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St. Jimmy

DayZ Supporter
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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    Game PC - 1000$ what would you buy

    If possible go for used GPU. At least prices for used one here are: 1070 8GB - 400€ 980Ti 6GB - 350€ 980 4GB - 250€ Everyone of those are better than 1060 except they take bit more power. Just if you want to save some money in there because of the mining influence on pricing.
  2. St. Jimmy

    Improve RAW Brightness/Lighting

    Not sure how cloudy it is defined in the settings to be at that point. The volumetric clouds have weird sky blue color and it is bit hard to tell how cloudy it really is. Your pictures might be from very cloudy conditions even though the sky looks pretty blue. But you can be right. At least your after pictures look good for a clear day.
  3. St. Jimmy

    DayZ Dev Team is lazy ?

    Wrong forum section and topic. This is about the standalone but you are talking about the Arma 2 mod. Also different dev team.
  4. St. Jimmy

    Issue with Steam overlay and MSI Afterburner

    Not only this fixed DayZ but it seems like fixing other games also!
  5. St. Jimmy

    Status Report 27 June 2017

    Hey can you link the MSI Afterburner topic? The embedded link in the topic doesn't work for me... /Ah found it. Your forum post link embedding might be bit broken or something :P https://forums.dayz.com/topic/237088-issue-with-steam-overlay-and-msi-afterburner/#comment-2376487
  6. St. Jimmy

    Let's discuss STAMINA.

    Stamina should regenerate if you walk except if you have way too much weight. The more weight the slower top speed. When you are out of stamina you are pretty much forced to walk. And of course with too much weight you run out of stamina so quickly so it's the same if you try to run because you're out of stamina pretty much instantly.
  7. St. Jimmy

    The Turning Point

    Do ghillie suits still render player invisible after like 100m? It was like that long time ago so it was hard to spot a running ghillie on the middle of a road... That's one of the reasons why old one was good because it was basically a cheat to make you invisible unless beign very close.
  8. St. Jimmy

    Macro keys disabled. Why?

    Didn't even know game can block those kind of things or is the BattlEye blocking it? Would be nice if you could have auto-walk. Auto-run is bit meh. Can you even auto-walk?
  9. St. Jimmy

    How many people here do legit real banditry?

    With the old Arma 3 stamina it was slower but then they arcade it for the casuals after some months (or was it even a year) of reading all the crying. So maybe you remember the old system or some old videos because there isn't basically any stamina left in the Arma 3 anymore, only a sprint bar. I've very little faith on new stamina after that move even though this is different team. IMO the speed needs to decrease a lot in this game. Generally to like 4-8km/h and possible to sometimes sprint if needed. Not to mention that the map would feel much bigger, zombies would be threat and it's easier to program zombies hit slow player than some olympic runner. Though it's fun to troll those KoS people when you can just run around them and shout all kinds of things before they finally hit. I haven't done any banditry ever and I think I never will until there's some actual reson to do it. Currently it would be like doing banditry in PUBG.
  10. St. Jimmy

    why was "fast forward" removed

    https://feedback.bistudio.com/T125451 Posting just in case the ticket
  11. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    To be honest I wouldn't mind the sound stuff much yet. There are likely a lot of some placeholder stuff and things are still likely missing directional audio. Knowing how awesome walking in a forest in Arma 3 sounds with the same sound engine when a lot of the stuff is directional, I would just give devs some time. Of course if something is clearly a bug it's good to report. It's interesting to see if they run in the same virtual surround bugs in this game because those can ruin some people's game.
  12. St. Jimmy

    Support for the game after 1.0 drops?

    Yeah it has been said in some reports that they are planning to support the game for 5 years after full release or so. It's pretty easy to believe when you watch how much and long Arma has got support after release.
  13. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 30 May 2017

    Is it too much to make it so that grass gets down in small radius where there are items on the ground? I would guess dev team has think about that also? I would prefer that kind of solution for items in grass.
  14. St. Jimmy

    DayZ FB hate

    Doesn't matter what game, the facebook is always full of those people. A lot of the questions in the social media are always the same old questions that have been answered thousands of times through the years. I bet the DayZ twitter gets at least 5 questions in a day about the console release alone.
  15. St. Jimmy


    In PVE or private server or singleplayer they can work well and be cool to build. But there's nothing to gain in normal hostile DayZ environment in my opinion.
  16. St. Jimmy

    Reposted Reddit Findings! (Scripts)

    Very cool stuff. Enscript looks like many people can get in it pretty quickly. Wasn't it heart attack that killed most of the players in the very early days? When you just ran everywhere you could die soon "out of nowhere" because the status messages didn't tell too much.
  17. St. Jimmy

    How old are you?

    I'll be 24 years young in couple of months. Currently my PC sits ~200km away from me and next time I turn on my PC will likely be around September. Hopefully the 0.62 or even 0.63 have been released then. I'll be following the progress.
  18. St. Jimmy

    State of the Game?

    Arma 4 if it ever comes will likely be based on same engine as DayZ. There won't likely be Arma in Enfusion engine until maybe 5 years after DayZ is finished. A lot of the popular gamemodes/mods from Arma can be converted to DayZ and they likely work better in Enfusion. So there's a lot of potential coming from DayZ in the next 4 years when the mods start to be playable. So there's plenty of time to play other games because currently DayZ is just a prototype that isn't fun to play.
  19. St. Jimmy

    Status Report and Walkie Talkies

    Just like couple other have said, a small radio needs own slot in the inventory. In my opinion same goes for a pen and a paper. That way people would actually pick those things up and use them more. They are just so small things that having own slots wouldn't really kill any immersion. Visually radio could go on the belt if you wear any pants, jeans etc. Pen and paper don't need to be shown visually and you could have them in their slot even without clothes. That way radios don't need to be added as a starting gear but I'm not really against that.
  20. St. Jimmy

    Adaptive V-Sync

    Are there games that have adaptive vsync available in their video settings? Nvidia adaptive vsync is working if you've Nvidia card. Not sure if AMD hasn't still made it available in their software.
  21. St. Jimmy

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Inspired by Marek Spanel's Twitter will there be tides or are they already supported? This kind of thing would likely have some effect also for map design. Having sea level lower certain times of the day/year would make swimming on some places, just a walk or a smaller swim depending on how much tide there will be.
  22. As Dwarden said in Reddit if you've some memory leak crashes in DayZ, you can try Arma 3 memory allocators. They could maybe be more stable. Here's how to enable them and test: Copy tbb4malloc_bi and tbb4malloc_bi_x64 from .../Arma 3/dll folder Rename them for example tbb4malloc_bi -> test32 and tbb4malloc_bi_x64 -> test64 Now copy those renamed files in the .../DayZ/dll Go in Steam and set-up launch parameter. So right click DayZ -> properties -> launch properties Use the -malloc= launch parameter. Write in there either the 32-bit or the 64-bit one depending on what DayZ exe you use. Like this: -malloc=test64 or -malloc=test32
  23. St. Jimmy

    Future of public hive servers

    Finally. At least I've been waiting this to happen for years. There are enough public servers that you don't need to give random people to rent more. This way you've more control and you can give public experience how you see it.
  24. St. Jimmy

    New forum format/style

    Woah things are working better again and forums are bit more like they used to be :O /Man my signature is bit out of date :P Time to fix it
  25. St. Jimmy

    I need to restart my PC to get better frames?

    You should monitor temperatures, processes, is something else using your CPU, how much RAM is used etc. There can be many kinds of reasons.