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maj. "dice" brabec

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About maj. "dice" brabec

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    DayZ' going into the woods and surviving for days; going to become a green beret some day!

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  • Bio
    umm... yeah... I REALLY like Survival games... DayZ is probaly the best out there to be fully honest wish there were more items though like so much that you had to have a wiki open to know what it is, even misc. junk would be cool.. like.. toothbrush and other things useless

About Me

Hello guys, Names Austin.. Im basically here to help improve player immersion and to provide basic survival stratagies for DayZ I'd like to say im a lone wolf Ive had the game Since the release date and I've never killed a person before! and Im not starting now, if my imidiate life is in danger I will give them all my items strip naked, or jjust drop my backpack and run away, It's fight or flight and I choose the safe way out longest i've survived was very far north for 4 months straight relying on wildlife to live, now with berries I can sustain myself longer!! Some call me a camper, but infact I AM A VERY VERY BIG CAMPER I like to treat the game as a Survival game, like it was mean't to be not a PvP FPS, If you see me in a server, I will probaly ask to Trade with you... Im trying to set up a formal lifestyle within the game, of hello... Nice weather huh? well i have 3 cans of Bacon want to trade? though most of the time I find myself behind a barrel of a gun, I usually always leave unharmed... Im iSurvivalist and I still, am alive Have questions on how to sustain yourself? ask me, want to play? ask me I wish I could become a DayZ Developer some day i've been playing for 4 years haha I wish there was a way I could say hey! Dev's this cold System is a good idea but oh my god make clothes easier to find, id rather go into a building find 20 pairs of clothes and 1 can of food... not the other way around...
