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St. Jimmy

DayZ Supporter
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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    How To Survive!

    I just tested that you can jog ~6,2km from hunger status that just turned yellow to the red starving. If you've light green energized you likely can jog through the map without eating. So a red berry and apple tree spam on the coast when you spawn -> well hydrated and fed -> take couple of those with you just in case -> run where ever you want and settle there. That likely takes 2h to do all of those things if you find the berry bushes and apple trees quickly. You'll also very likely find some clothes on the way.
  2. If the game isn't for you don't buy/play it. There's a reason why my Steam account really doesn't have all of those sale games and even many hyped games. They just aren't for me. Now we are fighting against drink and food but in the future there will be even more like diseases.
  3. St. Jimmy

    Error when trying to buy the game

    Hmm the store has changed a lot in recent days. Go in here now and you should be able to buy it. https://store.bistudio.com/category/dayz-editions Good feedback. So the problem is only when you try to go from the dayz.com/buy site. I'm also using Firefox. Oh and the difference. Basic is just the DayZ (naturally life-time purchase). Supporter comes with DayZ and with bonuses: Arma 2: Complete Edition as a gift, and you'll get later a DayZ Supporters Forums Lounge and High-res pdf map of Chernarus.
  4. St. Jimmy

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    What this topic could've been for example: Seems like zombies don't make any voices. It's hard to get prepared for those when they can suddenly be 2 feet behind your back without knowing it even though they're spriting like crazy. - Yep something is off with the audio. Likely needs some time to get the engine right on that when the random can opening etc. sounds still pop pretty often and sometimes audio just cuts off. Zombies are making very fast hits and it's nearly impossible to dodge those. But at least I can't side step so easily and I need to engage or flee. Axe takes multiple hits before they die and I'm getting like 15 hits before I can kill one zombie. Any tips for zombie killing? - Older zombies were pretty easy to kill without getting hit. Now you need to get used to get some hits back. It's still possible to kill them without getting many hits on you. Hit them on the head and they strafe and can't hit back. One handed weapon is the best for that. Seems like devs changed the zombies likely because they relly were too easy to kill without getting hit. Loot balance doesn't feel right. Food is rare sometimes but sometimes I can find town full of loot. Vests are very common compared to earlier patches. I'm dying in starvation so do you have any tips to get food? Why I die so fast in starvation? Starvation shouldn't happen that fast - At least you shouldn't die in starvation if you know that you can pick apples and berries. Finding canned food was and still is pretty common though. Seems like it depends on server/hive. Also coasts are looted almost immeaditly so get yourself in land if you can't find much on the couple first coastal houses. Btw check deer stands. - Sprinting is the most energy/hydration consuming. Always jog unless you really need to sprint. This way you can get further without eating or drinking but naturally it's bit slower than sprinting. Get used to slower movement because the current sprint is ultra fast and there's even stamina system coming in DayZ. Then there's the complaining way: EVERYTHING IS SO GAMEBREAKING PLS FIX!!1 The game is unplayable. I've 20000h logged and you've ruined the game. This game is dead. If you're just complaining only answers you'll get are those "elitist" answers.
  5. St. Jimmy

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    Well pretty obivious when the game is alpha/ea game It was well shown in the twitch stream in what state the DayZ was when it's released. It was far from what the game currently is. Zombies barely even did anything or they just went through the walls. I don't know where you've lost your memory. 226h so far for me. Well this patch has been a patch that I've played on stable more than couple hours since 12 months. There's a reason why servers are emptying and the reason is not the patch. First of all people have played this game huge amount of hours (like you) and are getting burnout. I'm myself wondering how people can even play that much of a game that's so early release? It gets repetive very quickly, especially when you know/have learned everything. 0.55 is as boring to play as all the earlier patches with addition of small things.
  6. St. Jimmy

    I miss my dot

    Well generally I don't like crosshair in this game but at least it's better than the dot. I always confused it on something/someone esle.
  7. St. Jimmy

    Can i just say....

    Road flares ignite fireplace, I did that yesterday. I was lucky to find from the 3rd house I looked when Boneboys gave a hint. I'll test that PET bottle and paper today.
  8. Well there's very big chance you just ruin everything the other guy has and you just wasted your ammo on nothing. Currently carrying 12 seeds. Just looking for a pick, shovel/spade and fertilizer :D
  9. St. Jimmy

    starvation and dehydration ridiculously unrealistic

    Pretty gamey currently. You loose energy and hydration fast but you can find food everywhere so you can't die on it.
  10. Hmm I'm not sure if I'm lucky but I found today like 6 cows, 2 boars, 2 chickens and 1 deer. Too bad when I was cocking my cow steak I didn't know we need a cooking pot so it doesn't get ruined instantly... Or is it only that way in the furnance? It's easier to pick apples and berries for food than hunt human players because human can always hit back... And you don't need basket for those because you can pick them everywhere on the map just when you need them.
  11. St. Jimmy


    Oh still doesn't help when we need to find a coocking pot at least. Just ruined all my cow steak that I spent most of my energy...
  12. St. Jimmy


    OK I haven't found them much either but I remember seeing at least some of them. I didn't remember that they don't need anything to ignite them.
  13. St. Jimmy


    The hunting and fishing part fails because the matches are the rarest item in this game currently. Otherwise good :D
  14. St. Jimmy

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Lol maybe some april fools joke got slipped in :D
  15. Well they're bit glitchy maybe but they're far from horrible, IMO they've never been better in this game than now. Still easy to kill but they can fight back and side stepping is the worst tactic. Just face them. No problem t kill them with one handed weapons and they get max one hit on me.
  16. St. Jimmy

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    How can you feel nervous or fear if survival is freaking easy in this game? I'm not interested in survive against players until the environment is hard enough. I don't really care if I lose my character on some KoSser, I just wonder everytime what was in his/her mind when he/she just decided to kill me, because everytime I've seen no other reason than just kill for nothing. When there's a reason to kill I can understand but currently in the game there's no other reason than the other was shooting at you or s/he insulting you through direct chat to do whatever to your mother.
  17. St. Jimmy

    0.55 Sick for at leat 6 hours in game

    I think he meant you can't without a chance to get sick.
  18. St. Jimmy

    To those who enjoy seeing more zombies

    You can send me back to the good old DayZ. I guess you didn't play the game when it was impossible to get rid of that 30 strong zombie horde when you made small mistake in NWAF or any towns. They were very hard to hit because they zig zag all the time. Then you just hoped you had enough bullets to kill them because there were no melee weapons and once they were chasing you you couldn't break their LOS. Only saving were buildings that slowed them down but DayZ has get rid of that problem so I'm ready to face that challenge again anytime. That's DayZ for you when pretty much the only way to get rid of a zombie was to shoot it and shooting always attracted more zombies even several hundreds meters away.
  19. St. Jimmy

    0.55 Sick for at leat 6 hours in game

    Well you haven't either died in that 6h so the sickness is pretty mild or you've already cured it and the status is bugged. Just play more and report back your status.
  20. Wow. You know how long I've played this game without an automatic gun? About six months. It either comes or not right in front of you but 99% chance server hoppers or hoarders have already taken those because it's their number one priority. Btw shotguns are the best :P
  21. St. Jimmy

    .cfg File unavailable

    So you can't open it with notepad? First time you need to select the default program that opens those files so select notepad there. So "Open with..." -> select/find "Notepad". If the problem is that you just can't edit the file then check from the file or folder properties your account accessabilities and also if the file is somehow marked as read only then unmark that.
  22. St. Jimmy

    DayZ BE Dll Error

    Dunno I removed it instantly when I saw the message. All I know that it was installed in my computer couple days later when my Windows was installed so it's likely/comes with a very common program.
  23. St. Jimmy

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    That feeling when you find two cans of food in one house The day has finally come
  24. St. Jimmy

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Oh I was going to do some experiments this about today. Well too bad if walking is still that punishing (same as jogging energy per second??)
  25. St. Jimmy

    This is a survival game

    One handed weapon, hit their head, easy kills. They can hit you once or twice before you hit them. Run away is the best option but they're not that hard to kill if you need to do that.