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About Obtuse

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    On the Coast

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  1. Obtuse

    Clan/group/friend recognition

    Yes, we don't want a system that will tell you across the map who is who, having to need a scope or binoculars (which is already a must for most players trying to scout areas without blindly charging into an area) will solve the need for running into shotgun (hopefully range slightly nerfed by the time this could be implemented) range to make an affirmative ID. Also the coding could easily be modified to have the armband or hat render at slightly greater distances than say someones face or gun attachment details. And making it to easy for infiltration? As compared to the current system where everyone dresses and looks the same regardless? Smart player groups and clans will rotate colors and symbols on a regular basis to prevent this. All in all it would make identification somewhat easier without breaking the hardcore survival system vs other players since you will have the option to scout out other people's identifying armband/hats and try to copy them, and yes you can use skype or ts, ect to clarify, though in my experience we still have the occasional freindly fire incident even though we are all communicating and have solid ideas of where our clanmates are, if anything it adds to the possibilty of confusion in the heat of battle if someone tries to infiltrate making a more realistic experience for pvp. edit* In regards of the armbands or hats being too brightly colored like the mountain backpacks theres no reason why they cannot be spray painted or just have them coded in all color spectrums (i.e. pale green, dark green, brown, black, purple, blue, light blue, dark blue, ect.) I personally dont want them neon pink or red. We just need them to standout enough to show theres an armband or hat with a symbol on it at a medium range, not a complete dead giveaway at 300+ yards.
  2. Obtuse

    Clan/group/friend recognition

    How about a loot item (armband or hat) that can be customisable (like paper notes) with a pen or marker? much easier on the developers, still allows for the infiltration/deception mechinism and allows clans to creat unifying symbols.
  3. Obtuse

    Status Report - Week of 06 Oct 14

    The current bug I would love to see fixed concerns having an attached 75 rnd drum mag (for the akm) with a 30 rnd mag in your inventory. Currently if the akm has the drum mag attached and is in your hands you are unable to interact with doors, items, ect without first having to scroll through "reload 30rnd mag" causing many unhappy times in firefights. And btw the "reload 30 rnd mag" stacks in options for each mag in your inventory.Ex. [Reload 30 rnd mag] [Reload 30 rnd mag] [Reload 30 rnd mag] [Open door]