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Everything posted by treetop82

  1. treetop82

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    Rarest loot right now IMO: Jerry cans (since .52, I haven't found one in 30+ hours of searching sheds) PSO-1 scope (I really want one, been in 100+ barracks and found 0) high capacity vest (I have one, but haven't seen any others since .52) grendaes (haven't seen any in a long long time, only held 2 in my 400+ hours)
  2. treetop82

    Vehicle Bug - Server or DayZ?

    Do you need a jerry can to fill up your vehicle at a gas/petrol station? I can't find a jerry can in .52 to save my life, looted 8+ towns
  3. treetop82

    Right click shaking since 0.52?

    There are 100 threads on this, one of them by myself. The shaking is more pronounced in 0.52. Basically, if you are wet and cold for a while then you will start to develop shaking. The game will not display "cold" properly but your body temperature is low. Go sit by a fire for 10 minutes until you are dry, then sit there another 5 minutes.
  4. treetop82

    Where to find......Anything?

    I agree that it does seem some loot is missing, but the devs are tweaking it down more and more, so I expect to see more and more posts like this one. However, I did find 3 AK101s, 1 AKM and 2 AK74Us today on a single server in the Verv military base and the southwest military base. NWAF had a bunch of stuff too, just bounce around servers until you start to see a decent amount of persistent loot piled up in buildings near the bases.
  5. treetop82

    jittery scope

    It does work, even use two fires if you need to. A player needs to get close enough to start getting "You are warming up" messages, then give it 5 mins.
  6. treetop82

    jittery scope

    In my thread, that you quoted, it's not a video or hardware issue. It's a bug in the game, If you look at the dev notes they twerked the body temperature in this patch, by that I mean they introduced new bugs. So, when you scope is shaking you are cold. Go sit near a fire for a while, even if your inventory does not show it. I cured my shaking screen, just to get it again. It happens when you are "wet" or "soaked" for a period of time, no matter how cold or hot you are. In this patch, it seems that it takes a long long time for you to dry out from being soaked, so I think thats the crux of it.
  7. treetop82

    Christmass trees

    Seen them in Zelegorsk, each bear could hold 1 item.. so nothing too crazy.
  8. treetop82

    Are Helicopter Crashes Working in .52?

    Cool story, but 99% of the players want to know if you found that MI-8 on a persistent server.
  9. Great debate. I do believe it should be 1st person for characters on FOOT and 3rd person while in vehicles. I also believe that 3rd person gives an advantage while prone or hiding, that a person can see in almost 300 degrees of viewing angle. Sneaking up behind someone is also impossible if the enemy is using 3rd person. It's not realistic in it's current state. On the same token, I think 1st person offers the best advantage to PvP as it gives me a realistic sense of battle. I am able to aim quicker and be more accurate, fumble through my weapons, etc. while in 1st person. In overall fairness, any player can choose any view they want. So since everyone is afforded the same opportunities to change their views, it's inherently fair.
  10. On my server list, 99% of the servers seem to have persistence ON. There is no filter for persistence that I can see, nor do the server Details contain any information. The only info you see is Persistence:ON or no mention of persistence in the server title. Is there any other way to determine which servers are truly non-persistent?
  11. treetop82

    DayZ is almost unplayable

    Yah I'm 3x 7970s and nothing, just some visual glitching.
  12. treetop82

    Zombies with crazy range

    The distance that zombies lock on to you should be the same distance animals see you and flee.
  13. treetop82

    DayZ is almost unplayable

    No, a friend of mine has the same problem except it leads to a blue screen of death after his video driver crashes. He has run stress tests on his equipment and seen no errors. I suspect its some sort of memory leak or loop. It also began occurring after the .51 patch. Friend is using Nvidia GPU.
  14. treetop82

    I miss a night time server..

    All the DayZ Fragnet public servers reset at 15:00pm and crash around 19:00 pm with night time falling about 17:00 so it's got a decent amount of night ,but definitely not a full day/night cycle
  15. treetop82

    Where's the devblog this week?

    What a waste of time to put the old DayZ on the experimental server. Should have just pushed some new stuff and given a few extra weeks for it to be tested during the holidays. But that's just my motivated self talking.
  16. treetop82

    DayZ black and white

    Because you died, and respawned in and it was night? If it's a strange video problem the go into your Video settings, then back out to the game and it sometime fixes it.
  17. treetop82


    Probably died to breaking leg bug. If you are elevated off the ground you can randomly "fall through the ground" and die.
  18. treetop82

    Haven't seen or heard a Zombie in hours

    Zombies do not spawn in the northern towns that we're just added in 50.
  19. treetop82

    Too much food

    From my perspective, I believe the loot tables will be fixed one day. Cans of beans won't be common. But killing a deer (or any animal) needs to drop a lot more meat than currently. It's only four to six steaks, should be more like 12.
  20. treetop82

    Persistently boring empty servers.

    If helo crashes spawned on persistent servers I would have no reason to join the nonpersistent ones.
  21. treetop82

    Easy to find vehicle?

    Found a couple, it doesn't seem too hard. I'd say 1/4 times I visit a truck icon on the map I actually find one.
  22. Edit: Yah I tripled my performance but it wasnt the aspect ratio, I'm not sure how I did it exactly.. doing research now. Edit2: It seems to be me forcing crossfire with CCC did the trick (selecting Arma2 as the profile). I can't really turn my FPS back down, all my visual settings are back up to very high and still getting 80+ fps. Also, GPU_maxframesahead=1 and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1 in the DayZ config.
  23. treetop82

    There's Still Hope!

    Best story ever... I wish this was me.
  24. treetop82

    Where to find Mosin clips?

    I don't use them because if I have one in my inventory it always gives me the option to reload, even when my mosin isn't empty.