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Everything posted by star-lord252

  1. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Well with the news I got there was a character wipe sigh..... Oh well I'm already half way to stary tents and I'll get something good there. I've noticed something new and improved oreal jackets and I assume police jackets are spawning in police stationnsss yaayyyy no more prison island only. I assume gorka and ttsko jackets are spawning in the mil locals again to.
  2. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Downloading the update hope they don't wipe my exp character very hard to find an akm in this patch. Maybe they all add something new in this last patch of .58 since nothing new has come in the past 4 updates I'm used to having new stuff every patch.
  3. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Played a little last night ran all the way from grishino to nw air feild to get killed by the only guy from the server how ironic(I got karma that time probably from all the guys I've killed in exp so far) though I'm glad to see the tents are getting great loot again. I spawned at edge of Cherno and went to balota and found some stuff an SKS and went to pavlovp area and I was lucky and found an akm first one of all of exp .58. I'm stuck going and reloading but I've found a wag to make magazines single shot only. Going to play a little more tonight I warn those who go to helis im planning on putting a landmine there for server hoppers.maybe I'll find a glow plug hopefully the dam horders don't get there first or take all the trucks.
  4. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Anyone find a red nine or a vss yet or they still not spawning.
  5. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Well I checked out the new update nothing new for the past 3 updates which is ashamed not sure about fixes or changes yet though. Me and a freind went up and stopped at sevgrino and I stopped from there he went on and got a ghillie mosin and supposably found an m4 no proof so I'm assuming he's lying though he found a random mp5k in a garage with a but stock which was weird. He also said he gave it away. I havnet met any players so far I usually avoid people though if I see someone I get hostile if we bump in unexpectedly and doesn't shoot me then I'll stop to talk and I'll let him live unless he follows. Life on experimental is hard and brutal though I've seen some freindlys and spoke. I wonder if the ump is spawning well I've seen few guns all I had was a trumpet lol.
  6. star-lord252

    Russian sidecar motorcycle... and more!

    The mortacyle looks like the ones from heroes and generals with an mg 34 instead of 42. I use it to sneak up behind snipers and tanks and kill them easy money and kills. I like it especially the plane crash make the planes diverse.
  7. star-lord252

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    44 isn't coming in for the desert eagle the model just says 44 I don't know why the Devs said .44 its really chambered for .357 I heard this in some rumors I can't remember but prove me if I'm wrong. But I agree we REALLY NEED more revolvers these are very popular handguns and self defence weapons. I really want a BFR a gaint revolver would be fun to have especially with a a scope on it.
  8. star-lord252

    snowy areas

    I want namalsk but I want to see seasons and stuff like in Cherno in the summer time and getting hot after running for 12 seconds. Or in novo in a cabin waiting for the blizzard to die down, or at sky rim mountain sniping while having gentle snow fall.
  9. star-lord252

    Playing DayZ without sound

    first two bad LRS mosin guys.. Terrible shot I ran around for 5 trying to shake of zombies they did it for me they shot once and I just ran. Other 4 fresh spawn killers in kamy killing freshspawns while I was just looting and I didn't know I was being shot at till I saw a message of fresh pawn saying helpp I tried but he got killed I ran towards otmel and lived terrible mp5k shots oddly only used that. The rest of the times it was by my friends telling me after 2-6 min I think one time my buddy was In kamy and I was in the edge of electro looting and he two guys shooting a guy in the distance and told me I was being shot at I typed back still don't get shot saw the bullet land on the road and rand in circles my buddy unloaded two round from his shot gun and kill them got me a LRS mos in that day.I've played without sound from .45 to .50 when I got my mic and I had some very random things happen I was unaware of till someone tells me or I turn around.
  10. star-lord252

    I have not played in 6 months Is it time to start again?

    6 months has been a while I can say these things about how its gone though I don't recommend playing until the central loot economy is finished so you don't have get mad and it was broken Veryyy broken in the last couple patches. So far stuff that I've notice significantly improved or added are..... 1-zombies don't glitch the hell through walls(they still do but not as much) 2-if you played before heli crashes m4s no longer spawn in barracks and stuff now its replaced by akms,ak 74/ak 74su, and some pistol I forget which ones. 3-you can find guns in any house and magazines no more police hopping trying to get a 1911 mag or cr 527 mag. 4-9mm spawns in civilian locations now and 12 guage amd mosin ammo(aka 7.62×54mmR) rarity has increased drastically(how can you confirm log into a low pop loot all of electro you might get a 20 boxes of .308 and probably 80 rounds of extra ammo but get maybe 2-7 boxes of 12 gauge and maybe 1-9 boxes of mosin ammo this is from my experiences I literally looted of Electro and came out whith my backpack almost filled with .308 for my model 70 and 3 boxes of 12 gauge for my sawn off and 4 boxes of mosin ammo) 5- bunch of new guns like the Winchester model 70, SVD, mp 133 shotgun(currently In .57 there are three guns not spawning due to some issues in .58 exp one of the guns is spawning the ump be careful looking for it though you might get blown up by my landmine don't server hop). 6- vehicles have been added and spawn in static locations for now(check msta and staroye and dolina for a quick one and in .58 exp you will need a sparkplug and a truck battery to get it running but it has an invenTory finally and in .59 and beyond expect 3 new vehicles). 7-fixed some fps issues so you might get a fps boost soon you'll get a major one when the new engine is used hopefully. 8-bunch of reworked and new areas like a prison island and some villages in the north. 9-balota barracks and tents have been removed tents have been moved near mysykino. 10- stary so or tents back in great place to get good loot. 11-no more mosin lrs now its hunting scope and SVD and vss vintorez(the mosin LRS can come back but I think they need to have some type of attachable rail to mount it for now its pu only but its still really good) 12-recoil is still unrealistic as well as sway except maybe for those heavy guns like mosin other than that unrealistic. 13-shoes degrade over time 14- no more zombies ruining your stuff anymore(finally my riders jacket can stay beautiful) 15-tactical bacon is the new king or canned good (there should still be more types of canned goods) 16-kos is still out there so be carefull 17-some new building now enter able like the guard house which spawns mega loot in. 57 but nothing in .58 18-diseases are now in cholera is easy to get if your drinking from ponds with low blood and hard to get with normal blood. 19- many duping methods have been removed 20-zombies have been reworked and now have new sounds and attacks and more realistic soon they will have random cloths from what I believed. 21-hunting,fishing,cooking, and crafting is in and have been improved drasticly. 22-spawns are still annoying as hell but easy to get used to. 23- hackers have been almost fully eradicated don't expect to many anymore on high pops or getting killing by 80 grenades from a flying guy. 24-persistence is in but isn't working in .57 wait for .58 for it to fully function. 25-pso1 now only spawns on SVD and vss so you'll have to get an SVD or vss for a pso1 to mount on tour akm for now but there's a new kashtan scope to help out. That's about as much as I know but I know I forgot stuff but its best you find out more stuff. Expect bugs,issues and glitches overall the game has improved well.
  11. star-lord252

    Playing DayZ without sound

    I used to not play with sound it was hard yet challengingly fun I was being shot at and never knew 12 times never died though.
  12. star-lord252

    My first kill

    First kill ey.. After a while youll get used to being killed or betrayed. I've tryed being friends to people I just get shot in the back. One day a bandit beat the crap out of me and knocked me out. He said "don't trust anyone" and I took his words. He left me live but took everything of my body even shoes and I just conintued on. Never trust anyone, I'm a cold hearted killer I never betray my steam friends and maybe if I see a guy on exp that doesn't try to shoot me first I might let him live(if he starts following he's done).
  13. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I placed three, one in cherno I got a confirmed kill in the fire station with one, one at vybor heli crash sng server update #2, and one at stary heli crash at I think southeast or south central it was damaged all I know. The heli mines were meant mostly for heli hoppers I just left them there I wasn't there to watch none blow the first one my friend told me it blew and got some stuff. I started using this slogan from a friend....."get to the choppa kill the hoppa".
  14. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    that looks like my landmine I placed......
  15. star-lord252


    A mansion would be nice it would be a good place to loot hopefully and a good PvP area especially if its at the coast.
  16. star-lord252

    Where are the animals?

    exactly retarded spelling errors.
  17. star-lord252

    Where are the animals?

    Very...no need to be sorry though I act retarted a lot especially when given directions and trying to be a leader.I go the opposite way what people say most of the time.
  18. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Well this update was fun I noticed nothing spawns in solichinty factory area and very little items spawn in kamy. I also saw the zombies have a new hit sound when they hit you. And these lootsplosions are crazy I got a fully decked mp5-k from one buttstock to compensater in berenzino. I first noticed it at the apartment areas of cherno when some random guy shot a flare gun I saw the guy but he ran as I was looking for him I found the loot so many guns everywhere. Not much else that's new I wonder if theres any good spawning at the helis and not just old pants and boots.
  19. star-lord252

    Where are the animals?

    yea it happened twice already on exp, but I really wasn't mad not everyones a kid maybe your a kid I went back on it and everything was there except the pig I found a ton of goats when I went to get a sword. When i came back it just teleported me were I set up my little fireplace my meat was inside and cooked well.
  20. star-lord252

    16 hours in, met my first player!

    That's a nice story I met a friendly once.it was in exp .48 we had a good chat then we went seperate ways I should have followed him to balota to see a glimpse of the barracks before they were gone. Now after alot of updates I don't see friendlys anymore..... Because I kill them and eat them depending on the mood I am, last night I beat a guy up in exp AUS-02 who wanted me to see if he could use the barrel as a shield against a fire extinguaser. He went down in one shot ruined helmet. after i killed him I got charcoal tabs and ate him.
  21. star-lord252

    Where are the animals?

    Check msta a great area to look I found a pig in exp and was going to make a leather jacket out of it but I ate lard and crashed the server.
  22. star-lord252

    Where to find: Shotgun shells and .45ACP

    I'm not sure why they increased rarity of shot shells and 45 acp is only in mags or heli crashes another thing that doesn't make since if 1911s are civilian why only have 45 acp only spawn in heli crashes and in magazines. Same goes with SKS ammo it has two civilian guns (used to be 3) and the ammo only spawns in mil doesn't make sence.
  23. star-lord252

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Wonder if a new exp patch today its wedsnday,I went on for a little bit aftet I got killed by a guy and I got vybor spawn how lucky I've only had 3 ever. I got geared no guns and went to vybor mil base. I found a rifle with one ammo so I just took in case. I found a landmine so I was thinking of setting up a trap at vybor heli crash to kill some server hopers or other people. I watched for 10 min no one joined so I left and went to try that random clan server that popped up. If anyone got blown up by a landmine at a heli it was in the SNG server.
  24. star-lord252

    Civilian semi-auto rifles

    Both look good both can make sence but why would any 7.62×54r semi auto rifles and .308 semi autos not spawn in the coast all they have to do is put the magazines to being very rare. None are used by the military except the SVD it just needs to be rare but not to rare like m4 rare now.
  25. OK didn't know it was popular though its chambered for the BFR a big fuckin revolver yes for me a big revolver would make a great addition especially if it can mount a scope. More hunting rounds/old military rounds would be great like adding k98k rounds and give it the option to chamber ww2 weapons and some hunting rifles since its used for that reason now in Europe might be still in servise though I doubt it. The only thing I want noowww is a svt 40 or a reapeter with a scope.