON THE FLOOR 4)Mmmm, that's some tasty human etc... Then set your microphone to "Line-In", so that your computer audio is outputted through the microphone (I'm pretty sure this is how people spam annoying music in some online games), then use your macros in the backround via some quick keys, like F6-F12 or something like that. Custom macros were pretty common in 90's games ala Doom and Duke Nukem, etc. If you want, I can help you make some, it should really be very easy to set up.
  3. hammy55

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    I doubt they will but I wouldn't shed a tear if they cut 3pp. Considering their 'realism' focus, I'm surprised they even have it
  4. hammy55

    Why did you remove the bipod for Mosin?

    I wish it was that easy. The Mosin IRL requires a scope mount to attach the PSU and that is not at all standard to the stock Mosin.
  5. hammy55

    The most impressive close range sniping ever

    Pretty cool all in all. Also, I couldn't tell if you were a man or woman until I turned my sound back on and heard what was your decidedly male voice
  6. hammy55

    Game crashes since 0.50

    I haven't experienced this yet on stable .50 but I did experience it consistently on experimental servers a couple of weeks ago.
  7. hammy55

    Plans to hotfix 0.50? (Dev reply please?)

    I will also report an excess of loot, good or bad... to include a walkie talkie and 9-volt battery side by side. Which was cool, aside from the fact that the walkie is unresponsive to click commands and the "," "." no longer switches between channels.
  8. hammy55

    Your fetish item

    Banana hammock/ S&M mask
  9. hammy55

    Quarry sniping. A beautiful way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

    You should rename this to DayZ Flirting or DayZ Romance. It was a surprisingly sweet video
  10. Considering no one is into helping each other out in this game self-reassurance seems like the only logical conclusion.
  11. hammy55

    Your fetish item

    Nah. Potatoes.
  12. I second the hacker explosion explanation. I think it was JamJar, who posted a video about a hacker doing just that.
  13. hammy55

    1911 Anyone having this problem?

    Check it's condition too. I had a similar experience with a Magnum speedloader that was 'ruined' despite the fact that the .357 rounds were 'pristine'
  14. hammy55

    A question here..

    They do, just not all the time. I can only get them to work on ground floor or single story buildings. I think its a bug wherein the 'heat source' is sent to grass regardless of which level you are on, usually imperceptible to the players due to the elevation off the grass by the building foundation. Anyway, it does work... sometimes
  15. ahh, come to think of it- another player's voice kept following me even though there was no one in sight. He was taunting me and making scary ghost sounds. A hacker, I presumed
  16. I seem to be able to hear admins global voice every once in awhile, making announcements and whatnot. I assumed they were admins anyway, since they were advertising loot locations and what not. A couple of days ago I was also killed by a player and was able to hear his voice everywhere I went even though I spawned near Berezino and he was in Cherno.
  17. hammy55

    will I get banned if I server swap?

    Over-gearing is often an exercise in futility. I've happily found plenty of ammunition, guns and supplies on the far reaches of the map only to re-enter 'society' and get shot dead from an unseen and unheard sniper or backstabber. Better to play as you go, get lucky or die worthless and alone than to waste time getting all da'gunz'nbullets like I stupidly did.
  18. hammy55

    Is Fire useless for Hypothermia?

    I was able to warm up indoors but only on the first level of any building. If I built a fire on the third floor of an apartment building it never 'warms' my player. It only works if I do it inside of one story buildings or on the ground level.
  19. Would be nice if more played like this. I just got KOS outside of Electro on a login (server had dropped me). After nervously logging back in I was being attacked by two zombies and a player shot me to death before all of my textures could even load. Meh, it happens, just lame way to go out.
  20. ha ha, veiled masturbation joke
  21. I had pussyfooted my way around buying this game for awhile now before I finally bought it. Boy, am I glad I did. I didn't really 'get' this game at first and actually felt like I had wasted my money after the first couple hours of gameplay. The learning curve combined with the unstable alpha feel is pretty unforgiving for the "bambi", as many of you call them. Once I got the mechanics down, I found it rather enjoyable to raid houses, chop wood, feed myself, stay warm: stay alive. The moment I learned how to open canned food with bladed weapons boosted my survival rate significantly, and actually made me shout out "booyah!" over a spilled can of imaginary "Tactical Bacon". I still didn't 'get' the game, though. I didn't really concern myself with ranged weapons, figured everyone had taken all the good stuff way ahead of me anyway. Instead I focused on the life and death stuff, and after I had that down, I started getting the "what do I do now?/where the hell is everybody?" feeling. Dayz was really getting kind of lonely. Six hours in and on a 30 person server I still had not seen a single other survivor, and having only zombies for company was really getting on my nerves. Then it happened. A voice from behind me declared in a long trailing voice, "hellllloooo". I whipped around, my heart was pounding, my axe out and ready. My very first instinct was to shout back, "BACK OFF MAN, I DON'T WANT ANY TROUBLE". The guy's reaction was priceless as he held up his arms and said, "woah woah woah buddy, be cool, be cool" It was in this very encounter that I finally 'got' DayZ. The oppressive atmosphere had driven me into a simulated paranoia, that while subtle, flowed consistently beneath the current of the entire experience. Health, protection from the elements, food and water is one very controllable aspect in this game, the human element is not. We talked a bit and he turned out to be friendly enough, and after a short while we raided a house together where we were promptly split up by zombies and I never saw him again. He must have died, oh well. I was alone again... and I felt it. Shortly thereafter, I was armed too. I mean, really really armed. I found some spawn points lucked the hell out and scored three guns that fit some clips and bullets I had been carrying around, and while I felt safer in one respect I also felt a lot more exposed at the same time. I had not shot a single round in this game and had no idea how weapons reacted or the subtlety of reloading and inventory management, the realism of the game really began to sink in at this point. If this were real life and I had "scored" some weapons, I would be in the exact same position. I know how to basically shoot them, but can I risk range testing them? It is a strange feeling to find a weapon in this game and never know if you will live long enough to use it. So much time spent raiding for equipment and some jerkoff with a round chambered in a popgun could just drop me and loot my corpse/wounded body. This feeling is wonderful in terms of how easily it is invoked in DayZ, but horribly self aware and paranoia inducing at the same time. Its like a good horror movie, the experience is stressful but engaging on a primal level. I saw a few more players at a distance, but instead of greeting them I just let them pass. Motorcycle helmet clad backpack wearers with rifles made me uneasy. Was he a regular guy, friendly but cautious like me? Or a bandit on rendeavouz with some of his buddies. I don't know, I don't know... better not to risk it. Shortly after this encounter, I killed my first player. I really didn't want to, but the guy forced my hand. I was inside a cabin, sorting my equipment and discarding ruined items when I saw a player enter my living space. He had that bambi look: default jeans/shirt and armed with a pitchfork. I immediately raised my gun and asked him to leave me alone. The guy said he was friendly, raised his arms and kind of watched me for a moment. I asked him what he wanted and he responded, "man, you are breaking up. I can't understand you. Type in the chat box". He edged a little closer. Type in the chat box and let him get the jump on me? Do I look like I was born yesterday? Hell no. I told him in no uncertain terms to "get the f*** out or receive a bullet to the spine". Holy crap did he haul ass. This is where I made my mistake. I should have shot him the moment I suspected such a deliberate move to get the drop on me. Instead, I closed up shop in preperation to log off when I saw him sprinting into the building through an open window. It all became clear: I had only enough time to raise my gun when he burst in. The awkward engine and item switching gave him enough time to land several successive shots with the rapid pitch fork. In the surpise/adrenaline I had accidentily lowered/unequiped my gun too, which gave him more chances to stick me. If I had not been wearing a helmet, I'm sure he would have landed a head shot and my character would be dead right now. I finally got my semi-automatic rifle up and kept shooting until he dropped. I probably overdid it, and wasted five bullets on him, but the situation and the blurry grey screen made me lose my cool. In end, you could call it a victory albeit a costly one. I survived, he didn't. My heart was pounding as I bandaged myself up. In his inventory: A can of ruined beans and some torn up rags. Experienced player on respawn, or fresh bambi: it didn't matter. I had WAY more to lose than this guy and he knew it. Now this is game is a RUSH... but I'm getting that anti-social feeling again. This attack affected the way I play this game. I can't trust anyone, but this game is sort of boring if I spend it completely alone in secluded areas... I want to reach out, but I can't.
  22. I love this game and I totally agree that the control scheme right out of the gate is a complete turnoff, but like Cap'N said, once you realize the full scope of actions and inventory management, it all starts to seem completely necessary. The UI isn't really that bad: you have inventory slots 1-10 down below that act like quick keys. Once an item is in your hand, the use key allows you to interact with the world in a logical and straight forward way. Once a weapon is in your hand, spacebar lowers/raises it. Another key activates the ironsights/scope. Its all really straight forward but totally clunky when compared to any other high-paced FPS.
  23. hammy55

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    and it happens... I made my way North to Верензино, a risky move in retrospect. I knew the area was dangerous but I figured I would at the very least finally get a good taste of humanity. Boy, did I ever. I moved slowly and cautiously, looting building to building. In doing so, I scored a Longhorn pistol/sawed off rifle which went nicely with the 20 or so 7.62 rounds I had been carrying around forever now. Berenzino is a scary place. I could easily hear frequent gunshots from some not-so-far off skirmish in the Northern part of the city. More than once I found myself diving the ground or dashing into the nearest building, my heart pounding. A sense of impending doom permeated every square block. I was starting to think that maybe this was a bad idea. I heard doors opening and closing and step outside to see that the other player had already spotted me. He had a shotgun out but he held up one hand. I reciprocated, my own SKS in my hands but aimed at the ground. "Hello," I shouted to him, "I don't want any trouble, are you friendly?" "Yes, friendly," he responded. He shouldered his gun and I reciprocated in kind. I slowly walked over. He was lightly geared with a mish-mash of oddities. A construction helmet, pickaxe, child's backpack. All in all, he looked pretty fresh. I was suspicious, but instincts were telling me he was okay. I've heard the, "I'm a bandit" tone in other's voices before. This guy didn't have it. "Do you have anything to trade?" I asked him, "I'm looking for empty clips, specifically 1911 mags." "No, I have... uhhh... let me see," he paused, presumably to open his inventory. This guy was definitely fresh off the boat. I felt relieved, "disinfectant spray, beans, bandages..." I stopped him, "its okay," I considered my own overflowing inventory, I saw my 9mm handgun, single round chambered that had been taking up way too much space for too long now. I decided to make a friendly gesture and dropped the gun + 19 bullets on the ground for him, "take it," I said. He was grateful and offered to share some beans, which I declined. I asked him which way he was heading and he said he wasn't sure, he had just got this game. I told him where he was, and that this was a dangerous city. I recommended heading South West. His compass was broken so I used mine and pointed him in the right direction. We wished each other luck and parted ways. It felt good to have had such a friendly interaction. The guy was genuinely friendly and I found that I really appreciated this having been shot at several times now. I started to plot my next move when I heard several rapid gun shots coming from the Southwest. "Oh no," I thought. I dashed behind a wall and a short time later saw two moderately geared (and armed) players heading towards me. They were freely chatting to one another. My heart is pounding again. My plan was to hide, but I think one of them spotted me in third-person. I shouted back, "BACK OFF, OR I SHOOT!" I realized I was beside a Piano-House opposite a machine shop. The two players responded with, "are you in the house?" Shit, they hadn't spotted me, "put your hands on your head and lie down on the floor. We are coming in." My initial reaction was to jump them in the house, but I decided that hiding in the machine shop would be a safer move. I waited until they were inside before I made a dash and set up position behind a generator. I was close enough I could hear them talking the entire time, my scope fixed on the doorway. "We are coming upstairs," clearly, these guys would not have given me much of a choice. I decided that they had most likely killed the friendly noob and were looking to roll me too. I waited. They discussed for awhile something or another about gear. Eventually, I saw the door open. My heart skipped a beat as they stood single file in front of my cross hairs... BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG I unloaded into them, and while I clearly saw blood spray, neither one of them him the ground. FUCK. The friend closest to the door took off sprinting at random, he was shouting, "shit shit shit," while the other guy closed the door and hid in the house. I decided to duck and run myself since I had clearly lost the element of surprise. I wasted five bullets but maybe these guys will think twice next time they try to jump what they assume to be an easy mark. I hop through some gardens and make my way into a house where I am promptly disconnected by the server. I log back into another highly populated server, safe inside the room I was in. A player begins talking to me, "I know you are in there." This guy is completely new, he speaks with a gutteral lisp. He walks right up to my door, how the fuck did he spot me? I am completely cornered, I see his shadow approach. He can easily see me in third person, I try and move around a lot, throw him off. My heart pounds for what seems like an eternity. This punk opens and closes the door. Laughs. Taunts. All the usual bully shit. He eventually gets fed up and tries to take a shot. I blast three rounds in his direction, he unloads a double barrel in my direction. We both miss. I hear him reload and I decide to charge him. A zombie gets in our path and I'm forced to down him. Two rounds left in the SKS, I run around the corner and see his legs. I blast off a round. He dives up a staircase and I hear him fire. You are dead. Wtf? I think. How did he shoot me through the stairs? I guess it doesn't matter. I feel somewhat relieved, albeit annoyed to go out like this. The action was intense all around and within a half hour I had interacted with four players. I got exactly what I deserved. It was great. I jump into my next character, my next life. The mad dash begins, I recognize the spawn... south side, Электрозководск... shit... a dead player in front of me does not give me warm fuzzies. I check his corpse... Two 1911 handguns, one 9mm handgun, pistol holster, full size backback, beans, fire axe, and .22 rifle. Score!!! I hide... the next life has begun, and I want to inflict some pain on a bandit...
  24. hammy55

    Cherno Sniper

    It was a bit long, found myself skipping through certain sections. Your tactics were good, I appreciated watching that- and your little outro at the end was badass
  25. hammy55

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    Mayhaps yes, mayhaps no. Worth a shot, even though I declared on the blog I would avoid teamspeak/friending for sake of realism. I'd give it a go all the same