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maj. "dice" brabec

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About maj. "dice" brabec

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    DayZ' going into the woods and surviving for days; going to become a green beret some day!

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  • Bio
    umm... yeah... I REALLY like Survival games... DayZ is probaly the best out there to be fully honest wish there were more items though like so much that you had to have a wiki open to know what it is, even misc. junk would be cool.. like.. toothbrush and other things useless
  1. maj. "dice" brabec

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    If anything theres an issue for being cold and eatingfood, that was recently fixed but it was horrible, no matter how much I ate I'd starve to death or freeze to death