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Everything posted by star-lord252
Wendsday passed Thursday passed hurry we need to be your lab rats and test the patch and report bugs.
exp only it was in there ....started swithcing though ever since I saw that squad of hackers watching for 20 min it was like a fire work show some guy even came up and we both watched together.
To awsner all your things about "I don't trust British people" I just don't trust them. When I mean British guys I mean either real British people that just have the accent or people that try to copy some don't have it, I know its 50 50 and I apperently I get the 50 that either have the accent or try to fake it those are killers. I like british people just don't trust one I don't know I have British friends ass well. the one I play with a lot is a cs go guy some dayz he's jealous that I unboxed an m4a1s golden coil and repeatededly killed him with it. Basicly what I mean is that killers or try to be killers usually are British for some reason I never encounter other people except them probably cause I play on uk servers in exp most of the time. Anyways try not to start a rant or be a troll just gets out of control want to see what happens to out of control threads go to the graveyard lots of people put to rest cause of there crazy rantness.
every time I see a British guy he shoots me or tries to kill me 4-5 British people try to kill and 1-5 guy was from Scotland only one guy.
I've seen a couple leaks I heard it was sup post to be last wedsnday but was bumped I'm thinking this week or next the updates gonna be big don't be surprised to find new guns, cloths, tisy, map changes/additions, or even engine changes. .56,.57 took a while but came out with an awesome amount of additions. .59 will be the same.
Nice story you'll get used to killing people like these. If I meet someone if they point or raise there weapon,talk oddly, sound British, and are sqeakers I'm usually hostile because there mostly killers. People with normal voises and decide to put there weapon away are good guys most of the time I usually just kos but my squad sometimes talks me through it. .59 is coming and the squad is gonna get ready to raise some hell.
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
star-lord252 replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
one won't hurt adds some uniqueness in the revolver category of weapons since theres only one though a small .380 acp semi auto handgun would be just as good just do both. -
I discovered dayz in the dumbest way. It was 2 years ago and I just got mine craft and got very addicted and there was this one "dayz" themed server I always played on it was really fun and I asked the admin about were he got the idea and he got it from a game called dayz so I looked it up and it popped up the standalone version and bought it at the last days of .46 good times. I still play it no matter how buggy and annoying it can be if I get mad at dayz I play csgo then about 2 hours later I get back on dayz if I get made at cs go I play dayz and just stick to that. I have my own squad I play a lotand I play with some forumers we've had some good times with all my friends (best one was probably when I got into that truck with one of my friends and hit a tree with my very bad driving skills and we flew up the air and landed in kamenka it started at lopatino and hit at kamenka good times). I love this game probably never gonna switch a game like this. Futere plans probably include me making a squad and playing .59 exp till I'm purple and see if we can hold up someone wellknown(last guy was goldglove but all we really did was hold up for a few seconds then shoot him).I'm hoping we find Brian hicks or the other devlpers so we can ask them to add something we want ingame.
Bahbumbug it was suppost to come out this wendsdsy man I planned an making a squad to hunt for the new cars. Oh well squad will come this coming Friday got my bros ready to be Bambi's and destroy whatever comes in our way. PS if we get a bus, we will drive it around the coast to pickup up freshspawns and take them to balota to start there way up north.
It may become a PvP spot soon for people cars and trucks because Brian hicks said in twitch con that it will become a spot were air craft parts will spawn think of it as a place were people will get supplies and leave. I do miss the action there ended in .57 glad I got one last kill there in .57 in krasnostav easy fun guy called me a dick got what he deserved. I'll he there a lot I just wanna get a chopper in electro and yell "get to the choppa".
New weapon mechanics - 23rd of Sept Dev blog
star-lord252 replied to preacherlr's topic in General Discussion
That was some nice stuff gives some ultra realazism and convinces people to just not spray unless in point blank rage cause it may jam. I also saw the thing that took about a whole year of complaining to finally be implemented the sharing of ammo spawns 7.62×39mm and 45 acp are now gonna spawn in civilian locations so we can chamber and use our izhs and not need a mag for a 1911 or have to empty a mam for our derringer. If none read the whole statas reports they confirmed underhand grenade launcher or whatever they are, rocket launchers, and machine guns. Also two wip models of a glock 19 and fan fal the glock of cource has the suppreser thingy and can take a suppreser(they should make a regular glock 19 spawn civilian suppresable one police same goes for cr 75)fn fal uses 308. Winchester with 20 round mags and can come with a folding buttstock. -
All good news I'm glad there's a hot fix I hate this shitty desync all of the sudden.I'm still waiting for .59 any new of an exp branch coming.
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
star-lord252 replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
I mean, look at this: Isn't it beautiful? Don't you want to open some skulls with it? Poke someone's neck? Imagine, you see someone passing with a horse nearby you, you prepare an ambush and use the hook end of the Halberd to strike his chest and pull the guy out of the horse in a very friendly way! Wouldn't it be amazing guys? Hellebarde prease!!1!1 just beautiful I'd love to see this along with the rest of the medieval gear. -
a tank is sup post to be a retarted thing that comes rarely like helicopters and Thue supplies needed to repair it cost a lot. You take for a spin blow it up or get it stolen or stash it.I understand you don't like much thing that retarted but a tank is so unique.
A tank would be fun actually its not that overpowered all you have to do is get some sachtel charges sneak up behind it and out on it and boom.
Has everyone forgotten about the red nine its been gone for two updates hopefully it comes back in .59 I don't care about a vss I want my pistol that doesn't uses a mag and has a butstock.
Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)
star-lord252 replied to SmashT's topic in General Discussion
yea all I've been doing is making camps I really miss zeds now I think I'll play some counter strike or hoard more crap for now. Once exp .59 comes out in one to two weeks I'll be on forever. -
Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)
star-lord252 replied to SmashT's topic in General Discussion
For now its day in one or two updates ittl be dayz again the zombies are still in there just extremely rare. There optimizing them a little it is a bit boring with ought them so as soon as .59 hits exp I'm downloading it and playing for about 6 hours. -
Don't worry this will come back soon depends though would you rather have a decrease of 15 fps and zombies hitting you threw walls I assume no I don't want that there currently tweaking them and stuff like that. It may or may not come back in .59 .60 guaranteed I'm soooo pumped for .59 three new vehicles ,cz 61 SMG ,vss comes back yea.
Yes add this please I can't even put a crossbow inside a car tent.....
Sure if it means saving a friend from a guy I trapped inside a house then a few extra min of life would help out a lot and dragging bodied or fireman carrying but I think that should be a soft skill.
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
star-lord252 replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
AK 47 and it varianets... Intro as you all know the main assault rifles used in combat in dayz are the ak 74,akm,and m4 the rest are used sparecly ak 101 being the least used from what I've seen. What this is basicly about is expanding the range if assault rifle/civilian variants to make the diversity of assault weapons more diverse so instead of just 3 main rifles expand it to 6-8 or 4-5 just to make it diverse as much as civilian weapons.though there's a lot more reasons to discuss I don't think I can argue much about since I'll get kos haters getting angry because its gonna kill the game thats why there's central loot economy .58 did a good job except the m4s,augs, umps I've found more m4s than aks. So just read. I've got some weapons to suggest many will fit in fine some may not in other peoples opinions. 1-ak 47 Some pictures.....sorry no pictures to complicated to post a picture especially since the mods want spoilers and theres no way I'll figure out how to do that on a phone that not apple. The ak 47 is the most commonly used assault rifle in the world as produced there's about 75 million rifles made right now more the than the mosin and all other aks combined. Its used by alllooott of countries and remember this is NOT russia(since ak 47 is out of service but still stored away) to those who think it is, it borders chernearas but its still not Russia so there's a chance its still used in servise or stored away when theres a big problem. It should have the ability to have a bayonet attached to it and maybe a scope or suppreser. It should function the least out of all the aks but function simalr to akm more since the akm is a modernized variant. It should spawn in any general military local and maybe a very rare warehouse spawn indicating it was stored away or inside one of those giant containers for the cargo ships.while we already have the akm still there's way more of these out there and they have variants I will discuss next. Uses the 7.62×39mm round. Ak 47 variants..... Civilian ak. Basicly an ak 47 that fires in semi auto only and may have a slightly altered apperence. If these are added it should fire 7.62×39mm and should have 5r to 10 r mags that spawn as well and have the Devs make 7.62×39mm spawning sparingly in civilian areas(really this should have been happening along time ago as well as 45 acp and 9mm they have civilian guns more than they have military so it make since to have them spawn a little in civilian 9mm did it why can't these to do it)these will be rare maybe winchester rare to compare it since its a semi auto rifle should be allowed attachments and spray paint. Ak47 variants conti.....aks Not much info here just to say if the ak 47 does get added it should be able to have a folding butstock attached to it it spawns in this variant. Basicly all it is, is a ak 47 with a folding buttstock spawns rarer than ak 47 does. this aks variant should apply to all aks except aks 74u and ak 101 it would then be akms and aks 74. 2.an 94.... A complex version of the ak 74 basically. Uses ak 74 ammo and can mount all attachments added ingame for aks. Should spawn extremely rarely in police stations and general military capable of firing two round bursts or up to 1800 rounds a min. Ak74m.......I heard there a model of it in game but I'm not sure if it'll be added it should be a good variant to the ak 74 would make perfect sence should come with a 40 round mag as well. Ak 74 variant rpk 74..... Just a bigger ak 74 configured for a lmg role I beilve it might be general purpose mg. Should spawn rarely in military locals and can be put in stance for the bipod to come in handy but can still aim down iron sight but the user will suffer bad recoil and lots of sway. Rpk.... A bigger akm similar to the rpk 74 just chambers 7.62×39mm round instead of ak 74 ammo. Rpd..... An older mg isnt in service with Russia anymore but has possiblities to in this one were in it should spawn along the same sides as the ak 47 but much rarer. Uses 7.62×39mm rounds. As val.... A silenced ak using vss rounds should spawn as rare as the vss when it comes back in .59. Should be able to use the scopes. Ots 14 groza.... A bullpup assault rifle chambering the vss rounds should spawn as rare as the other guns that chamber that round. It should have its own attachments for itself. That's about it for now there's a lot more weapons coming in and a lot of variantions of weapons that should be added. Hope you enjoy respond and tell me what you think with civiliced responses. I'll discuss more weapons in the future. -
were setting it up today though I have a buddy going over and to throw some tents of apartment buildings and get his first military weapon. If youd like to join us while setting and have some accses to our little camp feel free to add me N.I.C I know the map from the back of my head so I know what I'm doing. I'll set up my own camp at the server I'll tell you when I set it up to find it.
Lots of awesome leaks I wonder when .59 exp is coming out I'm gonna hunt down those new vehicles
well my base got raided lol well it was odd though they left all the guns and just took the tents....I have a Buddy's who has a base but I have yet to know its whereabouts.