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St. Jimmy

DayZ Supporter
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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    Please update me on single player mod progress

    It will be related to modding of the game so people could make and test mods easier. So it will take some time before we see that.
  2. Well the forums have been pretty quiet from the devs since the beginning. Rocket was using Reddit and Twitter a lot more. Feels like it all kind of roots in there. Now that we have the DevTracker we haven't been missing much what's going on outside. Would be pretty interesting if we could talk in every topic in the DevTracker and the post won't make the topic rise above others. Or there should've been separate discussion part/topic somewhere else. Bit like Reddit makes topics from some tweets. I don't believe the overall crying for status reports etc. would be any different even if the devs were the most active forumaholics.
  3. St. Jimmy

    Public servers killing dayZ!

    There's only 2 hives for the public and there are hundreds of servers too much. Until that is fixed I don't see much change in this. Rent a public server or just go in some low population server-> Keep it as your "home server" where you keep your camp and items with your mates. -> Get equipped and go to another server -> Maybe die at some point -> Go back to the home server and get fully equipped in no time -> Repeat. Public needs multiple hives. Public hive won't ever work as it's now. Everyone can rent a public server in the hive is also an issue. Public should be BIS only and their chosen partners or people they can trust. Basically it should be limited amount of servers. I can understand it's now easier for the devs to collect the data this way when they're all connected to those couple of hives. So something needs to be done in the future in my opinion.
  4. St. Jimmy

    Computers players in DayZ?

    Modder doing NPCs... I don't see that happen other than simple shop keeper or something like that. The zombie won't start to shoot if you just give it a gun. That's how much someone would need to do to get human AI in the game. Make a zombie act as a human. Making Arma AI to act as a simple zombie wasn't easy task. Doing the other way around "good luck" is all I can say. If BIS delivers the base for human AI then it could happen.
  5. St. Jimmy

    Weapon sway

    ^ That post was mine, just couldn't log in for some reason.
  6. St. Jimmy

    The Beanz U Luv <XXX> Forum Shock !

    The forums seem to be so work in progress that we will likely see beanz later. They are just now missing just like many other things.
  7. St. Jimmy

    Supprise Map

    Tanoa is soon ready. I wouldn't wonder if BIS is already knowing their next map. But a new map for DayZ? Two to three years after the final release with a good luck. I don't believe CH+ will be the only official DayZ map but it will likely take some time to develop another.
  8. St. Jimmy

    Shooter or survival?

    It would be cool and fun to see suddenly Rocket appearing in the modding scene and make "Rocket difficulty" mod :P Though I believe someone will do that at some point. I guess Rocket himself is way too busy to make something like that.
  9. St. Jimmy

    Shooter or survival?

    The mod would've been with these: - Stamina system - Zombies that can run indoors, uphill and can't be unaggroed by sitting under a pine tree. Breaking line of sight didn't do anything until later. Let's hope the DayZ will be DayZ again in the future and not the PvP mode that is even promoted by the devs in streams :(
  10. St. Jimmy

    Who else is hyped for the new audio?

    Arma 3 is getting nice improvements in the sound engine and there seems to be guys that know their stuff very well so I also have high hopes for DayZ also. A lot of good stuff for balanced audio (loudness war) and 3D positional stuff has happened (some cool mono-stereo transition and audio is more and more 3D every day).
  11. St. Jimmy

    Who else is hyped for the new audio?

    Audio will be 65% of the DayZ experience. So yes I'm waiting and I expect it to be a long wait because I'm expecting that they do it right and well.
  12. St. Jimmy

    ArmA 2/3 Veteran. Any Tips?

    Stone knife is the most powerful tool. You can do pretty much anything with it. Craft ropes with 2x6 rags (just rip the clothes you find with the stone knife), collect sticks from the ground and find a burlap sack. That way you get a nice backpack. Though you likely already knew that. I haven't really find any activities. I'm usually just going around and climb in every radio/watchtower, relax and enjoy the beauty of the game.
  13. St. Jimmy

    DayZ Xbox One Game Preview

    Oh forgot it was only PS4 confirmed so far. Well it won't come before PS4 and that version likely takes some time.
  14. St. Jimmy

    DayZ Xbox One Game Preview

    https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/215848-dayz-moving-into-2015-roadmap/ Prototype was moved from Q3 2015 -> Q1 2016 so it will likely take some time. Prototype is just a prototype.
  15. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Geometric_Occluders Some performance improvement incoming?
  16. St. Jimmy

    Feeding Unconscious Players

    Wake up Take mobile in your hands and open DayZ forums Open this thread first 2016 already saved!
  17. St. Jimmy

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Only thing you can say consoles are anyway better is split screen, though even that trend has declined in recent years. That's where consoles still shine but I say that's the only thing. Consoles are more expensive in the end when you take account, you can't upgrade them, games usually cost bit more, gold accounts, everyone needs a PC in a modern world though mobile phones are good nowadays.
  18. St. Jimmy

    Dayz Major FPS drops in Cities?

    How is your HDD? Are you recording or something at the same time? I also wonder if your SSD is configured right. Freezes shouldn't happen.
  19. St. Jimmy

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Average is hard to say really. Forest you can get stable 60fps, depending really how well your GPU handles, but when you start to see towns it starts to drop from there. The closer the town you get and then the amount of fps drop really depends how dense the town is. I'd say average 30-35fps in towns and higher density can drop even to the 20fps in some places.2500K will run @ 3,8GHz when turbo if I remeember right and that will do OK with DayZ. I can't really remember much of a difference with overclocking in DayZ. The fps always drops like crazy.
  20. St. Jimmy

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    1080p is no problem. Things you might want to tweak depending on what look and performance you like to go in the end, are disabling shadows and lowering the object detail. AA also drops some frames so it might be better not to use it. Keeping object detail normal or low can help a lot but the lower it is the closer to a player you need to be for it to render, so you might miss a player or zombie that's couple hundred meters away from you.
  21. St. Jimmy

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I'd suggest not to expect much. Good specs you have there but DayZ doesn't run too well no matter what you've. Highest density town points 20-25fps will be the lowest fps.
  22. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 10 Dec 2015

    Good that you reminded me about that because I hadn't watched the video with sound on yet.
  23. Some good info what they've been thinking for hardcore mode https://youtu.be/I1wzEwOeJxw?t=641 No GUI, 1st person, no spawn or creating a character in the server for 24h, 48h or even for a whole week.That last one is a thing that really made me smile because I've been also thinking about that.
  24. St. Jimmy

    oh my god help me with this sedan please

    Could be. I've no idea about that in DayZ but in Arma a bush can be even shot down. Could be just easier in some modded maps.Usually you can drive through fences and you break them. Might have a risk that they can break a wheel or something if you go too slow.
  25. St. Jimmy

    oh my god help me with this sedan please

    Shoot and hit the fence. It might work but can take a while and a lot of punishment.