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St. Jimmy

DayZ Supporter
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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    How to Fix the Fashion Issue

    One "fashion fix" would be even the slots that different clothes have. But I believe this won't happen and many people would be against it. Other way would be just make better inventory system that doesn't rely on simple tetris. Also the wet system is so simple and the status changes so quick that fixing that would fix partially this. Shower rain and rain are so different types of rain. In showers you can get wet very quickly because it rains like from a bucket but even rain might not get you wet quickly and you need to be a lot longer in the rain to get soaked through (sometimes it's so weak that doesn't even happen). In DayZ it's always like the heaviest shower rain you can imagine instantly when it rains. Usually heavy shower rain doesn't start from nothing and there's always some mild shower that isn't too bad.
  2. St. Jimmy

    i need help with my Keyboard Run Macro

    Either you haven't tried to find toggle or something similar hard enough or that program can't do toggle by itself and you need to script it.
  3. St. Jimmy

    How did you discover DayZ?

    I was playing Arma 2 daily. Arma 2 Project Reality and Domination I played the most. I can't remember if it was late april or early may 2012 when I tried the mod for the first time because there were couple popular servers showing in the server browser. Browsed the Armaholic for the mod and started to play. First life was short because I firstly thought that zombie is unharmful civilian :D In second life I spawned west of Cherno. I hear shooting in Cherno, so I headed there and I found out that most of the server population was there co-operating, sharing weapons and killing zombies to survive in there. Good old days. It was natural for people to play it as a coop at first.
  4. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 30 Sept 2015

    They said they don't go full TOH but try something between Arma 2 and TOH.
  5. Yes I understood that something between the two. I guess they want it to be easier for KB and Mouse users but maybe they can put some harder start so you don't just click engine on and that's it.
  6. I don't see that beign any more danger than shaving with the razor. Only if you drop the axe on your toes or something then it can be worse. He isn't hacking his head with the axe :rolleyes:
  7. No RotorLib for Helicopters like in TOH and Arma 3 :(
  8. Yes I also love the art of Arma and DayZ. I get the very same feeling as you about the art that many other games look just cartoonish or non-realistic. For example GTA V looks beautiful and all that but it still doesn't appeal to me in a way that Arma and DayZ. Bohemia has that down-to-earth feeling in those games. Very good video. Thanks for posting because it's always nice to see some talk in the forums :beans:
  9. St. Jimmy

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    This! So much this. BIS and server providers don't force the rules enough and if they would care enough about it this wouldn't be happening that much. What does it say when i can find 15 of these "join=kick" servers instantly with quick filtering?
  10. St. Jimmy

    Desolate Game? Where is everyone?

    Couple of my friends asked if we should play DayZ for a long time. I said there's no zombies currently and they maybe come back in 0.60. So DayZ playing together is pushed back until then.
  11. St. Jimmy

    floating crosshair

    Good old Rocket quotes from the past about removing crosshair would be much welcome. This is just a total flip.
  12. St. Jimmy

    First PC build.

    I recommend SSD even just for the Operating System. It's really that much enjoyable when you can re/start your computer in seconds.
  13. St. Jimmy

    Newbie question about server abuse

    I bet none of those abusive servers have been there for too long and they're likely pretty fresh. I kind of feel pointless to report even when there are thousands of servers and potentially one bad goes down, two comes up as quickly. Also why anyone would even need a public server actually? I understand the people who want to help shape the game but public servers could be restricted more because there's already enough of them. The reality is the public server rental system begs to be abused.
  14. St. Jimmy

    Newbie question about server abuse

    Easiest way to stop this would be not allow to rent public servers anymore for a while. When more servers are really needed again, the rental could start again. Then it's easy to ban and filter every shit admin/server and there's no chance that he or his friend would rent a server again in the public list for a good long time. But I guess this is a money thing because BIS gets money this way so...
  15. St. Jimmy

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Is there a reason that you can't freely adjust Object View Distance? Or is it actually Object View Distance slider and you can't adjust View Distance? Also the real max for Shadow Distance is 2000m like in Take On Helicopters when I've tested it a while ago, though I can understand why you don't make it go beyond 300m :P
  16. St. Jimmy

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Week!? Here it's month already :o
  17. St. Jimmy

    Status Report - 09 Sept

    And those pictures don't have pistol spawns, so it's even more?
  18. Woo! I really hope so. It's not logical if they're in English. I always zoom in between the belly and the chin ;) Yeah the zoom in/out should be reversed so it's more logical. They did that in Arma 3 also.
  19. St. Jimmy

    When DayZ going to have good performance?

    Forced lower resolution? Well resolution does affect the fps and you can even rise the min fps with it but what resolution it forces you? I guess you play over 1080p because I didn't need to go lower. That could explain it. I just tested and I got couple fps decrease with the -newui and fps also drops by couple when escape or gear menu are open.
  20. St. Jimmy

    When DayZ going to have good performance?

    Hard to believe when the menus have crazy low fps with the new UI. I haven't seen any performance increase with it.
  21. St. Jimmy

    T-72 In the works?

    The audio is likely for Arma 3. Making better audio for Arma 3 has been in the work for some time already.
  22. St. Jimmy

    Passengers shooting while driving

    Yeah Hicks even mentioned in PAX that they're looking for passenger even shooting the driver (unless I heard wrong and he said only that the passenger could shoot out). So firing for vehicles is in the to do list unless there comes some problems.
  23. Couldn't have said that any better. I've a bad feeling that SG will be the gamemode and they'll also populate the survival servers. SG is cool and all that but it isn't DayZ. All we can hope pure PvP players like most of the streamers move to the SG.Playing zombie hunter will likely be hard because just like in the mod, fire an unsilenced gun and you've the whole town after you. It requires good amount of ammo, friends the more the better, plan where to start the clearing and careful approaching. Getting in melee should mean that there's big chance you'll be hit couple of times at least and you need to know where to hide to bandage yourself. I'd like to see that if a zombie aggroes, every zombie in 10m radius will also do that. Aggro a zombie bit further away so it will run near other zombies and you've a horde coming at you. Also if a zombie is killed all the zombies near should get in aware state so the start to scan more and see better.
  24. St. Jimmy

    number of zombies

    I guess they need to do the mod thing and de/spawn zombies. Something like 2000 is very low because those are spread in the whole map, in the mod it only meant those places where there were any players. 10.000 is closer if you want to feel that the zombies even populate the map.
  25. St. Jimmy

    GPU / CPU - a myth?

    It's not a myth in the RV engine. I can believe though that in DayZ currently it really doesn't matter much. The thing is actually based only on the Shadow Quality setting, nothing else. Shadows on Very High makes your GPU work harder and anything lower than that, except naturally off, it makes the CPU work and you don't want that because it's already bottlenecked by the engine. So "Turn everything up to the max to increase performance" is a myth. It's only about the shadow quality and everything else can be turned up as much as your system can handle. Some of them like Object Quality is more about CPU power and things like PP effects are more about the GPU but they act like, the higher quality, the higher cost.