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Everything posted by star-lord252

  1. star-lord252

    Basic guns are more fun?

    ya was going to send you a message if you wanted to join this private server my buddy made and we need a couple more members to join in. It requires a password and it has a couple rules but I'll see if you want to join before telling you its a cool server thoughtful people and we have a team speak. PS I was finally able to edit my profile picture now I can be a crazy spongebob complaining about overtime.
  2. star-lord252

    Forks and Spoons

    This is Spongebob.I like this idea. Have my beans.
  3. star-lord252

    Forks and Spoons

    Why not its not that bad who doesn't have a fork or spoon or spork or what ever. I wouldn't use it for eating more of a thing to use when I cant find an Axe.
  4. star-lord252

    Is the AUG worth finding?

    The Aug is a really good weapon it is better to switch it with you akm but after m4 switch but you guys got to admit it looks awesome.
  5. V3s looks cool wonder if i can grab an akm and start shooting at pigs and stuff. Or maybe I can kick anyone out who's in my car when I don't want them to be in the only thing I can do to get them out is to start driving underwater or flipping the truck over.
  6. star-lord252

    Some people never find 1.....

    Same as well I had 2 ammo boxes filled with NATO rounds and an amphibia s w a mag I never got to shoot the pistol which sucked.
  7. star-lord252

    Basic guns are more fun?

    dayz tv website you posted a video or someone else did it was something neandrathal hunting. The one with all the news and stuff.
  8. Jizz your just unlucky my buddy found 2 of them in one crash there hard to locate. I also found my first amphibia s and I had a mag for it and I found a fnx optics thing all I need is the fnx.
  9. star-lord252

    Where do I find AK mags?

    Look at barracks, prison island, and crashes they used to spawn in act towers and regular prisons but ever since the terrible .49 patch gone.
  10. star-lord252

    truck glitches me underground

    sorry itll be my other secret.
  11. star-lord252

    Basic guns are more fun?

    Nice video your pretty good at shooting at 3rd person I suck at it. BTW this is a regular Bambi from dayz TV think were rejestered as friends.
  12. star-lord252

    Is the AUG worth finding?

    M4 is better since it can have attachments but the Aug looks badass if you find an Aug before an m4 take it.
  13. star-lord252

    Burlap Sack Locations

    The medium sized gray shed usually has them I have a ghillie gun wrap now after looking in these always check rural towns were most people don't go like staroye and myskino.
  14. star-lord252

    Some ideas for Random events.

    Love the ideas and I can garentee the plane crash is coming saw a spoiler on dayz TV. I want more types of helis for more widespread crash loot. A german , Austrian,British, and maybe a isreal heli crashes would be awesome different varieties but same number of crashes we see today.
  15. star-lord252

    Some ideas i came up with.

    I would love to see the pkm as well as the other mgs you suggested but we need to make sure there balanced. And we don't have to worry as much for hackers there getting banned a lot easier now.
  16. star-lord252

    Is there a toliet anywhere?

    There are toilets in a couple building but of course the door to it is locked hopefully every door will eventually be able to be opened.
  17. star-lord252

    Some ideas i came up with.

    I like everything except some of the guns. .50 cal sniper rifle has been said no to the devs but youll get the draganov and possibly the vss vintorez. Desert eagle same no but if they add .44 magnum then maybe the desert 44 but no .50 action express variant. Mg 42 is no but mg 3 is a modernized variant and takes NATO and those work much better. The minigun makes a good addition since its stationed on the heli but it should be extremely rare to get one in a good enough condition to be able to work but even with that you need an external power source, allooottt of ammo, ammo belts as a feed system, something to mount it on(you won't be able to use it in your hands), and some repairs(weapon cleaning kit will help it but won't fix it you will need metal and stuff). All the glocks are good but the g17 will most likely come in.
  18. star-lord252

    Mauser C96

    I love the way it looks and how it doesn't need a mag. It would be really awesome if can have a stock attached to it. Of the c96s posted on there I would like the red 9 one because of how it uses 9mm but the 7.62×25mm one is good to because it will give an oppertunite to get the tt-33,ppsh41 and so on.
  19. star-lord252

    Mauser C96

    I just knew there was one I just didn't know what it was really called. I think there were very few 1911s converted to fire automatically. I like the APS for a machine pistol but chamber it for 9mm since it can.
  20. star-lord252

    Pistol bullet drop (Derringer pistol)

    true but no one uses a pistol for 2 main reasons1:ammo most take 9mm 45 acp(revolver and longhorn will be an exception)and those ammo types oddly found only in general military. 2:most require magazines(excluding derringer,magnum,longhorn)and magazines are kinda hard to find(don't know why everyone complains they can't find a 1911 mag I've had more than twenty must know how to look) I never see people use pistol except the magnum but still only one. I've had one pistol kill and that's with my makorav. Anyways I'm gonna have a derringer in my pants for derringer sniping thank you Gews for sharing your good knowledge of the world and ingame⊙ω⊙
  21. star-lord252

    Mauser C96

    Love this weapon I want the c96 red nine variant I think its from Russia and can fit in better than the other one. For attachments stock would be cool scope as well. Not sure how this doesn't fit in many of these were made there were even machine pistol variants. For one I see this as a collective gun why because it looks weird and odd and bewildering to look at and so on.
  22. star-lord252

    Where is all the good stuff at?

    been playing VG servers and the hatchet is really good I killed two guys one w a gun one with a fire Axe both missed all shots. I can use the hactet to get up close and hit them in the body while there trying to swing at me but I'm faster and more accurate. Overall how'd you get the fnx thought it wasn't spawning anymore.
  23. star-lord252

    Barret 50. cal?

    You won't get a Barret 50 cal. But you will get a svd..........................possibly the vss vintorez.
  24. star-lord252

    Where is all the good stuff at?

    you make me jealous lol °_°
  25. star-lord252

    Where is all the good stuff at?

    a stop at electro got me a full gorka outfit vest and a couple more stuff. What's wrong with more raincoats I use them arm bands are great I can be even more greener.