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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    [Clarification] DayZ Server Monetization

    If you're running this kind of a server I believe you can't run any custom content in it that isn't made by you or the content maker doesn't allow usage in any monetized server. So server can't basically run any custom island, weapons, skins or any kind of other mods that aren't made by the hoster or by friends of the host.
  2. St. Jimmy

    [Clarification] DayZ Server Monetization

  3. Don't upgrade. You want to make a bigger update when you do the upgrade. Probably better just go for Skylake with a good motherboard and DDR4 RAM in the future. Or something like a cheap used Sandy Bridge like i5/i7 2500/2600K or similar level. Depending on what you play a bigger upgrade could give a nice performance boost. DayZ is so badly optimized that you won't likely see much of a difference in that game.
  4. I wonder how many of the people who suffer motion sickness in DayZ also suffer that in Arma. If the motion sickness isn't about low fps and people also suffer it in Arma, then there's not much that can be done about it. Some things I list below either could help or they will not make any difference. Things that DayZ can do is improve the fps, fix the free head movement bugs that have been present for a year already and fix the Parallax Occlusion Mapping. Then there's also that you can't see your character or anything in your hands clipping through everything even though it really clips through. After that it's only about the user to disable every PP effect, head bob and tune the FoV. Why people suffer some sickness in 1st person but don't get that easily in 3rd person? The reason is that the 1st person view is too realistic for them so brains think that's actually happening even though you're sitting in front of your screen. DayZ and Arma don't cheat the 1st person view like most of the games do which can be cause for it and it's not an option to change that.
  5. Only Rocket or someone with a good memory could say did the first servers allow 3rd person. It's a difficulty option in Arma. Was usually disabled within hardcore communities and PVP servers. Many new people that came with DayZ at the beginning didn't even knew that it existed until they were told :D
  6. So let's bring the fight also in here? Is the fight still going on because people think that official servers = all public servers?
  7. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    5 years to v1.0 and 5 years past v1.0 is 10 years :D OK seriously. The 10 years is likely high optimistic scope and the 5 years is the realistic "minimum" scope. You can hear HIcks saying in the RTX video @27:10 that he believes DayZ will remain relevant because of modding for at least 5 years if not 10. 10 years is likely a plan also and 5 years is likely more official.
  8. St. Jimmy

    What is a average pc these days?

    Pretty much this. This kind of a build is pretty norm in these days if you've Intel+nVidia buils and these days usually recommended system requirements have these components. Soon there has been 5 years of CPUs where not much of improvements have happened. Almost everyone has something between 600-900 series of GPUs and then at least 8GBs of 1600MHz RAM. SSDs are also very common. Also it's pretty norm to get aftermarket CPU cooler at some point.
  9. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Because the timing is likely October (the default date where the mission is set). The more winter it's the less sun you'll see. And the Chernarus environment is set to be like on Autumn. The engine has realistic sun, moon and stars, so the date affects everything.
  10. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Ah good old pagan folklore. Children should suffer!
  11. St. Jimmy

    VSS shots over 400m its possible ?

    It's silenced sniper. They aren't made for longer distance shooting. From Wikipedia: Effective range with iron sights: 300m With PSO-1 scope: 400m Can penetrate 2mm steel plate or standard army helmet at 500m So it's pretty deadly from longer ranges but you need to learn to shoot it higher than 400m because scopes/sights aren't usually delivered with higher than 400m zeroing.
  12. St. Jimmy

    NewUi Icons, How Do They Work?

    I did monitor increase in one point. Here's my result that I posted in experimental discussion: "The difference with the old and new UI for me is that new UI had 63fps and old UI had 57fps. Both of them drops the fps around 6fps when gear menu is open. Tested standing still in a very small village and no movement between the tests." I confirmed doing that couple of times so there's increase in performance.
  13. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    First reaction to the Small Object Interaction: R.I.P. fps :D Looks freaking great!
  14. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    The difference with the old and new UI for me is that new UI had 63fps and old UI had 57fps. Both of them drops the fps around 6fps when gear menu is open. Tested standing still in a very small village and no movement between the tests.
  15. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Bleeding status indicator didn't work. At my character was bleeding but there was no status in the inventory screen. I can't attach battery in radio even in this life so there's something wrong. Or just huge desync.
  16. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Nice. Working again :) People should blacklist some stuff for Avast if it's shouting viruses and that kind of things. I've at least games and anti cheat stuff blacklisted so it doesn't scream because of those things. Btw could you please give 1-2 more 1PP servers in experimental for Europe? It's always like this that the European one is full.
  17. St. Jimmy

    DayZ Experimental/Stable Down?

    That's the reason why this patch came. People with Avast couldn't play the game and some like me only option was to hard shut down the computer because normal shut down didn't shut the Windows.
  18. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Oh wow I hadn't played since wednesday. I don't know what the hell happened but now my computer doesn't even want to shut down normally after I tried to launch DayZ and Avast started to crash and so on. Shutting down screen has rolled like 10mins now so hard restart it's... Just wanted to test how bad the issue was but I couldn't guess it's that bad. Good that there's patch coming likely tomorrow.
  19. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Yeah why those people for example ask first "hey you want to try some combat to see how the desync is in this patch?" But all they do is KoS and likely then come bitch in the forums or feedback tracker that the desync sucx pls fix it.
  20. St. Jimmy

    Wheelbarrows, just sayin`

    Have fun pushing shopping carts on anything other than asphalt. Just sayin'.
  21. St. Jimmy

    Reloading WIP: Uncocked hammers don't click

    You can aim and focus with both eyes opened but you can only focus only one thing at a time. So I'd say both of you talk true. Think if you're gaming and you've those 3D scopes like RO has. When you want to shoot you aren't focused on the outside of the scope but you can watch it if you want, you'll just likely lose the target easily if it moves. What's wrong in DayZ was it ACOG scope (and all Arma 3 scopes) is that the outer part is also zoomed in and that's not right.
  22. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Wow that expensive. You can get a used GPU easily at that price which is like 5 times or more faster than the 5450. But I guess the motherboard is PCI so it's not possible him yo even upgrade. I guess he plays with avg of 10fps like I did with my AMD Athlon 3.0GHz dualcore back in the day when I bought Arma 2.
  23. St. Jimmy

    Changing HDMI port TRIPLED performance?

    Where the USBs, internet cable connection, audio jacks etc. (these connections are usually vertically) are packed in ~5x15cm box and there's likely a case fan on the same level next to them, there's the internal graphics card connection. That's all the connections that go to the motherboard itself. Removable graphics cards (audio cards and whatever cards you can buy) are always on the expansion slots that are horizontal. http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000935.htm
  24. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    "6) We're still pending on technology changes with the new UI - once that is resolved, the design team can start looking into preparing a new, proper server browser that meets our needs." Oh yes! Can't wait for some proper exclude filters and that kind of stuff. Server browser needs to be dam good in sandboxes so you can find easily what you want and not get cluttered by stuff that people play the most.
  25. C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\DayZ and there DayZ.cfg. Try to make manual changes and then save and make the file read only so the game won't change it. Or if your file was already read only then that's the problem because the game can't save the changes.