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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    Bikes Confirmed = New Goal

    Most of the time I had a bike in the mod I went to the NWAF or Cherno just to see how long it takes someone to shoot me when I ride my bike around the place. Some people really spent many bullets.
  2. St. Jimmy

    The new crosshair...

    Seems like it's adaptive or what's it called like in Arma 3 when up close it points at the object if it's on the way but visually like in Arma 2 where there's two "lines" and a "dot" and the dot shows constantly where your gun is actually pointed. So in experimental it's more accurate than ever before. I don't know if the same crosshair is already in stable. I haven't seen that crosshair is removed when hip firing in Arma 3. That's actually the only time you see that. When you don't have weapon or it's down then there's no crosshair in Arma 3. I say the crosshair is always on my way and it only causes distraction for me. Arma 3 crosshair is kind of perfect because it's mostly useless unless because it never shows where your gun is actually. /Well Gews made a great post :thumbsup:
  3. St. Jimmy

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    With a good server browser and filter system everyone could've found the mode they liked easily. Arma 2/3/DayZ server browser doesn't have ebough good filter system so we could filter out all the stupid modes that you don't like. You can see the problem clearly in Arma 3 when you can't filter out stuff like Battleroyale, Wasteland, KOTH, Epoch, Life etc. that I'll never play and the same can happen in DayZ. No wonder people are playing those modes because that's all they can find from the browser.
  4. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 21 Jul 2015

    That Dean zombie will get beaten up more than any other zombie :D Nice to hear that CLE is starting to work nicely. Zombie threat is the biggest thing now missing but I guess there's still long time for that.
  5. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Same here. Happened for the first time for me.
  6. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Well if Finland has good enough climate to grow some kind of weed in the fields, near church plants and where ever it gets founded sometimes, I don't believe there's any problem to do that in other Eastern Europe/Russia. OK likely not very quality stuff but it can still grow.
  7. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Ah yeah forgot that.
  8. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Do note writings disappear after server restart? I found MP5 in a house and there were two notes on it but both were empty :( Well thanks for the unknown guy who had left it there. This is a nice gift for a freshie :)
  9. St. Jimmy

    SSD system disk!

    It's a purchase that I'll never regret. Start the computer and couple seconds later you're already browsing the internet B)
  10. St. Jimmy

    Bigger Forests please?

    View distance in the mod was something between 800-1000m and maaybe even worse when it was raining. So reduce your view distance to those numbers and you won't see the next village from the current one. Default now is 2-3km? That makes a big difference because you can see everything from that far.
  11. St. Jimmy

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    You get Win10 free if you upgrade in the one year window when the Win10 is released. After that you need to pay for it just like for any OS.If your computer gets changed or you need to change MB then I've no idea if you need to get Win10 again or what.
  12. St. Jimmy

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    Yeah the wording is bit confusing. I guess it goes like this: Normal view: your FoV Aim down sights: 60 Hold down right mouse button when aiming down the sights: 45 The the numpad thing is just when you don't have a gun but you play with your plain sight. Aiming down the sight has always zoomed a bit. Now they've decided that it's the lowest FoV value 60.
  13. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 30 Jun 2015

    About the videos. Yeah holding breath is the simple way to do things. If you want to go that way fine. But I'll say that holding breath doesn't actually fatigue you. Actually keeping your weapon up and steady is the hardest part and it fatigues your arms mostly and the overall fatigue can also have some effect in the end. Here's an example mod in Arma 3 about arm fatigue Weapon sway is always so you try to eliminate as much horizontal sway as possible. Then you fight with the vertical sway that comes mostly from breathing in the most optimal situations. Remember that. Most of the time the feedback in Arma 3 weapon sway thread was that the sway needs to be more vertical and I agreed with those. This is a bit more in-depth what I'm talking here. These things affects your accuracy mostly with guns: - Stance and how well your body/weapon is rested on something - Breathing (comes from fatigue) - Arm fatigue (don't confuse this with the plain fatigue!) With a good stance and weapon resting you can mostly eliminate the other factors Fatigue affects how hard you breath Breathing affects how much your gun sways vertically (mostly) when you've rested your weapon or have a good stance Arm fatigue build up how much you keep your weapon up. It affects how long you can keep your gun steady until it starts to wander around more in your sight and more quickly. It starts to build more vertical movement. So Stance and weapon resting affect the amount horizontal and vertical sway Breathing affects vertical sway. How fast it's, how much and with breath holding you can steady that nicely for some time depending how fatigued you're Arm fatigue affects mostly horizontal sway and some vertical. The gun starts to wander around more the more fatigued the arms are. It also makes your gun shake a bit in the extreme. Prone: Doesn't build arm fatigue and very little if at all horizontal sway especially if the weapon is deployed or you've a good resting position. So pretty much only component is the breathing that comes from fatigue so the sway is just vertical. Crouched: With good training or rest this is very stable stance also. But when the gun isn't resting at your knee through you elbow (sorry can't say it better) or some object then this stance is actually not too pleasant and sway all around happens. So rested this is again mostly vertical because of breathing and bit horizontal could be added because of the stance negative factor. When the gun isn't rested there's basic horizontal and vertical sway that build up how much your arm fatigue is. Breathing makes more vertical sway and you can again control it depending how fatigued you're. Stand up: Way harder than crouched but still pretty easy to hit something at 50m when not rested. This is mostly "run and gun" or "quick stop & shoot and move again" stance. You likely get the idea from the previous stance. In the end I'm just saying that you can hold your breath depending on how fatigued you're and breath holding eliminates mostly vertical sway. That's what breath holding does.
  14. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 30 Jun 2015

    OK now I know where the videos are. Head over to http://dayz.com/blog/status-report-30-jun-2015I though we were waiting for them or something because I also did see only images. I'll post some later. Also fuck reddit.
  15. You mean this issue? http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=21339 Pretty annoying when I use freelook most of the time when playing. I don't even show the worst of that bug. It's pretty hilarious when you lean more forward. It's like in a rollercoaster then :D
  16. St. Jimmy


    Running everywhere in couple minutes gets old more quicker. Slowing things down should also mean less resting and drink/eat consuming.
  17. St. Jimmy


    Only things from stamina systems that are now in are: Items have weight, but that doesn't effect anything Hydration and energy consumption is faster when you run Sway increases after some running It's not in yet expect those very basic. It's coming and it has been talked very briefly on some weekly reports.
  18. St. Jimmy

    980ti performance

    Don't buy shitty console ports or alphas :D Have you tried GTA V if that runs nicely? Yeah pre-ordering isn't really a good thing unless you know you'll enjoy the game no matter if the performance or bugs are bad at first or you know the developer is realy a trusted one (pretty much none of the big AAA devs). Oh if you've Arma 3 I'd lke to hear this map's performance with 980 Tis http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182817-Orshanets-terrain-12-8x12-8km-%28Ukraine%29 Vegetation is killing single 970 easily when there's even a little AA.
  19. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 23 Jun 2015

    Got to agree with this. Good audio and ambient sounds are big part what can make the game shine. Nice blog again. Got to say about those ghost sounds, I've heard something similar in Arma 3 when I've spawned a lot of AI fighting together and my fps has been low. When it happens I hear that some guns shots are happening very close to me even though the AI is shooting several hunderd meters away in a same way as those ghost sounds in DayZ. It only happens when the fps is really jamming. Just saying just in case though they don't likely relate other than when there's low fps (in DayZ server and Arma client fps).
  20. St. Jimmy

    Problem with a key assignment

    The file is actually DAYZPROFILE and it's named as your windows profile name. It's not the .vars but it's the other one.
  21. St. Jimmy

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    I wonder if some people even read the spoiler or watched the PC Gaming show. So there's one of the biggest reasons why SP is included. Local mod testing.
  22. St. Jimmy

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    I'll list things that could be nice with SP - Test things in and write feedback without need to worry that someone is just going to kill you. - Train yourself. - Play as you want. No need to rely that there's one hardcore/eazy server somewhere but you can go even beyond. - Make easily some footage. - With scripting and modding you could do it as a campaign that the game actually ends at some point. - Permadeath. Likely world resets so everything starts again. - Mods in singleplayer don't make anything vunerable for hacking because the only hacker in the game is you. So there can be much more freedom than in the MP.
  23. St. Jimmy

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    I think there's good potential in this. Testing stuff out, mod things and no need to worry if the MP side goes full ape KoS fest.
  24. St. Jimmy

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Big and heavy things should be really big and heavy so they force the player to walk or sacrifice a lot of gear and so on. Things that come in my mind are: Barrels (Requires two hands and needs to be empty. Because of the shape not a fun to carry around) Wheels (Nobody's going to carry V3S wheel around and even thinking about running. Walking speed max and have fun) Big tents (12 people military tent weights a lot especially if it's wet if you didn't know... Not a funny thing to carry around if you need to go more than 500m) The weight isn't the only thing that really matters but also the shape and how clumsy it's to move that object. So things can be carried around alone but you need to sacrifice so much that you pretty much need another player to back you up from the zombies. When a KoS comes and kills you for the tire, you'll know how much fun time he will have with it if he wants to carry that around alone ;)
  25. This topic B) I already gave my beans without reading the comments at my work :beans: