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St. Jimmy

DayZ Supporter
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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    Different voice levels when talking or typing

    And please say if this has been discussed in some other topic. I'd be happy to see some discussion.
  2. St. Jimmy

    Electricity in towns

    This is really a thing that needs to be done in some point if not in the standalone on the first place then make it come in patch, DLC or at least in DayZ2. This could make some nice scenarios in power plants.
  3. St. Jimmy

    double post - delete

    omg this site is lagging and making me to double post
  4. St. Jimmy

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    PVP can be eliminated to make it nearly or impossible to survive alone. Just moar and/or harder zombies and make them spawn bit out of the towns, big amount in towns and shitload in those bigger towns/airfield where you could get some higher end gear. This would force people to work together to get those :beans: from markets.
  5. St. Jimmy

    Electricity in towns

    Check this out also.
  6. St. Jimmy

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I hope you are trolling.
  7. OP is right. If zombies become harder the way that OP said it will force people to teamwork and not to go "lulz ima banditos i kil evrione l33t epic"
  8. Maybe if not removing completely guns and items like M107, AS50, thermal optics, NVG etc., I think you Rocket could spawn like 1 that kind of weapon in every month on some servers. Then there wouldn't be no chance that they are not enough rare stuff. One month is just suggestion, maybe it should even more rare or just bit less rare. You see how much people have that fancy stuff when they have saved their game right? That's the way to keep those super guns etc. not too common. I also suggest stamina/endurance system so you can't run 8km non stop. Something like ACE mod have so if you have much stuff with you you can't run much. But I think this is offtopic :P //And +1 above to Zeppa
  9. - Just like some say, guns and vehicles what you would expect to see in Russia and not that Yankee stuff (Mosin Nagant, PPS/h, Saiga, Mi-8 etc.) - Batteries - Flare gun - Headlamp - Lighter - Radio Maybe less room in inventory/backpacks/tents so you can't have all the fancy stuff. And add stamina like in ACE mod so you can't run 10km fully geared.
  10. St. Jimmy

    Script restriction #106

    This might happen if you go to server control. Happened to me couple times when I've tried to scroll the map but I've scrolled to the server control.
  11. St. Jimmy

    Hackers are slowly pushed out

    I started to play this in the last week again. I stopped playing for over a month because there was so much hacking. Now I haven't seen any hacking in this or last week and ban appeals are flashing on the screen nicely. But I think hacking has reduced also because kids got bored. I remember when there was hacking all the time in Arma 2 servers about a year ago. It lasted couple weeks or month but it stopped just like this time.
  12. Your processor is the bottleneck. I got the same graphic card and i7 2600K and I'm not getting under 20 fps in Cherno,
  13. Too much PVP and that's why I quit DayZ for a while. I don't say there shouldn't be at all but too much is just too much and it makes this mod/game just another silly run 'n' gun shooter. Death needs to feel like death and zombies need to be real threat.
  14. St. Jimmy

    Satchel Charge Fun

    Please don't play with those in public servers. You can make your own private or public server and play there with Arma 2 content with your friends.
  15. Someone posted about this in BI Forums but there's really no helping answer.
  16. St. Jimmy

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    Because people just go the easy way and that's "Kill 'em all". If there would be more players who plays this game as RPG game there wouldn't be so much these kind of situations. But now this is mainstream game (mod) and this is what happens when something goes mainstream (music, games etc.). Things are getting more simple and less creative.
  17. St. Jimmy

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    Hmmm I saw a chopper flying Yesterday night in FI1 so is it possible that was an old chopper or are those also erased? I haven't saw it today though.
  18. St. Jimmy


    It might be your processor which causes low fps. Arma 2 is pretty demanding game for processors even it is "old" game.
  19. Be sure to check back when this game has become beta or full game. I'm sure this game will change very much in next six months
  20. St. Jimmy

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Funny to read 8 pages full of "still didn't fix XXXXXXX" when the changelog says: * [NEW] Support for more than 1,000,000 characters But support more than million that's epic :D
  21. St. Jimmy

    How to Rule [The Troll Guide to Play]

    It's easier to go cautiously and try to avoid everyone than shoot everyone on sight if you ask me. I don't think that you'll ever be ambushed if you are just enough cautious. But if I see a unknown player seeing me then I'll shoot right away. If you hear gun fire near then just hide wait and observe. and don't just run all guns blazing. This is what I've done all the time when I've been alone and I've died only twice for a player but I was with my friend those times. We were too long time looting and shooting in the same place. I don't get it why people use server-hopping or some other technique to get away from PVP situation. I try to play this for immersion not for beign da best on the leaderboard which doesn't even exist.
  22. St. Jimmy


    It would be nice if people bother to read changelogs etc...
  23. St. Jimmy


    That happens sometimes (I get that often) in Steam. Try to change your download country, it has helped me through stopped downloads many times.
  24. In my experience loading times are not as slow as they were before. I haven't got any issues almost in a week.
  25. St. Jimmy

    Food and water being used offline

    Keep it as it is. It's not hard to keep 1 extra water and food source with you. And what comes to day cycles keep it like it is.