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Everything posted by star-lord252

  1. I shall be giving poison sandwiches instead of rotten apples if the sandwiches come.
  2. all the melee weapons as well as bows are good they can fit in though if we get a trench knife I want a trench shotgun to go with it or mp 18. The revolvers maybe as long as they don't have specific ammo types. The rifles are fine but we always have to limit the snipers though I love the m14. As for explosives I say no for m79 but other say yes I only say no for m79 is that its used to much in games like the desert eagle, Barrett .50 cal, or ak 47 other one is fine. We'll well this is the 2000 post in the community of weapons congrats to the creater of of the thread Alexi.
  3. star-lord252

    Pistol Crossbow

    I like it can it have attachments though.
  4. star-lord252

    What Type of DayZ Character are You?

    I'm mostly a survivor when without friends. I'm a murder when I'm with a team of friends. Though the best way you can compare me is the navagiation specialist though there not on the list.
  5. star-lord252

    Apartments are very inconvenient places to loot.

    I found a tent in a toilet. I agree with you on this and everything.
  6. star-lord252

    OTs-14 Groza Assault Rifle

    Hell yes I love this way it looks and how its a bullpup. Though we should get as val as well if this comes in.
  7. Like them especially the first one. Easy way to get ammo back into a gun.
  8. star-lord252

    For those moaning about .55

    sounds good but hopefully they'll fix the loot not spawning in every house.
  9. I haven't checked the BMPs yet but I will soon neither police cars but the police stations are littered with loot I found a rak in there and full oreal and a gas mask. I'm going to check myshkino mil base to see if the tents are bugged with loot next.
  10. Loots really odd at the moment I checked everywhere I least expected and found a couple things and two guns. The police station is littered with pm and mp5 mags and sometimes the gun itself I found it with four spare mags. Maybe check deer stands I oddly found an m65 field jacket in there.
  11. star-lord252

    For those moaning about .55

    Lol I went to kamy police station and came out with full oreal, gas mask, pm 73 rak, and a few mags for it. I kept searching and I found a good amount of food, an anti stab vest, a blue drybag, and about 4 crunch in crisps cereal but this was like the houses heading up to the road to rog and very close to the wall thing the last house I checked was the peach house. The loot in my opinion is a little bugged but I still find my way around.
  12. star-lord252


    Lol funny story.
  13. star-lord252

    .55 sucks its too hard!

    .55 doesn't suck, its AWESOME hard now. (And I found a chainsaw)
  14. star-lord252

    Has anyone managed to get a disease yet?

    Yes I SUCKS ASSS being sick.
  15. star-lord252

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    The loot is odd but funny. Some old houses that spawned loot sometimes don't spawn any and some houses that used to give little loot now give alooot. I found the attachable pouches(no plate carrier though) I also found a kahki m65 field jacket at a deer stand and finalllyy I found a suppreser east. I'm gonna hunt for the rak I had one on exp no mag though. Anyone know were the best loot place you've seen so far.
  16. star-lord252

    My issues with .55

    It sounds a lot like your whining but they will fix these things like they did with that hotfix update in .54(or .53) I like these zombies now more people are helping each other we are killing zombies instead of players though I really don't care about kos I do it sometimes I go as a bandits as well and zombies are actually a real challenge now. The only things I don't like as much is how some of the old weapons don't kill zombies as easy anymore like the fire axe and how when a zombie hits you it doesn't swing somstimes like the old one did, it sometimes just rams you but these can be easily changed or fixed. I think the food is invisible I've been gathering road flares and killing boars lately.
  17. star-lord252

    Mountain Asylum

    I would love to see it.
  18. star-lord252

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Alright its been a couple hours and before I go and install the update I would like to ask two questions 1-is the loot broken like in the first exp .55 update(I don't mind this it was very challenging and I liked it) 2-is the rak spawning more commonly in exp update three I found one at a police car at sevgrino wondering if they are not super rare again.
  19. star-lord252

    Community Spotlight - 25 Mar 15

    Agreed good dayz youtuber love watching the status reports.
  20. star-lord252

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- April 2015

    Wolga car is a wip we can definlay play with that.
  21. star-lord252

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    I like this weapon along with its other guns that chamber the same caliber especially the groza. I do wish they could add the tokerav rounds but why not just both I love ww2 weapons especially the smgs (in my opinion a Thompson looks better than an mp 5 )and tokerav rounds could have made it possible but this firearm that now in wip really put the u in unique especially if its used by special forces and that itd a weird looking awesome gun. I'm happy about the vss vintorez but hopefully the devs will take a look at 7.62×25 tokerav and its guns chambering it ppsh 41/PPD 40, TT 33.
  22. star-lord252

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- April 2015

    Wonder if we can do that game forgot what it was its one were you have to cross a landmine field unharmed though it triggers when you next to it not on top unless this is fixed its impossible bear traps can be a substitute.
  23. yes a museum or improved castles would be nice to spawn old weapons out of service.let me list some that could spawn in a museum or improved castles.1-maxim m1910(a water cooled heavy machine gun) 2-musket 3-cannon(maybe a weapon if not decoration) 4-dp 28 5-ppsh 41,ppd-40,pps 43,sunomi kp-30(the sunomi would be a captured weapon that after the war was out on display or some other random story) 6-avs 36 7-falchion 8-morning star 9-flail 10-sheild 11-Thompson m1a1 12-mp 40 13-mp 34 14-mp 18 15-SG 33 16-nagant revolver 17-tt 33 18-scaber 19-cutlass 20-nr-40 There could be aloottt more stuff added here I just added stuff I want. I could have added old grenades, prototype weapons, flamethrowers, and other stuff. You can find tonnnsss of stuff in museums and castles converted into musuems the weapons I listed i thought would be a good ideal spawn in a museum. If I want a muesuem building I would want a larger one somewhere no were near the coast maybe stary sobor, lopatino, sinistock, or some other place.
  24. star-lord252

    When will deerstands spawn loot again

    Deer stands spawn loot in stable but supper rare pm 73 ram rare stable way(I found a rak in exp .55 #3 in a severgrino police car no mag and I thinks its to late to get one).55 made then spawn better more loot I find food, cloths, and backpacks most of the time. Though in .50 there was a bugged loot area in vybor mil base and there was lots of guns and backpacks in a single stand.
  25. star-lord252

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- April 2015

    ok thnx for telling.