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Everything posted by Molten

  1. Molten

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    We need vitamins, we all seem to be developing brittle bone disease.
  2. People are dumb. And so am I, misread title . Content deleted. My apologies.
  3. Molten

    Be more fun if I knew who killed me.

    I don't like name tags. But being told who killed you I would really like because imo some of the problems of people being dicks is the anonomisity.. (maybe someone can tell me how to spell that lol. It just doesn't look right) Anon,..anono...ah sod it.
  4. Molten

    zombie aggro

    Apart from what was already mentioned about them seeing through walls etc It is a massive improvement. Pretty much about right imo. But there are times it seems when you have just about worked out the range and what you can get away with and a zed well out of that range comes racing towards you. Also Zeds opening doors imo is wrong. Zeds smashing them until they break down I could get, but obviously we are limited by the fact it's all still in a very early development stage. Heading in the right direction though I would say.
  5. Molten loot patterns

    Morphine, just one hit man pls. You know I'm good for it. Anyone who says Morphine spawn rate has not changed is missing the point. I don't see many people saying it has changed. But... It's the chances of breaking a bone now that seem to have gone through the roof. Maybe the lack of correct diet we all have brittle bone disease now.
  6. Molten

    How do people stay alive?

    At the moment a broken bone before you get your hands on some morphine is game over for a lone player most of the time. It's only since the past few days that a broken bone is so easy to get. This mod is still being developed and balanced and things change each day. You have to put up with stuff like that and be patient and try to adapt until it gets better.
  7. Molten

    Friends are taking a brake.

    Come on. The guys not complaining or lazy. He's just not used to modding I guess and simply asking what he can do to get his friends who unlike him are lazy gits back into the game. As said before. Six updater. Use the six launcher and it works like steam. Updating everything with one click. If they can't handle that they prob' shouldn't be messing with their PC at all and sticking to retail.
  8. I played and play Arma II and loved ACE long before I got interested in Dayz, and was always proud of the community Arma had and still am. But you sure as hell don't even come close to matching up to the qualities of the Arma II community I know and respect.
  9. Yes, Teamwork is a big part of this mod. But forcing lone players out of the game doesn't make the game better. its not forcing them out of the game, lone survivors just need to be more careful, and choose wisely what will they bring with them, more cure/heal items and less ammo :) balance is everything It's not about what they take with them it's acquiring the items in the first place. Broken limbs are so common now it wont take long before the hospitals become the new beach and groups camp the hospitals. Without morphine sooner or later you die a slow crawling death. Right now it's possible for loners to get into the hospitals but it wont be long before that's not an option. And all small towns villages have doctors / pharmacies. Despite the poster saying it's reality that morphine is only in hospital take a look on the net at how many doses are dished out each day from pharmacies. It's the most common drug used for extreme pain such as cancer patients. If all the people that needed morphine on a daily basis were hospitalised the system would crash. Most of these people suffer at home as there is little that can be done for them except pain relief. Short version: Hospitals is not the only place morphine is dispensed from or stored. But like I said if that's the intention to get everyone into the cities every few days then that's what I will do. The mod is too fun to give up. Maybe I will have to start killing people in the country after all :(
  10. Yes, Teamwork is a big part of this mod. But forcing lone players out of the game doesn't make the game better. Regarding no back pack : Yes think it's a good idea but now is not the time to implement it. There are a lot of things in this mod to sort out first and making it even harder for the new players arriving each day when the game is still developing so much is too harsh imo. Ideas like this are fine tuning and there are more pressing matters.
  11. Just tried and from what I see pretty impressed with both performance and the new things like switchable hatchet on toolbelt. Zeds seem more manageable now. I didn't mind the super Zeds before but so many were having trouble something had to give. Maybe because I play lone wolf a lot. For groups being stealthy maybe aint much fun. Anyone who says the devs don't listen to feedback need only look at this patch. My only pet hate at the moment is broken limbs and the lack of morphine. I don't find morphine anywhere. Does this mean I am forced into the big cities for basic medical supplies? Maybe that's the intention ? If it is then that's what I must do I guess. But it still leaves a lot of people in the middle of the countryside surviving of the land who find themselves facing an impossible cross country crawl, maybe loosing blood with failing vision. Thx for your work and commitment.
  12. Molten

    What is??

    I have no wife or girlfriend. I am a pale person that lives in my moms basement.
  13. Two words : Six updater. I haven't had to patch any beta files for Arma or update Dayz at all for weeks. I just lauch from Six and it works for me the same way steam does. ie: It searches for any updates before launching and installs them. Took me a while to learn to us it and set up but boy was it worth it.
  14. It just occurred to me why so many kids download hacks these days. Some just seem absolutely fecking useless at gameplay. Also this could all change tomorrow. Rocket may make us all spawn with nothing but pink day glow boxer shorts and a donald Trump wig for protection. It's an Alpha game in development and he is trying ideas out. Did no one tell you that you are an Alpha tester looking for bugs ? Not liking the no weapon is fine and your feeback about it should be given. But no one cares if your going to ragequit.
  15. I call it Days lol. Or sometimes "how far can I crawl through the countryside with a broken leg."
  16. In the arma beta.CMD There is this line : call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -window -nosplash -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=7 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 I am asking about this as I haven't got a clue but wondered if it would have any effect on performance if changed. I for example have a quad core but it says cpu count = 2. I only put this out there so someone who actually knows whats what can explain to me if it's relevant and if it's worth experimenting with.
  17. Molten


    Yep i would like the option that when you pick up a hatchet for the first time you have an option to use as a weapon or have it permanently in your utility slot as it was before to chop wood. Once in utility slot it can not be used as a weapon. You makes ya choice.
  18. It's amazing that you even have to say this. People should realise that with each patch the game is being developed and things tried and tested. But people react as if that's the final version, was meant to work like that, and will always be like that. It's as if after every hotfix some people think development is finished and that is the final product. BTW do you sleep at all ? EVER !
  19. Molten

    Looking for partner(s)

    I like that you play the latest patch. You didn't say what hours you play or what part of the world you are in. I am in the UK and play most evenings till late. I am also a non bandit and only kill in self defence. If any of that matches your style feel free to add me. Steam name : Molten@home
  20. Molten

    UK looking for team ups

    I am in the UK. I play various times, normally evening till late. Sometimes I want to play lone wolf other times I want to team up. I play as a non bandit and only kill in self defence. If these times and playstyle suit you add me on steam. That goes for anyone else too who would like to add me. Steam name: Molten@home
  21. Molten

    Looking for UK/EU players

    I will add you on Steam also. I am in the UK and play most evenings till late. I also am not into the bandit style of play. Not sure if I got the right account for you. You can add me though. And anyone else who likes to play non bandit and is EU / UK times feel free to add me. Steam name : Molten@home