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About OfficerYeknom

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OfficerYeknom

    DayZ Overpoch group looking for more!

    1.) What’s your name and age? IG: Pvt Yeknom IRL: Daniel, and I’m 20 2.) What kind of experience do you have with Dayz? I have over 200 hours of playtime in DayZ, and I’m pretty good at budgeting with traders, I once got a Ural, Mi-17, and all the supplies I needed for a base with less than one brief case of gold. 3.) What kind of position do YOU want to for fill? (Designated Marksmen, Infantry, Designated Driver/Pilot, ect...) I am a better than average pilot, I am very god at tree top (extreme low level) flying, I am also good at evading incoming fire. I am also a pretty good scavenger, and a pretty good driver. My main downfall is my lack of PvP experience, I have only killed 23 people in 200+ hours, and almost all of those kill were self-defense. 4.) What is your availability to play? Most week night I can play for a few hours, and I play almost every weekend, If my work schedule doesn’t interfere. 5.) Leave a way to contact me: My steam name is Officer Yeknom, If you are unable to contact me on steam PM me on the DayZ forums.
  2. 1] Nickname: Pvt Yeknom 2] Region(Country): Centeral US 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes, I'm online at least 3-4 nights a week 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes 5] Steam name: Officer Yeknom 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: 210+ Hours 7] How many Clans have you been In: 1, The 15th MEU, I am currently inactive with them. 8] Previous experience: 264 Hours of Mil-Sim experience on Arma 3 (With the 15th MEU) 9] How many bandits have you killed: I have 23 confirmed kills, With about 19 of then being bandits 10] Are you willing to help other players: Yes, I'm a;ways happy to help
  3. Good day my fellow survivors, My name is Officer Yeknom and I am looking for a small group or clan that plays on any of the US CCG overpoch servers (Lingor and Panthera included). I am wiling to try other overpoch servers, but my arma 2 hates me, so there is no grantee I will be able to join (all the CCG servers work perfectly for me though). I am not a bandit, I have over 200 hours of playtime in DayZ and only 23 confirmed kills. I am not a full hero either, I try to be as heroic as possible but i stay to myself in the woods. But when I have a group to run with I normally am a lot more ambitious and outgoing. My Details Age: 20 Location: Western South Dakota, US Play Style: Survivor/Hero Mic: Yes, I have one TS3: Yes, I have it Skype: Yes, I have it too Time Played: Around 200 hours If you have any other questions about me just send me a PM.