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Everything posted by star-lord252

  1. star-lord252

    Items Disappearing

    It happened lost a hachet that almost costed my life(glad I found a pipe) lost a mp 133 a mp5k and so much more. They fix it soon.
  2. I think we need some more melee weapons as well as guns but I want to name a few melee weapons. 1.swiss army knife 2.chisel 3.bottle(can craft a broken bottle with sharp edges for stabbing) 4.stake(wooden or metal) 5.brick 6.golf stick 7.cricket stick 8.pool stick(like the game pool played on a table) 9.fishing pole 10.butter knife 11.ballistic knife(american heli spawn) 12.glass cutter 13.shank(craftable) 14.fork 15.scapel 16.jackhammer 17.falchion(rare castle spawn) 18.putty knife 19.cane 20.rolling pin 21.shears 22.gear 23.wooden plank(nails can be attached) 24.flint(can be found and crafted to flint and steel) 25.croquet stick Maybe there weren't a few but oh well. Also I want the mace to be as strong as a splitting Axe or fire Axe this specific type was ment to smash armour right now its pathetic.
  3. star-lord252

    A few suggestions

    I like these ideas except the first one we have a good way of how food spawns not to much not to little I think there should be more food(canned pineapples,loafs of bread ect.). Btw we can already make steak and potatoes in fact steak has saved my life from starvation and potatoes has saved me a lot as well(them zucchinis don't help).I think I'll try eating both at the same time(good fortune hopefully).
  4. I like the Springfield m1903 rifle better since there were more models with scope being able to attached then kar 98k.m1917 Enfield is about the same. Plus if you look on a wish list m1 garand seems like it want its appearance inagme meaning new cartridge .30.60 Springfield.btw I have not seen the movie of The Road but I have read the book.
  5. star-lord252

    Status Report - 06 Feb 15

    Animal animations awesome on dayz TV there was a little showing of a guy hitting a zombie w a baseball bat the zombie got knocked back. I want to get the new guns look great and maybe new backpacks or cloths. And maybe we can get those missing .52 items coming back in......were are the chickens
  6. star-lord252

    What to expect from Prison Island?

    Amazziinngg location to loot found aks all three and one of each ak mag mp5k two mags lots of food all oreal stuff and much more. Just be careful on high pop servers there usually people there waiting to kill. BTW don't expect prison uniforms there not spawning not that I know of in stable(were in exp .52).
  7. Russian rifle sounds good the .308 winchester/7.62×51mm variant sounds better than other one. If we can get that split in rounds it'll fit in good. I want me a semi auto shotgun eventually like the saiga 12 or bekas auto. Also thinking about those futuristic looking shotguns like aa 12 but a widespread one maybe kel techs KSG if its widespread at least that one is being produced unlike others. Ever thought of a craftable blow gun you need reeds if there there by swammpy areas and darts you can craft or find or you can find a non crafted blow gun your improvised weapons ment for killing players and animals.
  8. star-lord252

    [VIDEO] Why You No Comply? - Victory Gamerz

    The VG server is pretty fun but laggs some times. I usually comply to whoever says so unless they shoot first. I remember some good times.......electro is always crazy.
  9. star-lord252

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Hey I've noticed there some things I haven't seen in a while in exp. These are, the flanged mace, ak bayonet, m65 field jacket, and a couple .52 melee weapons like cleaver and chainsaw.
  10. star-lord252

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Hey is there any loot in exp last time I checked there was nothing . and have the .52 items in yet green paramedic jacket cleaver ext. Oh and have any of you guys gone to the prison island yet if you have is a good Idea to go there.
  11. star-lord252

    Police cars completely gone? HELP GET THEM BACK!

    sometimes its a lot like helis what I want is some more common police cars there really hard to find.
  12. star-lord252

    Police cars completely gone? HELP GET THEM BACK!

    Police cars are in game but there like helis crap ton of spawn possibilities maybe one or two spawned I have a screen shot of one on my steam profile and I remember in exp .49 I saw a glitches police car in cherno half underground. Go to severograd and severgrino to find the static ones.
  13. star-lord252

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Here is my little journey I have a coupe questions to. So I start spawning randomly I have no idea were I am I find a new shovel. Then I run of to some random town and find most new melee weapons. Then I find a flare gun. Then I find a ammo to a flare gun. Then I test it and suicide. What I noticed most is how little loot there is almost nothing I almost starved twice. Also have the .52 melee weapons like cleaver hunting knife come back yet I haven't seen one since exp .52.
  14. star-lord252

    Add a Rowboat to the game.

    I do but they might have holes in them.....
  15. star-lord252

    Add a Rowboat to the game.

    Why not would make a reasonable addition what about making an impovosed raft will take time and materials.
  16. Maybe we can get something like this. Cold day in cherno find a striped checked shirt put it on the you find a hoodie wouldn't it be cool if you were able to have both on at the same time like layering. Shirt inside hoodie outside. Now what I wish is that clothing doesn't clip through he character not sure if this is a hard fix but it would be a good one.
  17. star-lord252

    Land Rover Wolf mounted machine gun truck

    To those who think this is to military like its gonna be rare as hell to find them. Pkms are most likely going to be in some point. Your gonna need a mount and a car and a mg to do this. Lmgs are coming in no matter what Steyr Aug hbar is confirmed. This will be one of those things that are for endgame it'll fit in fine its not that hard to kill people on a truck with an mg get a mosin hide and snipe or get a shotgun come from behind and shoot. Plz think about it before you say fuck no or not going to happen its not going to be that bad. For those that are afraid of hackers getting to this(good reason)the devs are planning on making better anti hack systems and other anti hack stuff which is good we don't need flying cars spraying bullets. Or invisible gunmen shooting the mg. We should be able to be limited to humvees there could be other ones. Oh were going to be able to fly soon.
  18. pistol suppressors don't seem to spawn oddly(neither do other .52 items). I'm just saying when they start spawning correctly it'll be cool if we have the other variant.Hopefully we can see more than one revolver. 22lr ones can work but 22lr is so underestimated though. Btw is it possible to import any arms 2 dayz mod weapons in to standalone. If it's possible I can be w my Lee Enfield again.
  19. I like glocks there used to be one in the mod g17 but it had a flash light I want the regular one you can add attachments if you want to. I think the cr 75 should because as soon as pistol supprers come in again the cr 75 will be a silent killer. It like the 1911 and 1911 engraved engraved doesn't have much of a purpose either. I agree w you on the other .45 caliber pistols I can say maybe a taurus tracker like from the mod or what ever other .45 acp revolvers there are. Mp 443 would be awesome as well.
  20. OK I see now well I know the vss vintorez has the special 9×39mm subsonic rounds. If we see the vss vintorez we can get a as val or the ots groza(for some reason the ots guns I've seen haven't had many guns made prove me wrong if I am)or the 9a 91.I've also noticed most pistol aren't very good can we get like a stenchiken APS(there are some chambers for 9mm),full auto glock. And what about that cr 75 without the thing that makes it have a suppreser being able to attach there(the one that can have a supperser attached can be more rare same goes w the fnx standard can be found any were fnx tactical helis only)http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Stechkin_APS.jpg/450px-Stechkin_APS.jpg having it with the stock would be cool to http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131120071121/althistory/images/thumb/5/5b/Glock18.jpg/480px-Glock18.jpg this ones a glock 18.
  21. Will we get other sniper rifles after the SVD is added. Maybe the model 770 700 or vss vintorez cz 550. The vss vintorez would be like pm 73 rak rare.
  22. star-lord252

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    ok thanks for confirming that. So far my gear is good many heli found an mp5k finally I had a 30rd mag.
  23. star-lord252

    What gun was your first shooting kill with?

    My first kill was in that turavo prison I had a magnum and a mosin and I just shot this guy who tried to kill me w a SKS but missed. I shot all rounds w my magnum and injured him hardly then I get my mosin out and shoot so technicly my first kill was w a mosin.
  24. star-lord252

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    Rarest loot prob the pm 73 rak,cleaver,chainsaw,hunting knife,amphibia s,fnx,anti stab vest,pistol suppreser. On my buddys pve server I have two grenades one modern one ww2, a Steyr Aug, an akm 2 75 r drums, a combat knife and some other stuff. After a while I haven't seen one chainsaw nor cleaver nor hunting knife maybe there bugged. I oddly haven't seen a pistol suppreser at Xmas trees. Weres the fnx and amphibia s haven't seen one at all or ever but I've seen mags.
  25. star-lord252

    Nuclear area

    I like it but maybe some were distant maybe it can radiation a small town but I don't want it to turn the whole map to a radiation zone.