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Everything posted by star-lord252

  1. star-lord252

    chainsaw and other .52 items they are not here.

    I was succecfly able to find one hockey stick and I saw a bandit w a anti stab vest(he killed both of my partners) I think loot is having problems again sometimes I find things I've left overnight on the ground and have 3 restarts in a server and still find it laying there the next morning(ive seen an mp5 k on the ground for about a week in gorka police station)
  2. OK I knew I there were more guns in .308 just was making sure but I guess we can eventually see the ak 74m eventually but right now for ammo I want the 9×18 makorav and .44 rounds for revolvers and its chambering guns.
  3. star-lord252

    chainsaw and other .52 items they are not here.

    were did you find the chainsaw will help people that haven't found one.
  4. thought the ak 74m was confirmed since they made a model and realesed a picture of it w a grenade launcher. I know the gp-25 and the m203 were in the files for a while like the smoke grenade or what ever is in there. Having an explosive in game would be a good addition when mounted on weapons like a pkm or dshkm can be mounted on a vehicle or an armoured vehicle. A launcher like an RPG can make a good addition if a tank or a heavily armoured vehicle comes in. Have a question though they are realesing a Winchester model alasken soon I think it chamber .308 winchester. Any other weapons that can chamber the round.
  5. don't worry we will get at least one an attachable grenade launcher I believe is confirmed along with ak 74m. Maybe when we get an armoured vehicle or tank we can get one of those rocket propelled grenades.
  6. good idea it might come along along with other weapons like the m1 garand and wknchester model Alaskan.
  7. star-lord252

    9mm, .45 ACP and 7.62x39mm are military... why?

    All 3 of these catrriges are very rare in civillian locations. Ive found more NATO rounds than Sks ammo in police stations. I've only found one box of 9mm rounds evveerr in a police station in severograd. Ive only found 10 boxes of 45 acp in civilian locations. I think these should be in civillain locations but they should not be to common(if SKS ammo were to be common so much death will come because of how common the SKS is).cr 527 carbine is useless because of how rare the ammo is for it and mag even though its a powerful weapon. Hopefully they might do some stuff in making these types of ammo a little more common in civilian locations. I also would like slugs to come back in and a box for it.
  8. Here is a lot of Russian and and other countrys I've chosen guns. Pistols- Korovin TK Tokarev TT Makarov PM/PMM Stechkin APS PSM PB silenced APB silenced S4M silent MSP silent PSS silent Serdyukov SPS/Gyurza/Vector Yarygin PYa/Grach GSh-18 OTs-23 OTs-27 OTs-33 SPP-1 underwater MP-446 MP-448 P96 P96S P96M OTs-21 Strike One Pistols 2- Bergmann Mars Mauser C-96 Mauser 1910 14 34 Mauser HSc Mauser M2 Luger 'Parabellum' HK-4 HK VP 70 HK P7 HK P9s HK P11 underwater HK USP HK Mk.23 HK P2000 HK P30 HK UCP HK 45 Sauer 38H Walther PP & PPK Walther PP Super Walther P38 Walther P5 Walther P88 Walther P99 Walther PPS Korth Korriphila HK VP9 Walther PPQ Walther PPX Walther CCP Pistols 3- Roth Steyr M1907 Steyr Hahn M1912 Glock Steyr GB Steyr M Pistols 4- Fort 12 Fort 14 Fort 15 Fort 17 Shevchenko PSh Pistols 5- CZ Vz.22, Vz.24 CZ 27, P.27(t) CZ Vz.38 CZ 50, CZ 70 CZ 52 CZ 82/83 CZ 75 CZ 85 CZ 97 CZ 100 CZ 110 CZ-G 2000 CZ-TT CZ P-07 P-09 Revolver 1- Nagant m.1895 IzMech MP-412 R-92 U-94 "Udar" OTs-01 / RSA OTs-20 Gnom OTs-38 silent Places these are from chezh Russia Germany austria Ukraine. There are some guns I've posted that are on the list or are already in game plz pretend they are not there thnx.these are just pistols I will do other types of guns soon.
  9. The Mauser Modell 98k A repeater, comes with a foldable iron sight which contains scales from 400 to 2000 meters and is fed by a x5 strip. We see it with a 4 x Zeiss ZF24 scope. The MG 42 A multi-purpose Automatic Rifle uses the same iron sight as the Mauser 98k and convinces by its great withstand against weathers and dirt. It comes with a bi-pod by default and was used stationary as well as mobile by experienced grenadiers. The bi-pod could be exchanged from the front to the middle to enhance the pivoting range. The magazines came in Drum(50rounds), 50round belt, 250round belt . Making 1500 shots per minute overheating was a permanent issue. The soldiers used to carry about 5 extra barrels so they could exchange it over a quick exchange mechanism. Beans and i will add an automatic rifle which has been used by paratroops and another improved repeater which can either be reloaded with x5 strip or 10round clips good ideas I like your revolver you showed lol k wish it come I know its from austria. Always wondered if the devs ever come to this community.
  10. star-lord252

    "Industrial Facility" test site

    Nice idea I blew my slelf up w a grenade......
  11. Great idea all I can say is bigger more citys and maybe make the radiation zone smaller or farther from the mainalnd because you just radiated bernzino and solichinity.
  12. agree with everything said but isn't the serbu super shorty american. Like the suggested weapons you should look at the post of that big revolver. I would post pictures but I don't know how. Any ways I have some more guns for analysis.Steyr Aug para. Mp-18(worlds first SMG russians captured this weapon and used it extremely rare farmhouse spawn.couldn't resist as well, Mauser T gewehr anti tank rifle or PTRD PTRS or marosak KB wz.35/PzB 35 anti tank rifle. And I here's about the new rifle being added and I think it chambers .308 Winchester any other guns that can chamber this round.
  13. hellll yess I wish it could be added but very few were made and we need .600 nitro express. It was my favorite weapon in SAS 3. right now for big revolver we can see magnum researches BFR.
  14. I definitely agree w you on the colt python being not as realistic as other revolvers. I think the best choose for a revolver in game may be the nagant 1895 revolver.I also agree w you on the Vz.52/57 being an alternate to the SKS. I think the SKS should be less common since its amunation is sooo rare in civilian locations.I think SKS ammo should be more common and the gun being less same goes w the vs.52/57. I have more guns for analysis. P-64 or p-83 polish pistols.MSBS randon assault rifles polish I think. Serbu super-shorty shotgun(heli crash spawn).
  15. star-lord252

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Have a question. Any of you guys find any new .52 items all I've found was a hockey stick,silencers,teddy bears,and a cooking tripod nothing else. If you did find something can you please tell in a reply to this comment to were you found it plz thnx happy holidays.
  16. I understand people can prefer m4 better than the 9mm SMG but let's say it has its attachments for the 9mm SMG itself. Having a bayonet on a trench gun would be fun if eventually the bayonets work eventually. But I got another two guns for analysis. Vz.52 vs.52/57 semi auto rifle I believe its a Czech rep gun, and the Czech alpha revolvers.
  17. What about these two guns. Colt 9mm smg(hell crash site spawn has attachamnets) winchester 1897 shotgun(standard variant and trench variant w bayonet) The trench variant has a heat shield,bayonet lug,sling swivels. I'm just throwing out ideas.
  18. star-lord252

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    unrealistic and gay wtf. Pretty sure there could have been a pistol loaded w a magazine put under a bed and forgotten until our good survivors find a 1911 under the bed. When a gun spawns w a mag it should be much rarer to find with a mag preinstalled. I like the fact people chamber one round to a gun because they can't find a magazine its just a way to improvise till you locate a magazine for the gun your using.
  19. star-lord252

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Dear god I need this weapon in game and the TT pistol.
  20. star-lord252

    Idea: Fireman's lift/carry.

    I've got three words for you.Remove.sharp.things.
  21. star-lord252

    Idea: Fireman's lift/carry.

    good point the suggestion of fireman carry seems more worthy than dragging.
  22. star-lord252

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Got a little question were do you find the combat knife and the quiver I know they were added but were are they are they still in game.
  23. star-lord252

    Idea: Fireman's lift/carry.

    Good idea I think its been suggested before. I want the ability to climb walls and fences, a dragging animation, and a diving animation.
  24. Great weapons to add in game great use with smgs. In this game smgs are all most forgotten. But I would like to see the mp 412 Rex gsh 18 or mp 446 mp 448.